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Houston Baptist University

Department of Education and Kinesiology

Lesson Plan Format
Subject: Math
Estimate: 45 minutes

Grade Level: 2nd grade


Unit: Facts Recalled with Automaticity

Topic: Fact Families
Goal(s): TLW gain a better understanding of fact families.
Objective(s): TLW be able to define what a fact family is.
TLW be able to compare and contrast what addition is and what subtraction is.
TLW be able to create their own fact families.
TLW be able to justify their fact families that they created to their table neighbors.
TEKS: 2.4A
Materials/Resources/Technology needs: computer, Pearson Visual Learning 2-2, website
(, projector, dice, pencils, class set of the Part, Part
Whole Fact Families worksheets, and dry erase markers
Instructional Procedures
Focusing Event:
Circle Map to see what they know about fact families.
Pearson Visual Learning 2-2 (Fact Families Review)
Go back to the circle map and see if they have anything else to add to their circle
map about fact families

Teaching/ Learning Procedures:

Explain to them about what fact families are if they dont already know
Do some examples of basic facts by writing their fact families for 1+3=4, 4+3=7,
and etc. (I would provide one and the students will provide one.) Also show them
on a Part, Part Whole chart for the two problems.
Then send back to their desk and I will have them draw a Part, Part Whole chart
on their desk and we will do one together before passing out the papers. The
students will provide the addition problem. (die roll simulator) I would then have the
papers passed out and we will do one together by rolling the dice for the two
numbers. Then do a fact family for that problem.
Then they would be provided with dice and work with a partner to do at 2-3 more
fact families on the paper. (They can do more if they finish before the time is up
that is allowed for them to complete those 2-3 fact families.) They will have to
use the part, part whole chart.

Formative Check (ongoing or specific): Ask questions throughout and

walk around while they are working with their partners listening to what they are
doing and saying.
Reteach (alternative used as needed): Pull small groups and do more than
one example together. Have them write the fact families on a worksheet with a house
outline with the roof containing the three numbers that are to be used in each fact for that

Bring them back together and asked them about what they learned today. Have them
share their work with other people at their tables. While they are sharing their fact
families with their neighbors, they are to justify why they did their fact families that way.
Also explain why they have two addition sentences and two subtraction sentences. Talk
with them about fact families and ask if they learned anything new about fact families.
Assessment/Summative Evaluation: The Fact Families/ Part, Part Whole paper they did
with their partner.
SPED: They will work on fact families with partners and instead of three let them do only
1-2 of them.
GT- Give them different numbers that one of the parts be two digit while the other part be
one digit. For example, when they roll the dice instead of two times it will be three times.
They would add the first two numbers from rolling the dice to get their first number then
a third time to get their other number. Then add those two numbers for the sum and do
their fact family for that fact.
ESL- They are to work with a partner and instead of three fact families. Let them have 12 fact families to complete.
Circle Map Example:

2 addition
2 subtraction
The worksheet with the dice


All 4 sentences has

the same three
The addition has the
two smaller
numbers with the
biggest number
being the sum

1. They are to work with a partner on this.

2. They are to take turns with rolling the dice. With one student rolling the dice for
one number with the other student rolling for the second number.
3. Before they are write the fact family for their problem, they are to fill out the Part,
Part Whole chart with their 2 addends then solve for the sum.
4. Then they are to work together with writing the 2 addition and 2 subtraction
sentences. While they are working on this, they are to talk with each other about
why they decided to write their sentences that particular way.
5. Once the teacher calls time, then they are to share one of their fact families with
their table. While sharing, they are to explain why and how they set up their
addition and subtraction sentences for their fact family.

2 addition sentences:

2 subtraction sentences:

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