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"The Influences of Social Media on the 2016 Election in Iligan City"

Conceptualize terms:
influences (in what way?)
social media (what specific social media)
2016 election
The use of PICOS machine
The venue of the
The decision making of the population
LIMITATIONS: Does not include those who are not comupter literate.

What is Social Media? (Definition/clasification of social media) (LOOK INTO IT)
-How does the Social Media operate?
What are the socio-demographic profiles of the respondents?
-Who usually subscribes to the social media?
What kind of Social Media Sites do people commonly subscribe to? (LOOK INTO IT)
What kind of information do poeple try to get from Social Media? (News articles,
Pop, Elections, Weather, etc.)
-Do they share the posts that they read?
What are the common forms of interaction do people have in the Social Media? (Vi
deo, Text, Image)
-Do they commonly instigate on posting in social media or do they usuall
y comment)
-What common page do people
Do political informations and opinions from other social media subscribers have
effects on the respondents?
-Do they form their own local and national political opinions on social
-Does it help assess the right politicians to vote?
-Do the respondents participate on posts related to politics?

Statement of the Problem:

1. Does the Social Media have the capacity to change the voting process
here in the Philippines?
2. Due to the comforts internet bring, will it be able to change the ven
ue of the voting area?
3. How will the Social Media change the decision making of the populatio
n during the election?
4. What socialmedia site do the population commonly visit? How often?
5. Who usually subscribes to the Social Media in relation to politics?
6. What do the population do in the Social Media that directly relates t
o politics?
8. Do the youth who are elligible to vote participate in topics concerni
ng the election?

9. Are PICOS machines still going to be used the next election consideri
ng the issues it entails?
10. Is the Social Media benificial to the population? How?
11. Will there be a change in the populations voting habits?

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