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USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document

Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards
1st Quarter
Standards and Learning Targets

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Identifier Code

Insert Standard
Insert Learning Targets relating to standard above and link to Blooms and 21st Century Skills, as possible
Insert Standard
Insert Learning Targets relating to standard above and link to Blooms and 21st Century Skills, as possible

*To insert the next row: Put curser on last row and right click; click on Insert; Insert Rows Below.
*To shade: Highlight row; right click on row to be shaded (or unshaded); click on Borders and Shading, style 10% or clear; then OK.


Essential and/or Compelling Questions:

Activity Options/Strategies/Multiple Intelligences/21st Century Skills/Other Specific Skills:

1 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards


Assessments/Specific Rubrics:

Teacher notes:

2 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards
Check if

2nd Quarter
Standards/Learning Targets

Identifier Code

*To insert the next row: Put curser on last row and right click; click on Insert; Insert Rows Below.
*To shade: Highlight row; right click on row to be shaded (or unshaded); click on Borders and Shading, style 10% or clear; then OK.

Essential and/or Compelling Questions:

Activity Options/Strategies/Multiple Intelligences/21st Century Skills/Other Specific Skills:

3 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards

Assessments/Specific Rubrics:

Teacher notes:

4 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards
Check if

3rd Quarter
Standards/Learning Targets

Identifier Code

*To insert the next row: Put curser on last row and right click; click on Insert; Insert Rows Below.
*To shade: Highlight row; right click on row to be shaded (or unshaded); click on Borders and Shading, style 10% or clear; then OK.


Essential and/or Compelling Questions:

Activity Options/Strategies/Multiple Intelligences/21st Century Skills/Other Specific Skills:

5 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards

Assessments/Specific Rubrics:

Teacher notes:

6 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards
Check if

4th Quarter
Standards/Learning Targets

Identifier Code

*To insert the next row: Put curser on last row and right click; click on Insert; Insert Rows Below.
*To shade: Highlight row; right click on row to be shaded (or unshaded); click on Borders and Shading, style 10% or clear; then OK.

Essential and/or Compelling Questions:

Activity Options/Strategies/Multiple Intelligences/21st Century Skills/Other Specific Skills:

7 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards

Assessments/Specific Rubrics:

Teacher notes:

8 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards
Check if

Standards/Learning Targets Reinforced Throughout the Year

Identifier Code

*To insert the next row: Highlight last row and right click; click on Insert; Insert Rows Below.
*To shade: Highlight row; right click on the row to be shaded (or unshaded); click on Borders and Shading, style 10%; then OK.

9 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards
21st Century Learner Skills
1. Creativity and Innovation (1a-d)

demonstrates originality and inventiveness in work;

develops, implements, and communicates new ideas to others;
is open and responsive to new and diverse perspectives; and
acts on creative ideas to make a tangible and useful contribution to the domain in which the innovation occurs.

2. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (2a-f)


exercises sound reasoning in understanding;

makes complex choices and decisions;
understands the interconnections among systems;
identifies and asks significant questions that clarify various points of view and lead to better solutions;
frames, analyzes, and synthesizes information in order to solve problems and answer questions; and
reflects critically on learning experiences and processes (metacognition).

3. Communicating and Collaborating (3a-d)


understands, manages, and creates effective oral, written, and multimedia communication in a variety of forms and contexts and for a variety of
demonstrates ability to work and communicate effectively with diverse teams;
exercises flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making necessary compromises to accomplish a common goal; and
assumes shared responsibility for collaborative work.

4. Information, Communication, Technology (ICT), and Media Literacy (4a-f)


accesses information efficiently and effectively, evaluates information critically and competently, and uses information accurately and creatively for the
issue or problem at hand;
understands how media messages are constructed, for what purposes and using which tools, characteristics, and conventions;
examines how individuals interpret messages differently, how values and points of view are included or excluded, and how media can influence beliefs
and behaviors;
uses digital technology, communication tools, and/or networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in order to
function in a knowledge economy;
uses technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and communicate information; and
possesses of a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information.

10 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

USD 247 Southeast Cherokee

Grade Level/Subject Curriculum Document
Linked to Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards
5. Flexibility and Adaptability (5a-c)

adapts to varied roles, responsibilities, schedules, and environments;

works effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities; and
seeks and embraces opportunities created by change.

6. Initiative and Self-Direction (6a-e)


monitors his or her own understanding and learning needs;

goes beyond basic mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand his or her own learning and opportunities to gain expertise;
utilizes time efficiently and manages workload;
initiates, prioritizes, and completes tasks with minimal oversight; and
demonstrates initiative to advance skill levels towards a professional level and a commitment to learning as a lifelong process.

7. Social and Cross-Cultural Skills (7a-c)


works appropriately and productively with others;

leverages the collective intelligence of groups when appropriate; and
bridges cultural differences and uses differing perspectives to increase innovation and the quality of work.

8. Productivity and Accountability (8a-c)


demonstrates diligence and a positive work ethic (e.g., being punctual and reliable);
self-monitors the process of developing quality work; and
sets and meets high standards and goals for delivering quality work on time.

9. Leadership and Responsibility (9a-d)


demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior;

acts responsibly with the interests of the larger community in mind (civic awareness and responsibility);
uses interpersonal and problem-solving skills to influence and guide others toward a goal; and
leverages strengths of others to accomplish a common goal.

10. Employability and Career Development (10a-c)


embraces the importance of employability skills;

effectively explores, plans, and manages career choices and goals; and
recognizes and acts upon requirement for career advancement by planning continuing education, training, and/or professional development.

11 November, 2015
Curriculum Maps linked to the Kansas College and Career Readiness Standards are used as a guide to pace instruction not as an absolute schedule. The
numeral in parenthesis at the end of each standard indicates the Blooms Taxonomy Level.

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