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Name: ________________________________________________
Date: ______
Year/Section: __________
Score: _____
A. Classify the following either as objective or subjective measurement.
1. age of a pupil in years _______________________________________
2. test score in Grade 3 science __________________________________
3. attitude score based on observations ___________________________
4. class participation ___________________________________________
5. length of a piece of paper in inches _____________________________
6. classroom behaviour scale ____________________________________
7. grade of a project submitted __________________________________
8. showmanship in a school play _________________________________
9. height of a building in meters _________________________________
10.perceptions on the effectiveness of a teacher ____________________
B. identify the assessment function illustrated by the following:
1. entrance examination ____________________
2. daily quiz ____________________
3. unit test ____________________
4. periodical test ____________________
5. district wide test ____________________
6. national scholastic aptitude test ____________________
7. Licensure Examination for Teachers ____________________
8. Attitudinal Test ____________________
9. IQ Test ____________________
10.National College Entrance Examination ____________________
C. Match Column A with Column B. write the letter of your choice on the space
before the number.
_______1. List the three major food groups.
A. Knowledge
_______2. Rewrite the ending of the story.
B. Comprehension
_______3. Differentiate the real events from fanciful ones. C. Application
_______4. Defend the correctness of the presidents decision
D. Analysis
to ban artificial sweeteners.
E. Synthesis
_______5. Draw the parts of the eye.
F. Evaluation
_______6. Classify animals according to their habitat.
_______7. Solve word problems.
_______8. Predict the ending of the story.
_______9. Point out the main characters in the story.
_______10. Explain the process of blood circulation.
D. Solving.
1. Solve for variable x= class participation. If there were n= 23 recitations
and the student participated in 10 of these 23, then x=?
2. Student A got 75 for written work, 77 for performance task and 81 for
quarterly assessment. What would be the final grade of the student in
3. Student B got 77 for knowledge, 74 for process, 75 for understanding and
79 for project. Solve for the students final grade.

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