Cultgeo Reflect 4

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Final Reflection

The general education learning outcome is to use research and technical skills
effectively and ethically to achieve an objective. Specifically for 3.2 Research
Proficiency it states to: Conduct research and present findings effectively and
ethically including the use of correct source citations.
I chose this artifact because it is a prime example of not only of my research
proficiency, but our class as a whole. I feel that this collaborative study guide has
really helped me with exam 2 because as a group effort we all had to research and
find 2 key concepts on our second exam. This is the best evidence of the whole
class using research skills effectively to achieve an objective, which is to better
understand Cultural Geography and learn about the subject matters at hand. We all
had to present our findings to two questions of our choice and I believe I did a good
job in providing answers and citing my work.
The specific skills I used was my skills in editing my part of the wiki study
guide in order to provide a clear and effective answer using research. I also
provided a clear citation of where I obtained my answers. I also had to use my
knowledge learned in the online class lectures and text book readings to formulate
my answers to the study guide. I also used research skills in finding the answers to
the chosen questions. I believe I presented my findings effectively and in turn this
helped the group with a study guide for our second examination.
My knowledge has grown due to the group effort it took to create this study guide. I used this
study guide in studying and completing my examination and it has provide me a better understanding of
the subjects learned in class. My research skills have grown because I had to thoroughly research and
make sure that my answers were correct because it would help the class out as a whole on exam 2. Lastly
my knowledge of ethnicities has grown because in doing the research for the questions it has help me
understand what defines an ethnicity and how it differs from race. I really enjoyed this important but
short assignment and this group study guide really helped me understand key concepts in Cultural

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