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Plane Wave Reflection/Transmission at a Dielectric Interface (Normal Incidence) When a plane wave propagating in a homogenous medium encounters an interface with a different medium, a portion of the wave is reflected from the interface while the remainder of the wave is transmitted. The reflected and transmitted waves can be determined by enforcing the electromagnetic field boundary conditions at the media interface. Given a z-directed, x-polarized uniform plane wave incident on a planar media interface located on the x-y plane, the phasor fields associated with the incident, reflected and transmitted fields may be written as Incident ( E’=E,e “8 wave fields Transmitted wave _ 5 field Reflected ( £"=T'B,e"% a wave E ar pp Ho nee nee H=-T-*eny I’- Reflection coefficient nh Ae . t- Transmission coefficient Ax Medium 1-[2<0] \ Medium 2 [z > 0] (Hi, €1s 91) (Ha, €35,02) Incident \ wave , fyi E' , H Transmitted i wave Reflected Ht wave a © ye Enforcement of the boundary conditions (continuous tangential electric field and continuous tangential magnetic field) yields Bt at z=0 > 1+Te=t Ar-H at z-0 + LPLE "m Solving these two equations for the reflection and transmission coefficients gives * T= mom (reflection coefficient) mtn 2n, mt (transmission coefficient) The total fields in the two media are B,-B' +B -E [eM +re™| ( total felts | - - «, Ey . . in region 1 4 oat or Ele rerly 1 = _ pte “nt ByoB-Ete % total fields ee in region 2 A, =A’ =—2te ™ Special cases = = = total transmission m= Me ae a ( no reflection } total reflection n= ew ae ea inversion of 4] =0 =O total reflection _ ™* tT with inversion of & Special Case #1 (perfect dielectric/perfect conductor) region 1 - lossless dielectric |o,=0, n,= > %=0, ¥=/B; region 2. = perfect conductor [a=", 1,70, 0..=B,> ~| ( total reflection m= 0 soen cae with inversion of E E,-E, [et +Te™"|¥=E,]e 7 - e!* | 2 = -278, sinB, ze =F, a Sin By E,t , pa Ee = le TB ely |p ==? cosp,2¥ 1 "1 If we let E, = |E,|e" and -j = e-%, the instantaneous fields in the dielectric are E,=Re[E, e/|=Re|2e¥"?|E,|e/*sinB,z e/*"#] =2|E,|sinB,z cos(wr+6 -n/2)% =2|E,| sinB,z sin(or+)* 2E, 2IFol eiecosp,zel'y H, =Re| fi, e!'|=Re 1 2\E,| : = cosB,zcos(ot+) ¥ 1 Note that the position dependence of the instantaneous electric and magnetic fields is not a function of time (standing wave). Assuming for simplicity that = 0° (the phase of the incident electric jeld is 0° at the media interface), the instantaneous electric field in the dielectric is E,=2|E,|sinB,zsinore EQ) perfect Perfect insulator 37/4 A conductor (e=0) = 57/8, 7718 (o-=) t= 5728, 24, The locations of the minimums (nulls) and maximums (peaks) in the standing wave electric field pattern are found by |E,| nin =9 Occurs when sinB,z=0 = B\Cz)=nn amon n=0,1,2,... B, (2n)/A, 2 |E\|mae=2/E,| occurs when sinB,z=1 0 = ByCz)= nv F 2 DE any nao, 2Qn/h,) 4 Special Case #2 (two perfect dielectrics) region 1 = lossless dielectric | 0,=0, n,= region 2 = lossless dielectric 0,=0, n= - a,=0, vit| 2 - 2 if n,>n, p-™™ ( 1; (is positive), then the maximum and minimum 7 magnitudes of the function above Crank Diagram are il +Peht fax FIP] when 28,(-z)=n(2m) n=0,1,2,.. Lan nt dy AMAR sy B, (nya, 2 1-|P| when 2B,(-z)=(2n+1)n — n=0,1,2,... il tae 7--Qntl)m __ QOn+l)n =-Qn+1) 2B, 2(2n)/A, 4 Ey |max=|#ol (1+ P|) [E,lnin= ol C1 ~ IPL) min Perfect dielectric |E\@) — Perfect dielectric (0=0) (o=0) |E,\C40), ar -312 “a -22, 0 If, > N, (Fis negative), the positions of the maximums and minimums are reversed, but the equations for the maximum and minimum electric field magnitudes in terms of |I’| are the same. The standing wave ratio (s) in a region where standing waves exist is defined as the ratio of the maximum electric field magnitude to the minimum electric field magnitude. \Ei\mox _ 1+ [P| (Blan II ot se min The standing wave ratio (purely real) ranges from a minimum value of 1 (no reflection, |I'| =0) to © (total reflection, |I"|=1). The standing wave ratio is sometimes defined is dB as s(dB) = 20log, 9s Example (Plane wave reflection/transmission) A uniform plane wave in air is normally incident on an infinite lossless dielectric material having €=3¢, and =p. If the incident wave is E'=10cos (wt-z) ¥V/m, find (a.) w and A of the waves in both regions, (b.) H' (c.) and and (d.) The total electric field and time-average power in both regions. A Region 1 [z <0] (Air) 2 Medium 2 [z > 0] (Dielectric) (Hi=Ho»€1=€o,51=0) Ho €2=3€ 5930) oo %=0,B,=0/H,¢,=2 @,70,B,-0/3H,€,-V3 2 - Ba . BES: Y= JB). =.) = ¥2=J By N2= SSS er | 3€, v3 mac S ' E Incident oS ‘wave H x z (2) Biz10cos(wt-z)f > ~—«E'=10e f= E,e ™*p 28 © © Vadim um oe 1 1,228 =2n=6.28m 1 B, © =P,u, =B,u,~3* 108 rad/s (47.8MHz) E, me eee gy=- 10 7 377 2 Hi = Re{-0.0266 e¥e/*" x} = -0.0266cos(wt-z) (A/m) - 0.0266 e77 & (b.) Ht (c) se ay, r-B. Be ~0.268 mM MN Je ey, v3 t=1+P =0.732 (d) E,-E,[e"+re*"p 7. =[10e %*-2.68e|9 = 7320 V9 E,=Re {(10¢ % -2.68e")e/" p} =[10c0s(wr-z) - 2.68cos(wt+z)]9 V/m E,=Re{732e ea, } =[7.32cos(wt-V3z)] ¥ V/m The time average power density in region 1 is due to the +z-directed incident wave and the ~z-directed reflected wave. The time-average power density in region 2 is due to the +z-directed transmitted wave. pee EE, ave 2) 1 On 2n, _ oy - (2.68) , 2(377) =13¢ BW m? Bt 2 2 Pg El g- 222g 2m, 2(377/V3) = 123¢ BW m2

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