WK of 11-16

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School Phone

Week of:

November 16, 2015

E-mail Address:


Homework for the Week:


Word Sort
Math WS
Due Friday
Read 10-15 min.


Math WS
Read 10-15 min.


Blind Sort
Math WS
Read 10-15 min.


Writing Sort
Math WS
Read 10-15 min.

Breaking News!

Thank you to Mrs. Herman, Mrs. Fragassi and Mrs. Ramaker for our Art Awareness presentation. Pictures posted.
in any donations (any monetary amount) on Monday for this fundraiser. The classrooms are
Bucks for Books-Please send
competing for the largest donation amount.

Marriot field trip is Friday, December 4. We will be back for lunch.
No sort or homework next week! Please continue
to read with your child every day.

No School November 25-27-Have a great Thanksgiving

Language Arts:

We read a realistic fiction story called Dans Pet and practiced story elements.

Writers Workshop-We completed an opinion book called I LikeBecause. We worked very hard to convince others to like
the same things we do.

Grammar-We learned about verbs

When reading at home, practice story elements with your child when they finish a fiction book (characters, setting, problem,

We continued to practice story problems and learned that the unknown can come in different places in problems.

We took our Unit assessment

Help your child by reminding them that the total comes last in an addition problem and first in a subtraction problem.

Students are welcome to use Xtra math at home to take a 5 minute math fact test everyday. We use it in school throughout
the week too.
Social Studies/Science

We learned about school of long ago

We learned about hornbooks, wood burning stoves, outhouses(no one liked that!) and one room school houses.

We used Pic Kids to take pictures of nouns around the room and make a collage.

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