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1)Use ,,do you think,, and ,,should,, to complete the following

-When do you think we should buy the tickets?
-What do you think I should do?
-What do you think I should wear?
-How much do you think I should take out of the bank?
-Where do you think they should meet us?
-What time do you think I should be there?
-Where do you think we should spend our vacation?
-Which newspaper do you think I should buy?
-Who do you think I should invite to the party?
-Which restaurant do you think we should go to?
2)Use ,,should,, or ,,ought to,,,according to the example:
E.g. :A)people/money to beggars
I think people should not give money to beggars
B)People/punctual at work
I think people ought to be punctual at work.
1)Men /their wives with the housework.
I think the men should help their wives with the housework.
2)People/the dentist once a year.
I think people should go to the dentist once a year.
3)Children/permittedto watch violent TV programs.
I think that we should not allow our children to watch violent
TV programs.
5)children/physically punished.
I think children should not be physically punished.
3)Fill in the blanks with ,,can,, ,,may,, ,,could,,:
-May I borrow your car on Sunday?Im afraid you may.
-He could leave till five oclock.It was settled before.

-Each student can take only one book home.

-Can you wait till next week?Yes,of course I can wait.
-We were told that on Sundays we Stayin bed till nine.
-Can i borrow your pen? Yes,you could.
-He may smoke now,the children have left the room.

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