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By Evan
Reptiles are have either 4 limbs or are descendants of four-limbed ancestors (snakes). Reptiles
dont have an aquatic larva stage. Most reptiles lay eggs but there are some that give birth to live
young; reptile eggs are surrounded by membranes for protection and transport, which adapt them
to reproduction on dry land. Reptiles can range from gecko size 16mm to saltwater crocodiles

Turtles are reptiles of the order Chelonia characterised by a special bony or cartilaginous
shell developed from their ribs that acts as a shield. Turtles are ectotherms or cold blooded
meaning that their internal temperature depends on the environment around them. Turtles are
amniotes (the mother retains the fertilized egg) and they lay their eggs on dry land. Turtles
although can spend vast amounts of time underwater they do breath air.
It has been reported that wood turtles are better than white rats at learning to navigate
mazes. They do however have a very low encephalization quotient (relative brain to body mass),
their hard shell enable them to live without fast reflexes and elaborate predator avoidance
strategies. In the laboratory, turtles (Pseudemys nelsoni) can learn novel operant tasks and have
demonstrated a long-term memory of at least 7.5 months.
Mother turtles, when fertilized, go to shore and dig a nest in sand or mud to hold,
incubate and keep their eggs safe. When The eggs hatch the baby turtles scramble to the sea
hoping beyond hope that they will make it without being eaten. For up to a decade Turtles will
spend their days in the open ocean learning and growing until they are about the size of a plate; it
is hard to monitor and track them during this time so these years are called the lost years. After
Turtles will stay in coastal waters and will continue to feed and mature. Ten to fifty years after
hatching (depending on the species), adult sea turtles reach sexual maturity and are able to mate.
Once they reach sexual maturity they will migrate to beaches around the world to nest. Only
females will come ashore to lay eggs, generally in the area where they were born. Most species
will nest several times during a nesting season every 2-4 years over the course of their lifetime.
A turtle's diet varies greatly depending on the environment in which it lives. Adult turtles
typically eat aquatic plants; invertebrates such as insects, snails and worms; and have been
reported to occasionally eat dead marine animals. Several small freshwater species are
carnivorous, eating small fish and a wide range of aquatic life. However, protein is essential to
turtle growth and juvenile turtles are purely carnivorous. Turtles are primary and/or secondary
consumers in the circle of life. Mainly the only animals that eat turtles once they are grown are
aquatic tertiary consumers; some large cats can eat them as well and almost any secondary
consumer and up can eat the turtle eggs and baby turtles mainly scavenging animals.

The Squamata reptiles are the scaled reptiles including all lizards and snakes. Squamata
are distinguished by their skins, which bear horny scales or shields. Squamata sizes can range
from 16mm long dwarf gecko to up to 5.5m long green anaconda. Squamata also possess
movable quadrate bones, making it possible to move the upper jaw relative to the neurocranium.
Tuatara the living dinosaurs.
When it comes to reproduction for the Squamata it often depends on their location and
the specific species. For example some of them lay eggs and others give birth to live young
because the eggs develop inside the mother. Even with such differences though there are some
common elements found in their mating process to take a look at. Squamata can be ready to mate
when they are a year old for most of the small and medium species. For the larger ones it may be
two or three years of age. There are a few species of Squamata that take part in asexual
reproduction like the Komodo Dragon.
Juvenile lizards grow into adults without undergoing a metamorphosis that is seen in
amphibian species. The parents do not care for the young reptiles. Adults mate and lay eggs and
the cycle begins again. The time that it takes for each stage of the life cycle and the total life span
of Squamata varies by species.
Lizards can eat vegetables and most can eat insects and few can eat other lizards and
rodents Small insects such as baby crickets, gnats and fruit flies. Anything half the size of its
head could be eaten without much effort. All snakes eat animals, that is, they're zoophagous.
There are no vegetarian snakes. Snakes are carnivorous reptiles. Large snakes eat large animals.
Small ones eat small ones. The smallest snakes eat insects and other invertebrates. The
fundamental role that reptiles play in the ecosystem is a simple one. As one part of the greater
food chain, they prevent overpopulation and provide food for hungry predators, especially when
they are young.

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