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HBU CN Formal Clinical Teacher Evaluation CIRCLE: Midtermror-Pimt DATE: |! [1212015 _ Observation Start/End: /0:0- 10:45 Duration: 45 min Conference TIME StarvEnd: 024% + //:60. Daration: [3 mia, ‘cunicat Teacher: _Hshli semester a vear: Fad 2018 DISTRICTICAMPUS: i mentor TEACHER. Fac: EVALUATOR (PROT Names: DC. Viskaay M.Gilas SIGNATURE;, Indicate Evaluator’s Title: University Field Supervisor_t~" Mentor Teacher __Clinical Teacher “The following clinical teacher evaluation form is divided into four domains as adopted by the State Board of Education. These domains are Planning, Instructon, Learning Environment, and Professional Practice and Responsbiities. The Dimensions within each domain ensure cinical eachers have the ‘knowledge and skis to teach in Texas publc schools. Please completa the form by checking the appropriate bax. Use Not Applicable (NA) when the ‘element ls not observed ori irrelevant fo the particular setinglobeervation/evaluaton. SCALE: “=Needs Improvement 2=Developing “BeProfictent “Roquies writen “COMMENTS” speciying observed, shared or recorded evidence if scoring f=Needs Improvement or 3 Proficient isthe goal. DOMAIN 1: PLANNING - Evidence is apparent in the lesson plan. ‘Siandards & Algrmort. The ical teacher desis, oparzes and implements Gear, WOR Gpairod, sequal lessons fat reece best practice, alin with standards acd ere eppropite fr cverse learners | Date & Assessment: The Gino! each uses formal and hfe methods fo measure Sudan OG, Thon Manages and snatyzes stud dota to orm instruction. ‘Knowledge of Students: Through knowledge of sues and proven PraCaees, he Cina oachorersares high vols flaring Al sss coc te sein pr Ines ed peice “ties: The cinical teacher plans engaging. SS en eens persisionce and Questions encourage oi stxdents to engage in complex, higher order thinking | = lnstructonal groupe based on student needs = All student understand indhvidual roles within instructional groupe Wal [+ Actives, resources, technology, inatucional materials aligned to instructional purposes: = COMMENTS: fill pacts of lesson weer voloted to contol chee /Spnoayens DOMAIN 2: INSTRUCTION — Evisence is agparent in instruction and clessroom. Achieving Expectations: The cinice! teacher supports al leemers i thek pursul Of high levels of academic and social * Accurately reflects how lesson fits within st mals =e ‘+ Provides opportunities for students to use diferent types of thinking (e.g. ansiytioa, practical, creative & research based) + sea probing questions to clarfy, elaborate leering __ - ~ possible ‘miunderstandings and responds wit an array of teaching techniques to larly ‘Aske remenrber, understand and apply level qusstions focusing on lesson objective and provoking @ ‘= Provides explanations that are cleer = Uses verbal and writin communication thet is leer and correct >” Establishes classroom practices thet provide for most studert to communicate effecively with their teacher and their peers, «Adapts lesson to adress individual needs of al students ‘Regularly monitors quality of student participation and performance: * Racognizes when students became confused or disengaged and responde to eiadent leering or socio-emotional needs > Provides differentiated insirucional meshods and content to ensure students have opportunity to aster what is being taught + Uiiizes input from student in order fo monitor and adjust nsirucion and actives. + Monitors student behavior and responses for engagement and understanding > Adjusts iniruction and actives to maintain student engagement Needs Improvement Developing Proficient DOMAIN 3: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT - Evidence is apparent in the classroom. [+ Allprocedurs,rotines and vaneions are ces and eficnt Z ‘+ Students actively participate in groups, manage supplies and equipment with very limited teacher |__sewction _ — iz + Classroom is safe and organized to support leaming objectives and is accessible to most students = _Meneging Surcent Behevior. The cinical teacher establishes, communicates and maintains Glear expectations for student behavior. + Consistently implements the campus and/or classroom behavior system proficiently 4 Nes! student met execed cesar Behavior trace . Engages af siodents relevent, eaningil naming Le + Students work respectfully individually and in groups = comments: CT wotks werk with, Ss and Ss ove poctisipakinty acy Far Haas when CC hud to (ediced O Strdent- NS DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES & RESPONSIBILITIES Professional Demoanor & EVics: The cirica oachor meets UTD and Gti @xDeCabOn Tor BHONCANCS, PORSSIONa! _s9peerance, decorum, procedural ethical, legal and statutory responstliies. ‘= Behaves in accordance with the Code of Ethics and Standard Praciives for Texas Educators =T ‘= Moots all professional standards (¢0.,aliondance, professional appearance and behaviors) = = Advocates successfully for the needs of students in the dlessroom = ‘Goal Setting. The teacher reftecs on higher practice. ‘> Sela shor and long-term professional goels based on self-assesament, reflecion and supervisor fooabeck 7 Meets al professional goals resulting fh trprovern ni practice and etude pecomnanca Colaba praca ha echdibdpreslonal vert scion, Ganpun roeasaT ine commune, grace or ujectiovel team merbermp, core enbehp or cher L “Schaal Communty Fiche: Te Teacher Gamonaraies Radars wit srt, CobbaDuRs, and Contmanly Macias ie school, attend comemunty trough eflecve communication and ouch. > Communicates he mission, vsion aad goal Of Be school to waders, cofeagune paren ad ferines —_ . __ [5 Contacts pareiaipuardiane regulary regarding ‘scaderic and eclalemational roth comers: FE did not confer wit MT om Haze, Final Cualratin ill fleck MT input =< FZ REFLECTION: (Ctnical teachers greatest strength; CT i very plopered For ksems, aetviticn, Travnet ond oasis in cdassromm, OT ofbers @ Variety of aodwities, i Witte

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