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House Bill H0122

2015 Freedom Index Score: (-1)

Analyst: Parrish Miller
Date of analysis: February 14, 2015

ANALYST'S NOTE: House Bill 122 is virtually identical to House Bill 74. The only difference is that the
date the plan must be "reviewed and updated annually" is changed from August 1st (in House Bill 74) to
October 1st (in House Bill 122.)
Current law stipulates that "of the moneys appropriated in the public schools educational support
program, up to two thousand dollars ($2,000) shall be distributed to each school district and public
charter school to be expended for training purposes for district superintendents and boards of trustees,
public charter school administrators and boards of directors."
House Bill 122 redefines a school district's "strategic plan" as a "continuous improvement plan," requires
the districts to "include a report of progress toward the previous year's improvement goal," and more
than triples the amount of funding which is dispersed from the public schools educational support

Point No. 7 Does it increase government spending (for objectionable purposes) or debt? Conversely,
does it decrease government spending or debt?
ANALYSIS: House Bill 122 increase the amount of money that "shall be distributed to each
school district and public charter school to be expended for training purposes for district
superintendents and boards of trustees, public charter school administrators and boards of
directors" from $2,000 to $6,600. The total fiscal impact of this change is estimated to be in
excess of three quarters of a million dollars. (-1)

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