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Ian Pugh, Theo Symonds, Francis Knaggs, Isabella

Frey, Gabby Vah

Theo: Hello and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to hear our
presentation. We would first like to start by introducing ourselves
Ian: My name is Ian Pugh
Francis: My name is Francis Knaggs
Isabella: My name is Isabella
Gabby: Im Gabby
Theo: My name is Theo Symonds, and we are from the Academy of Global studies at Austin
High school
[explanation of AGS with presentation in the background as reference]
Ian: We have been tasked to research an international topic and to memorialize a significant
person or idea that has played a major impact on said topic
Francis: We have selected american education abroad, as we feel it is not only a universally
important issue but is relevant to us as students
Gabby: We hope to outline the importance of American educators abroad and to raise
awareness of the work that they are doing
Theo: These are people that take numerous years out of their lives to make an impact in an
impoverished community by providing and education to a group of students who may not
have access to it otherwise
Francis: The International educator {1} is an example of a private non-profit that assists in
the connection of teachers with foreign schools. They work in over 136 nations worldwide
and help provide an education to thousands of students
Ian: As you can see in the document we are handing out published by the department of
state, American Educators are teaching in over 136 countries.
[At this point in the
presentation, we shall get on a personal conversation with our audience, and have a deep
discussion about the facts on the published report from the Department of State]

Shift in Presentation: Discuss impact of American Educators

Gabby: Its very important to consider what influence our American Educators have on the
Isabella: One office in the Federal Government that helps educators connect to the world is
the Office of Overseas Schools {2}, which trains and integrates American Teachers into the
global community, to teach.
Theo: Now heres the impact: American educators teach foreign nations. They represent our
country, and teach foreign students. This shows how our American Educators are influencing
the world, and should therefore be recognized for their service.
Shift in Presentation: Proposal of Recognition
Frances: Its imperative that American Educators abroad be recognized.
Ian: We know that this is important, therefore, have designed a monument with the caliber to
memorialize such an important contribution to the world.
Have a inter-personal discussion about our library memorial and what it represents.
In Unison: Are there any further questions? We are elated to hear any.
Have question/answer period.
In Unison: We would like to extend our sincere gratitude for allowing us to present to your
fine institution. Have a great day.

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