Rubric For Collaboration and Participation-Matthew Smoot

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Student being evaluated: Matthew Smoot______

Scoring: Identify which description most accurately reflects the team members participation and contribution to the overall team effort.
Collaborative (Active Listening)




Does not listen to others; Not considerate of

others feelings and ideas;

Listens to others sometimes; Considers other

peoples feelings and ideas sometimes;

Listens to others consistently; Considers other

peoples feelings and ideas;

Listens attentively to others; Empathetic to

other peoples feelings and ideas;





Collaborative (Addresses Interpersonal Conflict Appropriately)





Needs assistance to identify and use positive

strategies to resolve conflicts; fails to address
issues of conflict or makes passing mention of
the need for conflict resolution

Sometimes seeks positive solutions to

conflicts; Discusses conflict in negative terms,
preferring to avoid conflict

Usually seeks positive solutions to conflicts;

Usually advises on appropriate responses for
generating positive outcomes from conflict.

Consistently seeks positive solutions to

conflicts; Always describes and applies a
collaborative (win/win) conflict resolution
process as called for by the circumstances;
encourages conflict as a source of positive





Collaborative (Cohesion/Synergy)




Promotes fragmentation of the team;

Discourages sharing of ideas

Demonstrates effort sometimes to help the

team work together; Allows sharing by all
other team members

Demonstrates effort to help the team work

together; Usually encourages all team members
to share ideas;

Actively participates in helping the team work

together better. Involves the whole team in
activities; Always encourages all team
members to share ideas;





Comments: Matthew is a very collaborative individual. From the get go, he jumped out and made initial contact with the team. He is extremely thorough (I swear before I even had
a chance to read one group discussion comment, hed already responded twice). Our group had no visible conflicts, but I do believe Matthew would be great at handling those
types of situations. Upon initial contact as a team, Charles was missing (simply hadnt gotten the swing of things immediately). Matthew was quick to address that issue and reach
out to Dr. Goertzen for support and suggestions on what to do. I was impressed by his swift call to action and appreciated how he kept me in the loop (by swapping cell numbers,
personal emails, and copying me in to all communication with Dr. Goertzen). Matthew was an active listener. He read every post and replied to every post, which helped ensure we
were all on the same page moving forward. Matthew contributed to the cohesion and synergy by initiating a lot of communication and next steps. He is a very dedicated
student/teammate and detailed communicator. He shared tiny bits of his personal life and was really in tune to the human element of being a teammate.

Creativity and Multiple Perspectives (Open to Ideas)





Fails to respect speakers who offer views that

are different or challenging from his/her own.

Inconsistently shows tolerance and

understanding of differing or challenging
spoken viewpoints

Consistently shows tolerance for and

understanding of differing, unfamiliar and/or
challenging viewpoints

Always shows tolerance for and understanding

of differing, unfamiliar and/or challenging
spoken viewpoints





Comments: Matthew gives and receives suggestions and new ideas very well. He encourages and appreciates feedback and is extremely gracious when giving it, even noting why
particular suggestions were made.

Credible (Takes Personal Responsibility)





Is often late or misses team activities; Most

concerned about their personal agenda or
always relies on others to do the work.

Is sometimes late or misses team activities;

Somewhat concerned with the teams success;
Makes a half-hearted contribution to the team,
rarely does the assigned work-often needs

Is rarely late or misses team activities; Places a

priority on teams success but still desires to
make themselves look good. Usually does the
assigned workrarely needs reminding.

Is on time to all team activities; Gives positive

and forward-focused comments; Accepts a role
and is open to rotation of roles; Places highest
priority on team success rather than on
personal benefits; Always does the assigned
work without having to be reminded




Credible (Establishes Trust among Team Members)




Has difficulty telling the truth or dealing

honestly with people;

Usually tells the truth or dealing honestly with

people; Sometimes treats people unfairly;
Occasionally fails to follow through on

Nearly always tells the truth and deals honestly

with people; Almost never treats people
unfairly; Rarely fails to follow through on
promises made.

Always tells the truth and deals honestly with

people; Always treats people fairly and on an
equal basis; Does everything s/he promises to





Comments: Matthew was an extremely credible teammate. I was always impressed for all that hes juggling as a new father, employee, and grad student that he seemed to dedicate
so much time to his school and team work. He was aggressive with deadlines, but understanding of others time needs. He put a lot of time and energy into his work, which again
with all he balances very much impressed me. I think his initiative initially helped set the tone for our group. When we discussed our similar desires to excel academically and
reservations with group work, I think we quickly built trust in each other. I appreciated in our communication sharing work how Matthew was always so positive and added pieces
of his personal life, like notes about his newborn daughter or a Happy Fathers Day note to Charles.

Problem Solving (Actively Contributes)





Regularly spouts out killer phrases (negative,

cynical, or derogatory comments); Points out
problems with others viewpoints and without
giving forward-focused recommendations;
Dominates discussion or fails to voice their

Occasionally spouts killer phrases;

Sometimes dominates discussion; Points out
problems with others viewpoints and gives
some ideas for improvement;

Rarely spouts out killer phrases; Points out

problems with others viewpoints and offers
alternative ideas for improvement;

Gives positive and forward-focused comments;

Appropriately voices viewpoint; Accepts a role
and is open to rotation of roles;





Problem Solving (Multiple Idea Generating)





Rushes to solution without defining problems

or seeking alternatives. Fails to mention
importance of generating multiple ideas

May mention importance of supporting

creativity, but provides little in the way of
specific guidance.

Usually suggests ways to facilitate creativity in

team problem solving.

Always suggests ways to facilitate creativity in

team problem solving using brainstorming and
other creative problem solving techniques.





Comments: Initially I was struggling to find peer reviewed resources for one of my sections of our team competency project, so I reached out to my teammates for suggestions.
Both were quick to respond not only with ideas on what I might research, but also with actual research they themselves had looked up on my topic. It was nice to be part of a team
that had a lot of team cohesion. We worked for one common goal and while one particular section was mine to focus on, each member was there to support me if and when issues
arose. My teammates were go-getters, problem solves, innovative thinkers. They were committed, detailed, thorough, and supportive. To be very honest, this is the best team Ive
ever been on!

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