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Song Service.............Beverlyn Sealy

Superintendent.....................................Elder Cameron Munro
Special Music........................................................Alisha Sealy
Lesson Study........Josiah`s Reforms........Pastor Alex
Closing Remarks/Point SummaryElder Cameron Munro

Praise & Worship..Mixed Group
Hymn of Praise..........Praise Him, Praise Him............#249
Intercessory Prayer ....................... Valdemar Ferreira,
Ritchie Pandeleke, and Bob Reeve
Countries represented in our congregation, Southeastern
Next Week

Thanksgiving, Revival and Transformation in families ArkansasLouisiana Conference Sheldon Bailey

Childrens Story...........Marilyn Topper

Offering...Local Budget...................Edwin Onyango
Scripture...Luke 4:18-19............. Renata Starczewski
Immaculee Ruhinda, Samuel Golovenko
Special Music..Various

Pastor R. Orlando Pule

Breaking Walls, Building Bridges
Hymn of Consecration..How Great is Our God
Benediction...........Elder Clara Baptiste

Sunset Today: 4:57 p.m. Next Friday:4:53 p.m.

Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to

1. Pathfinders Club meeting tomorrow morning
10 am.
2. Inviting ALL to an Hour of Power, Bible
Studies and testimonies every Wednesday
night at 7:00 p.m.
3. Youth Bible Study Group for youth
ages 15 - 25+ continues every
Thursday 7 pm @ 785 Nadine Avenue
(Ferreiras home). All are invited; bring your friends to
grow in knowing Christ.
4. No Adventurer Club meeting TODAY. Next Adventurer
Club meeting December 19th at 4:00 p.m.
5. Early Teens Bible Study Group for
youth ages 11-14 will resume
Tuesday, November 24 at 7 pm (36
Kinnear Cres. London, Michelle
Taylor home). Teens are using
Amazing Facts curriculum Most Important Questions.
Free books are gifted to every participant. Parents are
welcome, as you give a ride, to come and fellowship.
6. The Nominating Committee to organize the
leadership and officers of our church had
been selected, consisting of following
church members: Bob Reeve, Clara
Baptiste, Don Topper, Joe Beckles, Michael Golovenko,
Beverlyn Sealy, Valdemar Ferreira. Pray for the
members of the Nominating Committee to be guided by
the Holy Spirit in this work. Meeting will take place on
Tuesday, November 24 @ 7 pm.
7. November 28, 6 pm we will
celebrate baptism of Connie Wilbee
during a vespers, joining together
with the Living Truth congregation.

8. November 28 ADRA Canada director is

speaking during worship hour in London
and will be presenting a report after
potluck. Please plan to stay for 2 pm
session with Frank Spangler.
9. The citrus program will run for three
months this season. The first shipment
should be ordered by November 29th.
Full payment will be required at pick-up.
10. Lords Supper will be celebrated
December 12. Prepare yourselves to take
the emblems of Christs Grace in a worthy
manner. Come with humility of hearts to
experience Christ in the midst, as the one
who serves, and calls us to serve.
11. Business Meeting is called for
December 12, 2015 at 6 pm to review the
membership of the church, and to address
matters of church discipline.

12. TONIGHT! At 6 pm we will celebrate
Cultural Diversity with Multicultural
Music and Food fair at the Glen Cairn
Elementary School at 53 Frontenac
Road, London.
13. North London SDA Church is inviting you to a Week
of Prayer November 22-29, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
nightly. The meeting will be facilitated by special
Guest Speaker. More Prayer More Power Please
come and bring a friend or your family.
14. If you are over 55, you are invited to join our Golden
Agers. We are planning a mall walk at Westmount
mall on Sunday, November 29 th, at 10 AM sharp at
the Sears inside upper level door. Please see Don
Topper, Adrien Intering or any member of the Senior's
Ministry for more information.
15. December 5 our church will be
closed as we will join the Living Truth
Seventh-day Adventist Congregation in
celebration of their official recognition. On that day the

