Hubweek Recap

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HUBweek 2015

Post-Event Recap

HUBweek by the Numbers

76,000 unique visitors to
Over $50,000 in prize money, legal & other services awarded
46,000 attendees over 8 days
Over 20,000 ILLUMINUS attendees
Over 600 speakers and artists
More than 300 ideas and companies showcased
106 events exploring 5 macro topics
Network of over 70 collaborating organizations
4 founding partners
1 community

*Over 4-month period!

Anecdotes from HUBweek Attendees & Collaborators

We were able to connect with people in Boston that
we usually dont get a chance to meet. C Space

HUBweek provided the impetus for us

to develop what could turn into a
signature annual event for us; gave us
a communications platform to reach a
wide audience we had tremendous
diversity in attendance.
Commonwealth Kitchen

Loved the different activities and how innovative

and creative everything was. Also it was so
organized and well-executed. Am glad HUBweek
exists! HUBweek attendee

It totally EXCEEDED my expectations in terms of

speakers, topics, number of events, number of
free to the public events and just overall the
quality was high. HUBweek attendee

When we reached out to businesses about

participating in our eventsomething that was
brand new (no track record to reference)it was
quite helpful to have the HUBweek umbrella
context. MA STEM Connect

The opportunity for my 13-year old son to

speak to MIT students active in droning
and robotics was spectacular. He was
inspired by them, the space they work in
and by the labs and materials they have
access to...It was truly thrilling.
HUBweek attendee

The sheer number of people we had in the space and

the opportunity to invite really awesome companies
to showcase their work.

HUBweek Daily Recaps


6,400 attendees
5 events
1 massive ethical discussion

At HUBweek forum, ideas

collide on machines, morality

-The Boston Globe


Strong showing at Lets Talk About Food, despite the rain

ILLUMINUS kickoff party at the House of Blues

1,000 attendees in Faneuil Hall for Fenway Forum, 300 in overflow space

400 Bostonians & visitors relaxed at De-Stress Boston

Women in Medicine series kicked off with Where the Brain & Law Intersect

3,700 attendees
10 events
A day of problem-solving

Problem-solving emerges as a
theme on HUBweeks third day
-The Boston Globe

Started strong with a full house for the Opioid session at MGH
Tremendously successful kickoff to Solve: Not everything that is announced works but
not everything that is announced fails.
Congresswoman Katherine Clark offered opening remarks at the MA STEM event
Sun came out in Copley Square just in time for the New Balance Pilates in the Park
1600+ people filled six floors of at WeWork near South Station for the Celebrate
Boston party. Impressive crowd: diverse, talented and excited to be there.

2,500 attendees
12 events
Meaningful connections forged

Need help making it in Boston?

Try some free advice on

-Shirley Leung, The Boston Globe

UberMENTOR was a huge hit & surpassed their signup goal by 600%. Press avail kicked
things off, highlighted by Antonio Rodriguez answering questions from Univision in
Spanish. Tons of positive feedback on social media.
Made in Boston storytelling event at Faneuil Hall was tremendous. 450 attendees, 7
very different stories.
Non-profit SunSaluter won the grand prize of $10,000 at MIT CoLab Crowds & Climate
43 individuals showcased 14 businesses at Greentown Labs Innovation Village Stroll
30 of the highest impact hardware startups showcased at MassChallenge

3,000 attendees
12 events
HUBweek officially proclaimed by Governor

Ido hereby proclaim October 3rd

to the 10th, 2015, to be, HUBweek
-Governor Baker

Governor Baker keynoted the Beyond Technology event at MGH. He issued a proclamation to make
HUBweek official.
President Faust headlined the U.S. Conference of Mayors Town Hall meeting at Roxbury Community
College.Her remarks focused on the role of education in economic growth, as well as the role of colleges
and universities. About 200+ attendees in the crowd, including a large number of students.
The GlobeDocs Film Festival opened with a sold-out screening of Most Likely To Succeed in Coolidge
Corner, followed up a panel discussion featuring MA Secretary of Education Jim Peyser
Harvard University's Center for the Environment filled Sanders Theatre for a discussion of how ready (or
not) the region is for the impacts of Climate Change.
The morning started with a standing-room-only full house for Still Alzheimers at MGH, with a diverse
audience of clinicians, patients, affected family members and researchers taking part in a powerful event.

5,200 attendees
36 events
A look Inside Kendall Square

Kendall Square opens its doors

to the public for HUBweek
-The Boston Globe

The Digital Health Fair, organized by MGHs Healthcare Transformation Lab, saw several
hundred people pass through over two hours. It had good energy from start to finish.
The Women in Tech Story Jam was powerful and one of the highlights of the week. 6 tech
leaders telling personal stories and engaging an audience of more than 200 who hung around
for 45 minutes after the event.
The Bee exhibit and Bank of America photo booth drew in a lot of passerbys and was a great
front door to the day.
The closeout at CafeArtScience was the perfect finish, with a killer band and balloon jellyfish
Sony CEO Michael Lynton spoke candidly at Harvard about the Sony hack and lessons learned
from the front lines of the digital privacy wars

3,200 attendees
18 events
Crowned winners of two start-up competitions

Babson Startup PICCPerfect Wins

This Year's Beantown Throwdown

Our Convention at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute drew more than 300 talented young professionals for
more than 6 hours of workshops, all to build a common agenda for civic problem solving.
WorkBeat drew a couple of hundred people over the course of the afternoon for General Assembly classes,
architectural roundtables and free burritos. This pop-up community achieved a HUBweek goal of unexpected
experiences in familiar places and drew a lot of first-time HUBweek attendees into the fold.
The Beantown Throwdown filled the hall for the final judging. The winners came from Babson, second place
went to a team from Wentworth and third place went to students from Northeastern.
Agora, a MassChallenge company who was a part of both the US Mayors Town Hall and todays Our
Convention took home the prize at the #Tech4Democracy Showcase & Challenge.
Fox25 ran a piece on the sports concussion session, which had 175 people there and few empty seats. Very
lively and people stayed till after 5:30. Fox25 host Mark Ockerbloom led the discussion and was great.

22,000 attendees
7 events
Drones and an artistic takeover of the Hub

Drone racing captivates fans at

Harvards Making Robotics Fly
-Beta Boston

Making Robotics Fly: Free and open to the public, the first part featured demonstrations of different
robotics tech, from different schools/companies and was oversubscribed 3x. After the demo, a symposium
that featured industry experts, regulators, manufacturers, investors, software engineers, the companies
using them, etc. A masterful session led by Mitch Weiss that unified the industry, addressed upcoming
challenges, and shaped the thinking around what the future will be.
Over 300 attendees made it to Dorchester for Innovating the Commonwealths Food Economy, where they
learned about local food startups, pickled their own food and enjoyed a community BBQ
Converse held their all-day JamAthon/HackAthon at their HQ
Fastball / Closing of the Film Festival / VIP reception: The movie was a hit, it was a beautiful night in Fenway
ILLUMINUS. The Pru featuredARTHUB, which trended throughout the night. Tally from the counters was
over 20,000, with people wandering through over the course of 6 hours.It was very clean, very family
friendly, with lots of young people early in the night. The crowd shifted as the night progressed, and the
concert at the HoB got out. Intelligent and inspiring work on display, showcasing art and technology.

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