Iff Analysis h0087 2015 PDF

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House Bill H0087

2015 Freedom Index Score: (-1)

Analyst: Parrish Miller
Date of analysis: February 8, 2015

ANALYST'S NOTE: House Bill 087 will allow certain motor vehicle rental companies to obtain special
lifetime registration cards and rental car stickers for the license plates. It does not fundamentally change
the process of registration renewal.
What is most problematic about House Bill 087 is that it defines a "rental fleet" as "more than twentyfive (25) motor vehicles that are owned by a rental company; offered for rental without a hired driver
through a rental agreement; and designated by the registered owner of the motor vehicle as a rental
fleet vehicle at the time of registration." By limiting this change to only those rental companies that
have "more than twenty-five" rental vehicles in their fleet, the law is being discriminatory and
prejudicial against small businesses. In many of Idaho's small towns, maintaining a rental fleet of more
than twenty-five vehicles would be illogical, yet that threshold will now be relevant to obtaining special
perks under Idaho law if House Bill 087 passes.

Point No. 4 Does it increase barriers to entry into the market? Examples include occupational
licensure, the minimum wage, and restrictions on home businesses. Conversely, does it remove barriers
to entry into the market?
ANALYSIS: House Bill 087 creates Section 49-402E, Idaho Code, which allows that vehicle rental
companies with "more than twenty-five" rental vehicles in their fleet "may obtain an alternative
special registration card and rental car stickers for the license plates if the motor vehicle is
owned by a rental company and maintained in the rental company's rental fleet." (-1)

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