Company status will be given to our church plant by the

sisterhood of churches in Ontario. The Sabbath School
and Worship Celebration will take place at 970 Oxford St.
West, London at the Oakridge Presbyterian Church.
16. A.C.E.S. is very excited to present
Christmas MUSICAL Dr.
Newshearts Christmas
Cure.Directed by Principal Patricia Ferreira and presented
by A.C.E.S. Students. Mark your calendars for December
5th, 2015 @5:30pm. @805 Shelborne St, London South
17. The Adventurer Club will be performing a Christmas
concert to the residents of Westmount Gardens Long term
Care at 590 Longworth Rd on Sabbath, December 12th at
2:30 PM. If you would like to participate, please contact
Lucy Simoes. Everyone is invited to attend.
18. A bus to Louisville, KY will be departing
from our church parking lot on December
30, 6 am carrying 55 youth to the
From London Virginia Polihronova, Jurgen Anzora,
Stepan, Michael, Danny & Sammy Golovenko are
attending. Students from Western University, and youth
from St Thomas, Sarnia, Kitchener, Hamilton and
surrounding areas will be accompanying them. The cost
for each delegate is $600 CND ($200 registration; $100
food; $200 lodging; $100 transportation). If you would
like to assist by sponsoring these youth, please make
a contribution by marking your envelope GYC.
Birthday Wishes for November
Nov 1 Raul Anzora Jr.
Nov 2 Justin Dowdell
Nov 3 Sandra Dicker
Nov 7 Connie Wilbee
Nov 9 Daniel Golovenko
Nov 10 Viengkham
Nov 12 Ethan Tirok

Nov 12 Arthur Druzcz

Nov 17 Ilidio Sampaio
Nov 22 F. Gordon Baptiste
Nov 22 Christopher Simoes
Nov 24 Kim Stajfer
Nov 26 Graciela Carcamo
Nov 28 Angelina

Nov 27 Amelie FerreiraLopez

Nov 27 Alla Druzcz
Nov 28 Erdene Beckles
Nov 28 Ndabezinhle Ncube
Nov 29 Annette Birabwa

Impacting Strategy for North American


. Last week I had written to you about 11 strategic goals from our
Division President, Dan Jackson, 10 of which are applicable to our local
situation in London, Ontario.
In brief: (1) total members involvement in ministry; (2) planting new
churches; (3) unity in cultural diversity; (4) engaging youth and young
adults; (5) latest technology; (6) reaching new immigrants; (7) prayer
centers; (8) women leaders; (9) health education; (10) church school.
The leadership of our church is also recognizing the need to improve
our organizational structure for mission and relevance to our
communities. Our current structure of Conferences and Unions was
designed in 1903, more than a century ago, and it added efficiency for
Three top priorities are selected by church leaders:
(1) developing brand strategy for Seventh-day Adventist Church in North
America in order to form a clearer positive sense of our identity,
empowering members to mingle with the secular community including
opening our churches more hours to be available to local communities;
(2) strengthening our educational system,
(3) a reorganization of the current structure for furthering the mission
of the church specifying ways that administration and ministries of the
Church can streamline operations and eliminate duplications where
unnecessary at every level, and also finding at least three scenarios for
the redistribution of financial support from members for furthering the
ission of the Church.
There are committees that are researching these topics and YOU can
contribute to this important discussion by sharing your thoughts!
On this website you can contribute your opinion, you could share deas
and make suggestions on how to improve the church in these areas. You
could read what other people had recommended. Your voice matters!
Members of various committees are reading all submissions. Who
knows, it maybe your idea that would play an important role in progress of
the Three Angels Message and the work of our church. What happened
in our division may impact the whole world.
As you visit you can Share Your
Thoughts by filling the form on line. Get involved in your church
governance, and take an active participation in shaping the future of our
your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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