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Project 1.1.

6 Compound Machine Design

By: Catherine Muscato
Team Members Riley McBrearty, Christian Smith, Joseph Chieng
POE Block 3

Design Problem
In our design problem we were tasked to create a compound machine that
must lift a weight of approximately 6 inches of distance. Our learning
objectives are to understand how elements of design can affect the
mechanical advantage. Understand how simple machines can work together
to accomplish a task. Compare the efficiency of different simple machines in
a working situation. And experience the capabilities and limitations of the
VEX components for future projects. We are also left with certain criteria and
constraints that have been regulated. The applied effort force may only be
provided by a single human input. The final design must include a minimum
of three different types of mechanisms. Each required mechanism must have
a mechanical advantage greater than 1. And that our final design must have
a mechanical advantage greater than 1.

Brainstorm Idea

In my Brainstorm, the single human input is the string being pulled upward to
start the mechanism. As the string is pulled upward, the chain is circulated
allowing the 8 ounce weight to be pulled up a distance of 6 inches. The input
is used on the string being pulled, while the output isas the weight being
pulled upward. The simple machines used are the chain, wheel and axle, and

the pulley to be formed into a compound machine that is able to fulfill the

Final Brainstorm

In the final brainstorm, a single human input is used to move the 8 ounce
weight up a 6 inches distance. As the crank is turned, the chain is circulated
around the wheel and axle, which allows the string connected to the pulley to
be wined up on the spindle. This allows for the movable pulley to drag up the
weight and conclude the constraints. The input is from the crank being
rotated while the output is the weight being pulled upward. the simple
machines used are a wheel and axle, a lever, a chain, and a pulley.

Final Design
To pick our final design we decided to use the design matrix and pick a fair amount
of points for each design. We debated on the build time, durability, size, reusability,
and if the mechanical advantage was greater than 1. In the end we calculated the
amount of points and used who had the most. We ended up having a 2 way tie and
used acquaintances to decide which was a more fitting idea.

Build Time














Design Modifications
During the building of the project we had to make a few major modifications
to our compound machine. One of our biggest change was the size of the
crank. As our VEX Kit didn't have a crank, we had to create one to fit our
needs. We first created one smaller than the wheel and axle holding it, but
modified it to be bigger than the wheel. Our second major design
modification was the fixing of our weight balance. As we used one side of our
board for the full compound machine, we had to deal with a lot of major
wobbled axles. We ended up modifying this to the point where we would add
more weight to the other side of the axle, balancing it out. Our third design
modification was the tightening of the chain. As our chain kept slipping of off
our wheel and axles, we ended up taking brackets out to make it in a tight fit.

Final Design Presentation

In our official presentation, our machine worked very well. The added weight
on the other side of the axle helped with the wobbling axles and helped make
the chain move smoother. As the chain was cranked, the weight was pulled
smoothly up the sixth inches.

Wheel and Axle

IMA = De/Dr = 4.07in/2.043in = 1.99
AMA = Fr/Fe = 246g/75g = 3.28
Efficiency = AMA/IMA = 3.28/3.017 = 10.9%

IMA = 2 (number of strands (movable pulley)
AMA = Fr/Fe = 246g/170g = 1.45
Efficiency = AMA/IMA = 1.45/2 = 72.4%

Chain and Sprocket

MA = GR = Nout/Nin = 2.0271in/1.032in = 1.96

Spindle and Sprocket

Ma = Nout/Nin = 5.531in/1.830in = 2.56

Whole Machine
IMA = MA(pulley)*MA(wheel)*MA(chain)*MA(Sprocket) = 19.9700
AMA = Fr/Fe = 246g/75g = 3.28
Efficiency = AMA/IMA*100 = 3.28/19.97*100 = 16.470

In our group, Christian Smith did his share of the work. He worked on the
calculations of the IMAs and AMAs from each simple machine. He also
helped in the decision matrix in deciding which design was most effective.
Joseph Chieng also did his part and helped in the calculations. He also
volunteered in scanning the final presentation for everyone on the team.
Riley McBrearty Helped in the building of the compound machine. He found
ways in design malfunctions and fixing them. As for me, I think that I worked
well enough on the building of the machine and finding solutions to design
problems but I could have helped in the calculations.

The easiest machine to find the mechanical advantage was the pulley.It is the
easiest as to find the Ima all we needed was the number of strings. The most
difficult mechanism to find the mechanical advantage was the chain and
sprocket. It was the most difficult because we had to find the diameter and
the teeth.If I were able to change the simple machine compound would be to
add another pulley to make the mechanical advantage greater.

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