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By Evan Klaassen

Darkness is a theme returned to by many authors, story writers and directors.

None can quite accurately describe the complexity of darkness. Orson Scott Card and
Eliezer Wiesel portray this theme in their books Enders Game and Night. Comparing
these two books, along with the bible, helps us understand who, what, where, when,
and why darkness affects us.
An action that scars causes darkness
In Orsons book, the main character Ender, is repeatedly teased and tormented
by his peers and older brother because they feel the need to degrade him. They want

Ender to feel like he is not good enough, insecure and that he cant accomplish
anything; they want him to feel dark on the inside. They do this because they fear that
Ender is, or will become, better than them. In Elies book he depicts how the S.S. and
the prison guards treat the Jews. They are weakening, degrading and scaring the Jews
into submission; for fear that they will fight back.
It may have different forms but the dark always looks the same
Darkness can come from anywhere
One of the greatest darknesses in our lives comes from within. Ender battled
darkness outside but also darkness inside. Ender was loving like his older sister but he
was also violent like his older brother. He admired his sister but detested his brother
because he didnt want to believe that he could be as merciless as him. The main
antagonists in Enders Game is Enders own anger and fear of becoming a killer.
Elies struggle was not with the guards or the fires of Auschwitz but was with his
ability to keep going, to keep moving, to keep fighting to live out the war. Elie would
sometimes slip into ways of thinking how he could leave his father, to be rid of him so
that he would only have more energy to look after himself, but he would quickly
rebuke himself for thinking in such ways. Elies wish was that he would not succumb
to his dark thoughts, that he would stay with his father to the very end.
That isnt filled with light
From light comes forth light
There is light in every story. The light in Elies story was his father. At first
Elies father would try and shield Elie from the darkness around them; when he could
see that Elie was feeling hatred and anger he would reassure and calm him down. The
best of us are quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. Enders sister,
Valentine, is the light in Enders Game. Although they are not together for almost the
entire story she still brings light into what happens. Everything that Ender does he

does for his sister, so that she will live, so that she can be happy. Without someone or
something to be a light in your life, you will be overcome.
From darkness comes forth darkness
The evil one is where darkness comes forth
1 John 3:12 Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his
brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his
brothers were righteous. There was darkness before the world but for people darkness
originates from the first sin. People are not evil, people do evil things. In Enders
Game: Bonzo, Graff, Peter; these were the ones that did evil things; from Night: the
S.S., the prison guards and the other prisoners. Some of these people may not have
realized what they were doing was wrong. In our lives before we act we must see if
what we are doing is right to keep ourselves from evil things.
Light is what rids us of darkness
In both books there is darkness that creates conflict; and in both books there is
light to overcome it. Reading, understanding and comparing these books helps us to
know how to fill our lives with light and prevent the effects of darkness. Everyone has
sinned and has fallen short of the glory of God and everyone can be brought into
righteousness and paradice through Jesus. Seek to live like Jesus in all that you do and
seek out Jesus for all of your days then, amongst the dark, your life can still be filled
with great joy.

Enders Game. Orson Scott Card, 1985. Novel

Night. Eliezer Wiesel, 1960. Novel
The Holy Bible, 1 John 3:12. Many Books
The Purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2010. Web. 15/06/15.

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