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Walk the walk,


Talk the Torque


Can we reliably quantify implant stability?


Learning outcomes

One of the current hot topics in implant dentistry


1 Understand the relevance of both insertion torque

is the relevance of implant insertion torque to the

and ISQ as predictors of implant success and failure.

success or failure of implants. This has become

2 Use newer technology to decide on a loading

especially relevant as the early, or even immediate,


protocol for implants in different situations.

loading of implants has become a more desirable


3 Describe objective and subjective methods for measuring

goal of both clinicians and their patients.

implant stability, and the clinical relevance of these.

In this lecture, insertion torque and implant stability

will be discussed in relation to their strengths and
weaknesses as predictors of implant risk, and

Your Speaker

whether clinicians should be looking at other

Dr Stephen Jacobs BDS MJDF RCS (Eng) qualified from

ways of measuring this risk in order to achieve

more predictable treatment outcomes.

Birmingham University in 1985 and went into general

Venue: Edinburgh

dental practice. He started in implant dentistry in 1992

Time: 18:30 for 19:00 start

and since then has placed/restored several thousand

in partnership with

implants and has carried out over 1000 sinus grafts.

His training was carried out in the UK, USA and Europe
and he now lectures extensively on all aspects of

Cost: FREE
Speaker: Dr Stephen Jacobs
Refreshments: Yes

dental implantology throughout the United States, Asia,

Continental Europe and the UK.



Call 029 2044 2818




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Edinburgh Course Booking Form


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Sue Clements, Henry Schein Dental, 3-7 Columbus Walk, Brigantine Place, Cardiff CF10 4SD
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x Dentists

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Terms and Conditions:

Fees include attendance at the session and refreshments. All prices include VAT. The fee is payable by cheque or on account. Cancellations must be
received in writing to Sue Clements 14 days prior to the session for a refund to be made. After this date we regret to say that no refunds can be
given. Henry Schein Dental reserves the right to change the session/trainer in cases of illness or other conditions beyond its control. Substitutions are
always welcome. Dates and venues could also be subject to change and you may be contacted by a third party to confirm your booking details.
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