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THE PRESIDENCY MINISTRY OF DEVOLUTION AND PLANNING OFFICE OF THE CABINET SECRETARY PRESS STATEMENT | was appointed by His Excellency the President Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta in May 2013 as the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Devolution and Planning. My ministerial portfolio has included; "Devolution, National Development Planning, Gender, Youth, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Development, Public Service Management and Humanitarian Relief and other special programmes. Since my appointment, and in just over two yeers, | have overseen the design and implementation cf various transformative and innovative programmes. With the support of a dynamic team at the Ministry, | have spearheaded a Comprehensive public service transformation programme that has included the design and implementation of the one. stop shop public service delivery centres popularly known as Huduma Centres. These centres put over forty five public services under one roof for ease of access for the public. We have today about forty (40) huduma centres in about 36 Counties, that have so far served over 5 million people Huduma centres have been complemented by an institutional and capacity review of the public service aimed at creating an efficient and effective public service under the Capacity Assessment and Rationalization of the Public L Service (CARPs) With regard to Devolution, my team and | did our best to steer the implementation of the transition to a fully operational devolved structure of government by managing the smooth transfer of functions and resources io counties, managing _inter-governmental relations, and providing capacity building and technical assistance to counties. As the Minister responsible for gender and youth, | initiated the mainstreaming framework for gender and youth across all sectors, using the gender management systems framework. My ministry was responsible for the design and rollout of catalytic funds including the Uwezo (Ability) Fund, a fund that gives interest free credit to micro and small enterprises owned by women, youth and persons with disability; as well as the 30% public procurement oreferential reservations for women, youth and persons with disability. As minister of youth | also oversaw the restructuring of the National Youth Service, transforming it into the premier institution for advancing the transformational agenda of youth in the context of national development. The National Youth Service (NYS) has been transformed from a service that only recruited about 4,000 youth annually to 21,000 youth annually in the span of 18 months since’ the restructuring. In addition, the NYS through tie Youth Empowerment Programme, now engages over 90,000 community youth in projects that improve their communities and provide them with an income, savings, skills and enterprise training. In the course of such massive undertakings | will be the first to admit that mistakes were made, some officers in departments and agencies in the Ministry abused discretion granted to them and the trust placed on them to misuse and d- 2 misappropriate public monies, As Minister in charge of these Departments, | sincerely regret these occurrences and trust that the relevant goverment agencies will conclude their investigations and bring these matters to a speedy conclusion. LOCAL AND GLOBAL RECOGNITION OF MINISTRY'S ACHIEVEMENTS Since my appointment as the Cabinet Secretary of the Ministry of Devolution and Planning, the Ministry has won thirteen awards key among these include: + Best rebrand awarded to the National Youth Service by the Marketing Society of Kenya. + Kenya ICT Innovation Awards awarded to the various Ministry's programmes including Huduma Kenya andcithe Ministry in overall category for the Best Use of ICT as a Ministry. + The 1% place African Association for Public Administration and Management Gold Award in Africa, cawarded to Huduma Kenya in 2015 and * The 1* place United Nations Public Service Award 2016, again to Huduma Kenya, for best improvement in Public service out of over 800 entries from across the world. Just this past week, the ministry bagged another award from the Commonwealth — first position amongst all commonwealth countries for Women empowerment for our 30% in procurement initiative. COMMUNITY SERVICE & COMMITMENT TO VALUES In my personal life | served as a deacon and mentor for the be 3 youth at my church for several years. ! have continued to lentor many youth, especially girls, and have worked ‘elessly to create opportunities for the empowerment of women and youth especially from disadvantaged situations "have always maintained apolitical and highly professional Stance in service for the over ten years | have been in the Public service. In the time | have served in the private and Public sector | have never had any question raised about my professional or personal ethics, integrity or ability to deliver ‘on my responsibilities no matter how complex they may be. However, over the last few months, from the time | made Public the attempted theft of public funds at the NYS, there has been frenzied but organized attacks on my character, with sustained but unsupported allegations of corruption. A diabolical machinery has been applied incessantly by misinformed and mischievous parties to intimidate, harass and discredit both my professional and personel integrity, Anything and everything has been fair game, including attacks on my children. Some politicians with dubious characters and a litany of misconduct allegations also joined the fray, to achieve nefarious intentions. Even where facts Point to culpability by other parties and my absolute non- involvement, the attacks have continued unabated. The fight against corruption eventually mutated into the fight against Anne Waiguru, with the focus shifting from the real Purveyors of graft. This should not come as a surprise to anyone who cares to understand how corruption networks, their underwriters and patrons operate. Fortunately, over time investigative and prosecutorial agencies are bringing to light the persons actually responsible. | look forwerd to the Completion of investigations on all outstanding matters. This whole experience has caused a lot of pain to me Personally and my family. However, though very painful, it DN 4 has provided me with the opportunity fo reflect on what inspired me to join the public service over ten years ago. A commitment to playing my part to make this country a better place. Though the experience has had devastating effects on my health, it has not killed my spirit. And | hope my experience goes to encourage many who serve their country diligently under very difficult circumstances. In view of the impact these events have had on my health, | have been advised by my doctor to take time off to recover and to undertake much lighter duties for some time. Ihave therefore, following my doctor's advice, recuested His Excellency the President to relieve me of the responsibilities of the Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and Planning and should he find it fit, to accord me such lighter duties as he shall deem appropriate. | wish to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the President for giving me an opportunity to serve in this critical Ministry, the team at the ministry that have made my work easier, and the many Kenyans who have supported me in this difficult time. | wish the team at the Ministry the very best as they continue to steer their departments :o greater heights in the service of this great Nation. God bless Kenya. Thank you A. Wr ‘Anne Waiguru Cabinet Secretary, Devolution and Planning 21% November, 2015

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