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• Modern life has given rise to new form of pollution called

noise pollution.

• Sound is pleasant or not depends upon its loudness , duration,

rhythm and the mood of person.

• They are continuously disturbing human peace and tranquility

• Noise has become an important environmental pollutant and is

a serious threat to the quality of our atmosphere that befoul
air, water and soil.
Noise pollution

• Noise is a unwanted, unpleasant or disagreeable sound that

causes discomfort.

• Noise pollution :-
Any unwanted sound that penetrates the environment is noise
pollution. In general noise pollution refers to any noise
irritating one’s ear which come from an external source.
Sources of noise pollution
Types of noise :-
Noise can be studied under two heading :-
(1) Environmental noise- this type of noise is introduced into
communication system and mainly includes cosmic noise and
atmospheric absorption noise.

(2) System internal noise :-this type of noise is produced within

the system.
Effects of noise pollution

Some of the important effects are:-

• Affect human health, comfort and efficiency.
• Impairment of hearing.
• Psychological and pathological disorder.
• Headache, nausea and fatigue.
• Boiler-makers deafness syndrome.
• Acoustic trauma.
• Hyperglycaemia , hypokalaemia and hypoglycaemia.
• Sonic boom.
• Physical damage by cracks and broken windows.
Preventive and control of noise pollution

Noise pollution can be minimized by :-

(1) Reduction of noise at source.
(2) Reduction of population exposed.
(3) Duration of noise exposure.

• Air-borne noise -less power, long duration and confined near
the origin.
• Structure-borne noise-more power, short duration and
propagate over long distance.
Following measures may be taken for an effective control on
noise pollution:-
• Using ear protective aids.
• Proper designing of doors and windows.
• Improving in working methods.
• Tree planting.
• Providing enclosure.
• Use of silencers.
• Town planning.
• Treatment of walls, floors and ceilings.
• Through law.
Noise pollution control in India

• Central pollution control board (CPCB).

• Government of India have prescribed noise limit for
automobiles, domestic appliances and construction equipment.
• Under the AIR ACT and the ENVIRONMENT ACT,1986.
• Ban on the use of horn/siren and loudspeaker in the vicinity of
silence zone.
Basic Concept

• Fundamental elements in Noise Control


• Noise Can be Controlled by :

– Passive Means
– Planning and Forethought
General Noise Sources

• Energy contained in a Sound wave

• Outdoor Sources
• Indoor Sources
Noise Control at Source

• Proper Design
• Proper Equipment Operation
• Equipment Maintenance

Methods to control noise are:

• Containment
• Sound insulation and sound absorption
Proper Design

Good design may result from:

• Using Shock Absorbing Techniques
• Using Efficient Flow Techniques
• Reducing Fluid Jet Velocities
• Reducing Sound Radiating areas
• Reducing Peak acceleration
Proper Equipment Operation

Relates to :
• Sealed Acoustic guards
• Work according to design
• Proper installations
• Proper Settings
• Good support
• Additional sound control devices
The potential maintenance activities are :
• Maintain good dynamic balance
• Consider noise specification while buying new
• Use gradual transitions
• Improve Lubrication
• Correct Installation
• Reduce mechanical run out
Noise Reduction Along Sound Paths

Common paths for noise are Airborne paths like Ducts

and corridors.
Sound paths may be directly excited or indirectly
excited through a sound field.
Reduced by considering the transmission of sound
along ducts.
Usually by understanding the “reasonable noise
Noise Control Requirement Areas

• Noise from Construction and Civil engineering work

• Fan noise
• Noise from Industry
• Road Traffic Noise
• Aircraft and Airport noise
Legal Aspects of Noise Pollution
Various laws regarding control of noise pollution in
India are:
• Constitution of India
• Cr.P.C. Section 133
• I.P.C. Public Nuisance 268-295

 Mechanized industry creates serious noise problems,

subjecting a significant fraction of the working population to
potentially harmful sound pressure levels of noise.
 The noise is due to machinery of all kinds and often increases
with the power of the machines.
 In industrialized countries it has been estimated that 15-20 %
or more of the working population is affected by sound
pressure levels of 75-85 dB.
 The noise usually stems from a wide variety of sources or
machines used in the industries.

