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UNIVERSITY Formal Clinical Teacher Evaluation CIRCLE: Midterm or Gina) 5 DATE: [i171 /ZO1S_ Observation Start/End: 1:50 Hei Tortie Fo men Conference TIME Staind: $iG0- 4:20 Duration: 0-30 Men CLINICAL TEACHE! semester a year: fall 2-015 DISTRICTICAMPUS: EVALUATOR (PRINT NAME) Indicate Evaluator’s Title: University Field Supervisor _* Mentor Teache) ‘Clinical Teacher ‘The following clinical teacher evaluation form is divided into four domains 2s adopteckby the State Board of Education. These domains are Planning, Instruction, Learning Environment, and Professional Practice and Responsbilies. The ‘within each domain ensure cinical teachers have the keowledge and sklls to teach in Texas public schools. Please complete the form by checking the appropriate box. Use Not Applicable (NA) when the ‘element isnot observed or is irrelevant tothe particular setinglobservationfevaluaton, SCALE: “t=Needs improvement 2=Developing “3eProficient “Requires wrtton “COMMENTS” specifying observed, shared or recordad evidence if scoring 1=Needs Improvement or 3 Proficient s the goal. Improvement Profi Needs Developing DOMAIN 1: PLANNING - Evidence is apparent in the lesson plan, ‘Standards & Algnment: Th cna teacher desks, organizes and mplemenis Ghar, warorganied, Sequel lossone Wat Tet ost practic, alg with stendars and ae aptroprat er verse leamers ‘Data & Assessment: The inca teacher uses famal and ifral methods To Tasure SUA prOaess Tan Manages wd analyzes stusen ta toon insrucion ‘Krowiedge of Stadenis: Through knowledge of Students and proven pacts, tha nical eachor arcu Noh vals feamaing, sodiakemationa develooment and achievement for al student. | = Alessons connect to student prior knowledge and experiences a x ~ Alston adjust fo student sirengths and gaps in background knowedge fe exparces hd sks Zi Activities: The clinical teacher plans engaging, flexible lessons that encourage higher-order thinking, persistence and achievement. |= Questions encourage al students to engage in complex igher order thinking | Instuational groups based on student needs oe + Al student understand individual roles win instuonal groups = + Activites, resources, technology, instructional materials aligned t insruonal purpeses COMMENT: Developing Proficient Needs Improvemen DOMAIN 2: INSTRUCTION ~ Evidence is apparent in instruction and olessroom, | Aohioving Expectetions: The clinical teacher supports al leamers in thor pursul of high levels of academio and Social 7 emotional success. + Evidence that most students demonstrate mastery of objective __+ Adresses student mistakes and folows through to ensure etudent mastery + Provides student opportunity to take initatve of their own leaming © Conveys accurate content knowledge AIL + Inegrtes learning objectves wih oer @ipines i aS | Antestes posable student misunderstandings = T mal * Accurately reflects how lesson fs within stucture of dscpine and TEKS Sas aos [fg Provides opportunites for studons fo use diferent tyres oftnking (e.g, anavcal, pracBal, creative & research | 1 based) 2 7 Uses prbing quedtons cathy, aborts Taring a = Z Recognizes possible student misunderstandings and responds with an array of teaching techniques to clarify | concepts. iy si ws e tes lz ue ‘+ Establishes classroom practices that provide for most student to communicate eflecivaly with their peers ‘> Adapls lesson to adcress indivdual needs ofal students ‘= Regularly monitors quality of student participation and periommance | + Provides diferenistedinstrutional methods and covert o ensure students have opportunity to master what is boing taught. = Uiilzes input from stadert W order to monitor and adjust instruction and ‘Monitors stucent behavior and responses for engagement and understanding ‘gjss instruction end actives te maintain stugent engagement Needs Proficient Improve Developing DOMAIN 5: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT — Evidence is apparent in the classroom. (lassroom Environment, Routines & Procedures, The cinicaleachor organizes a sale, sccossble and offen classroom =” Students actively participate in groups, manage supplies and equipment with very limited teacher direction + Classroom este and organized suppor learning objeives anda aocassbl to meat adeno | ‘Managing Student Behavior, The clinical teacher establishes, communicates and maintains clear expectations for student Behavior = Consistently implements the campus and/or classroom behavior system proftcienty — |S ost students meet expected classroom behavior standards (Classroom Culture: the clinical fescher leads 3 mutuelly respectul and collaborative class of actively engaged learhors. + Students work respecfuly individually and in foups ‘COMMENTS: Frefeosonal Domoanor& Enos Tho crcl fasoher meeis UTD and dai expeditions for alandance, roessonal appearance, decerum, procedural ethical, egal and statutory respansbles. + Bahaves in accordance withthe Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas EGICao® oa “+ ees as (9, attendance, rn = + Aavocatossuocessflly forthe needs of students in the assroom a ae Zz ‘Gaal Sting: The Teacher rests on hither praatoe. * Sols short- and long-term professional goals based on solPascosemerl, rofedlion and Supenvisor |____tesaback ied = Moots al professional goals reaulng in provement in practice and student performs ‘Professional Development: The teacher enhances the professional communt. * Colaboratvely practices inal scheduled professional development acivilios, campus professional T | earning communities, rade- or subjectevel team membership, committee membership or other ‘opportunities | ‘Schoo! Communiy invohernent: The teacher demonstrates leadership wilt StudBnts, CoNBBGUSS, and GOMMuniy Members n Te school dstct and community though effective communication and outresch, > Communicates the mission vision and goals ofthe school te students, leagues, parents and t + Contacts pavetlgvarans regulary + Actively partes inal conmenrs: CT i eeu, jab ites in ol aspects. REFLECTION: Clinica teacher's greatest strength: Cinical teachers greatest chlerge: Classroom Manacenmock - Gite Aicecrens (foo muh, 400 seme) Recmenatraen sures: CT wows to Keye Ss om topic durian discussions =o0i(( ol dees thle ce ee i i (7/2015 Ménfor Teacher a Lge fl) ulglots la buarel “igs WIT 2015. Clinical jeaclfpr ‘Date

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