Educational Philosophy

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Educational Philosophy

A teacher to me is someone who teaches children what is in the world whether it be a

hands-on activity or through a story. That is what I want to be to my students. I want to be
someone that children are excited to learn from by having them do hands-on activities with
manipulatives or reading to them through an interactive read-aloud. Someone who feels
confident that her children will be ready when they leave her classroom to go to another
My educational philosophy is influenced by the three different philosophies;
perennialism, progressivism, and essentialist as it takes principles from all three. I weave these
different three philosophies into my personal philosophy. From perennialism, I like the idea of
using the traditional subjects of history, mathematics, languages, the arts, and sciences to develop
student knowledge. From progressivism, I like the idea of the students learning by doing hands
on things. From essentialist philosophy, I think that the schools purpose is to prepare students
for higher education and work after school.
When I am a teacher, I would like to teach 1st or 2nd graders because I like working with
them. In my classroom, my bulletin boards are going to be covered with bright colorful
educational things that are appealing to my students. This way these colorful things are attracting
them to read the educational information located on the bulletin board. I will respect them, as
learners since if you show respect they will respect you back. By respecting them, they take an
interest in learning.
My personal educational philosophy takes into account which parts of the four
educational philosophies I consider to be important. They need to learn about mathematics, the
sciences, social studies, the languages, and the arts as they are important. School is there to

educate children and help them in their pursuits in life whether it is a place of higher education or
the workforce. Students will take an interest in the subjects if they are taught by hands-on
methods after learning about it first from the teacher.

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