 If the employees have to raise their voices to carry out a

normal conversation when about 2 m apart .
 If the employees use noisy powered tools or machinery for
more than half an hour each day.
 If any one works in a noisy industry→engineering, textile,
forging, pressing, bottling and foundries.
 If there noises due to impacts (such as hammering, forging,
pneumatic impact tools etc), explosive sources such as
detonators or guns.

 A considerable number of industrial machines and processes

generate high levels noise that can cause physical and
psychological stresses.
 Industrial machines and processes consists of various elements
such as: rotors, stators, gears, bearings, fans, vibrating panels
 The source of noise may be:
– Air bome noise (propagation through air).
– Structure bome noise (propagation through solids) .
– Reflection from floor, wall, ceilings and machine surfaces.
High noise producing machines consists of :

 Fans and Blowers

 Generators
 Compressors and Pumps
 Die casting machines
 Lathes
 Tumblers and Grinders
 Punch presses
 Power saws
 Stamping machines
 Conveyers

Cost of noise hazard to workers:

 Hearing loss:
– Temporary
– Permanent
 Tinnitus
 Stress, annoyance and fatigue
 Communication problems
 Task distraction
 Clinical health effects
Cost of noise hazard to the organization:

 Compensation claims

 Decrease in productivity

 Hearing protectors

 Medical surveillance

 Risk of accidents

Noise exposure limits depends upon:

 The levels of exposure to noise of the employees averaged
over a working day or week.
 The maximum noise (peak sound pressure) to which
employees are exposed in a working day.

Noise exposure limits are:

– Daily or weekly exposure of 80 dB
– Peak sound pressure of 135 dB
Noise control in Industry
Need for noise control
• Noise produced by industry causes
annoyances to neighbors, particularly in mixed
residential/industrial areas and It causes
actual damage to hearing of workers due to
over-exposure at the workplace.
• A noise control program should provide an
effective yet economical technique.
Types of Noise
Noise can be divided into two types:
• Continous
• Variable or intermittent
Noise control criteria
Two types of criteria, are generally followed
for industrial noise control.

– Hearing conservation

– Speech communication
Personal protective equipment

• Earplugs
• Earmuffs or Helmets
• Control at Source
• Control of transmission path
• Control at the receiver
Noise Control by Planning

Noise control by planning can be divided into three sections:

1. Selection of quiet processes

2. Layout
3. Making provision in advance for noise control procedures
Noise control by Maintenance

• Correct assembly of machine parts or replacements.

• Replacement of worn parts.
• Tightening of loose parts.
• Regular lubrication to reduce friction.
Noise control by modification

Some noise sources can be made quieter by altering

the equipment operation.
• Reduction of equipment operation speed.
• Reduction of peak forces (impact) by extending the
force application time.
• Reduction of flow velocities of gases and liquids.
• Reduction of impact noise by the use of softer or
more resilient materials.
Noise control by enclosing the noise source

Engineering acoustic enclosure design consists of

structurally controlling all noise paths at the source.

• Wise selection of materials.

• Good enclosure design.
• Continuous supervision of enclosure.

• Typical applications: Chutes, hoppers, machine

guards, panels, conveyors, tanks etc.

• Techniques:
1. Unconstrained layer damping
2. Constrained layer damping
• Limitation:The efficiency falls off for thicker sheets
Vibration isolation

Vibration isolators prevent noise from being

transmitted through the base of the equipment, and
through conduit, piping, ductwork and other devices
which may be rigidly connected to the noise source.
Acoustic design criteria

• Acoustic design goal.

• Attenuation characteristics.
• Use of sound absorptive materials.
• Location of noise source relative to listener.
• Flexible noise control materials.
• Isolating the employee from the source.
Administrative controls

These are the measures that management can

institute to reduce occupational noise exposure by
changing work procedure, policy and routine.

• Duration of exposure
• Employing the deaf
• Purchase specifications
• Developing the quieter products

 Sound, and therefore all noise, is physically a rapid alteration

of air pressure above and below atmospheric pressure.
 All sounds travel as sound pressure waves from a vibrating
body such as a human larynx, radio, TV, record player speaker,
or vibrating machine.
 Sound is transfer of energy without transfer of mass.
 Sound is a form of energy which is emitted by a vibrating
body and on reaching the ear causes the sensation of hearing
through nerves.

