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House Bill H0054

2015 Freedom Index Score: (-1)

Analyst: Parrish Miller
Date of analysis: January 30, 2015

ANALYST'S NOTE: Under current law, owners of vehicles powered by gaseous fuels are allowed to pay a
flat annual fee in lieu of paying the fuel tax at the rate of 25 cents for an amount of gaseous fuels having
energy equal to one gallon of gasoline. House Bill 054 would eliminate this option and in so doing cost
those who use it $375,000 annually.

Point No. 5 Does it directly or indirectly create or increase any taxes, fees, or other assessments?
Conversely, does it eliminate or reduce any taxes, fees, or other assessments?
ANALYSIS: House Bill 054 removes from Idaho code an alternative taxing option for owners of
vehicles powered by gaseous fuels. This change will result in a $375,000 increase in government
revenue funded through a de-facto tax increase on impacted persons. (-1)

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