Cadaver Visit Reflection Anaphy

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I have never thought about seeing a cold, dead body in front of me. Not until last
November 2015 wherein our class had the first ever cadaver visit at the UST Medicine
Before going to the cadaver visit proper, we first went to the museum wherein
several real body parts, were preserved and several body regions are pinned and
As we enter the place, the scent of formaldehyde dominated the whole room, our
lecture professor, who was also our guide during that visit, instructed us to properly
wear lab gowns, face mask and a sterile gloves before encountering the different
cadavers. As we start the tour, several cadavers were exposed in front of us. We also
have learned that cadavers are classified according to what type if dissection will be
done to those (muscular, skeletal, etc.). We were also allowed to touch and examine the
cadavers personally so I grabbed that chance and identified the characteristics of a
cadaver. With that, I have learned that the skin of a cadaver is somewhat cold and
tender. The different sections of the body are also sliced and divided into several layers,
allowing us to identify different parts of the body layer-by-layer.
As for my personal reflection, I have learned that a cadaver visit is not a scary
experience, but in fact it as a very knowledgeable experience especially for us pre-med
students. I have realized that this cadaver visit make me understand and study myself
even more. Making me also feel that this cadaver visit experience is just a glimpse of
what medical school might bring us, and for me, this is an experience I will truly never
Frances Patricia D. Timbang
2A-PH (November 2015)

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