 Frequency
 The frequency of a sound indicates the number of cycles
performed in 1 s:
f =1/T Hz
where T is the period of one full cycle. The unit for
frequency is the hertz (Hz):
 1 Hz = 1 cycle/sec
 1000 Hz = 1 kilohertz = 1 kHz
 Wavelength
 The wavelength λ is equal to the distance the oscillations have
propagated in the time period T:
λ = cT = c/f

 Speed
 In a free field, sound propagates with the velocity c defined by:
c = 20.05√T (m/s)
where T is the temperature in Kelvin.
 A simpler formula for the velocity of sound in air sufficiently
accurate at normal temperatures, 0–30ºC, is:
c = 331+0.6 T˛ (m/s)
where T˛ is the temperature in centigrade.
 Pure Tone
 A sound that contains only one frequency is a pure tone.
 Pitch
 Pitch represents the perceived fundamental frequency of a
 Timbre
 Timbre is the quality of a sound or tone that distinguishes
different types of sound production.
 Loudness
 Loudness is the quality of a sound that is the primary
psychological correlate of physical strength.
 Sound Pressure
 It is the pressure generated by a sound wave.

 Root Mean Square Sound Pressure (rms)

 The rms value is obtained by squaring the sound pressures
at any instant of time and then integrating over the sample
time and averaging the results. The rms value is then the
square root of this time average.
 Physically, the rms value is indicative of the energy density
of the disturbance.
 Sound Pressure Level
 The sound pressures that are normally measured with a
sound-level meter cover an extremely large range.
 In order to handle in a simple manner such a large
measurement range, a logarithmic measurement scale is
 The sound pressure level then is a logarithmic ratio L
defined as:

where is sound pressure in interest (pa), and is

reference sound pressure usually chosen as the limit of
hearing of 20 µPa. The unit for SPL is Decibel (dB).
 Decibel
 The human ear is capable of identifying a wide range of
 If we used the microbar to describe sounds, the numbers
would be very cumbersome.
 A sound that is perceived to be twice as loud as another is
said to be one Bel greater in sound level.
 A Bell is a unit of comparison.
 One decibel (1 dB) is one-tenth of a Bel.

 To add sound-level values, it is first necessary to convert each

decibel reading to sound intensity.
 All sound intensities are added and then the sum is converted
to a resultant decibel reading. For example,
Table 1. Approximate increase when adding two sound levels.

 Like SPL, Sound Power Level also exists over a wide range.
 It is expressed using a logarithmic scale which is based on an
internationally selected sound power as a reference:
Lw = 10 log(W/W0) dB
where W0 is 10-12 Watts.
 Loudness
 Loudness is the human impression of the strength of a
 The unit of Loudness is phons. It is equal to the sound
pressure level (in dB) reference to 20 μPa of an equally
loud 1000-Hz tone.

Figure 3. Cut-away drawing of the human ear

 The human ear is an incredible instrument.
 Yet only recently have we become aware of the devastating
psychological effects of noise
 Sound pressure waves caused by vibrations set the eardrum
(tympanic membrane) in motion.
 This activates the three bones in middle ear, which physically
amplify the motion received by the ear drum and transfer it to
the inner ear.
 This fluid-filled cavity contains the cochlea, in which are
present hair cells which deflect and send bioelectric signals to

 Temporary Hearing Loss – Temporary Threshold Shift.

 Permanent Hearing Loss – Permanent Threshold Shift.
 Presbycusis.
 Environmental Noise.
 Effect on other body parts.
 Cardiovascular.
 Eyes.
 Headache.
Noise Measurement

• A microphones convert a sound wave into an electrical signal

in which the voltage and current are proportional to the
original sound.

• Most microphones today use electromagnetic induction ,

capacitance change, piezoelectric generation to produce the
signal from mechanical vibration.

• To perform this task microphones use a thin membrane,

known as a diaphragm, which mimics the function of the
human ear.
Cross Section of a Microphone Diaphragm
Types of Microphones on basis of internal
Dynamic Microphones
Ribbon Microphones
Condenser Microphones
Types of Microphones - Microphone pick up
Sound Level Meters
Noise Dosimeter and Sound Analyzer

• The noise dosimeter will measure the amount of potentially

injurious noise to which an individual is exposed over a period
of time.
• The noise dosimeter does not, however,identify noise sources.
• A frequency analyzer may be necessary to measure complex
sound and sound pressure according to frequency distribution.
• It will supplement readings obtained with a sound-level meter.
Noise analyzers cover different frequency bands.

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