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THE CONNECTICUT INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC CONFERENCE Investigative Report Regarding New Britain’s Allegations of Megal Recruiting and Residency Violation October 30, 2015 ‘Submitted by Vincent lezzi CIAC Special Investigator On October 23, 2015 1 met with Dr. Steve Wysewshi, associate executive director of CAS/CIAC to discuss 9 complaint of ilegat recruiting and residency violations lodged by administrators from New Britain High School against the footbali program at Berlin High School. Mr. David Chambers, principal of New Britain High School sent a letter to Dr, Wysowsk! dated October 19, 2015 requesting that the CIAC conduct a forrnal investigation duc to allegations ofilegal recruiting and residency Violations by the Berlin High School head football coach (D.1). A sel report of the possible infractions was sent to the CIAC by Franels 7. Kennedy, principal of Berlin High School, on October 20, 2015 (0.2). Please note: The documents included in this report are numbered and noted when cited in the text. Also, the term “legal” is defined as contrary to the policies of the CIAC and in violation of the conference rules. ‘On October 27, 20151 visited New Britain High School where I met with Superintendent Kelt Cooper, Principal Dave Chambers, Director of Athletics Len Corto, Assistant Principat Joe Pinchera, and Residency Officer Joe Vaverchak, It was expressed at the mecting that illegal tectuiting of football players is occurring at Berlin High School and has been going on for years bythe current Berlin High Schoo! head football coach, They cited the number of New Britain football players on the Berlin football eam over the years, and the fact that there are currently 6 players on the team’s roster who transferred from New Britain, as support for their allegations. School personnel shared a surveillance report and photos (D.3and4] from THE CONNECTICUT INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC CONFERENCE ‘September 13"— 22, 2025, regarding a student-athlete (player 8) whom they betiove is on the Berlin football team roster, but still ives in New Britain, One of the photos shows him leaving, the New Britain address with a Berlin football helmet in his hand (0.4). Accoeding to the New Britain athletic director, the coach sent a text stating "All of you might have become better defensive coaches today by just waking up ~ goed chance IT is coming to Berlin HS for fal MMMM (0.5). The significance ofthis information is that the text was forwarded on July 23, 2015; the student offically enrolled at Berlin High School on ‘August 31, 2015 (06). ‘My fast meeting at Berlin High Schoo! was with the principal of BHS, Fran Kennedy and Daniel Scavone, the school’s diector of athietics on October 28, 2015. Mr. Kennedy informed me that he submitted a self-report to the CIAC when he “became aware of allegations of not only falsification of residency of one or more members of the Berlin High School football team, but also accusations of active recruitment of out of town football players to our eam.” At this _meeting l was informed that Berlin has hired a private investigator and was assured by Mr Kennedy that all relevant information would be shared with myself and New Britain High Schoo! peesonnel. 4 was given statements from several individuals who shared information regarding the allegations of ilegal recruiting and cesidency violations, {n addition to my meeting with Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Scavone, | interviewed Ms. Shelia King, 2 physical education teacher at Berlin High Schoo}, who told me that another teacher told her that her husband, who is a property owner in Bertin, received a call {ror the father of the Berlin High Schoo! head coach who asked “.uf he would have section eight housing available because John Capodice, his son, was looking to move a family into town". | asked her if her written statement (0.7) is accurate, she said yes. {also met with Police Officer Kostka who had cause to visit the aunt of the student who was allegedly recruited from New Britain High Schoo! in mid-August. According to Officer Kostka, “it ‘was necessary far her to tell me wha cesides there.” When the officer asked the aunt who lives, ‘with her she stated that only she and her son reside at the house. The significance of this testimony is that address is the one given as the residence of ane of the alleged recruited football players (player 8) and his mother. ‘My next meeting with Berlin High Schoo! officials (principal and director of athletics) was on November 3, 2015. The director of athletics, Mr. Dan Scavone, shared that he has received THE CONNECTICUT INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC CONFERENCE phone calls from several people who are angry and are concerned about how this situation will ‘affect the kids, He also referenced the previously mentioned text message (0,5) sent from the Gerlin head coach to his assistants that was forwarded on July 23, 2015, prior to the date the student-athlete in question enrolled at Berlin High School (August 32, 2035). During the meeting met with and interviewed assistant football coach Make Mend ane aeked him he had any information to share regarding this case. He stated that he wanted to make it clear that his dialogue Is different from the other coaches: he did not get a text message from the coach stating thatthe student-athlete in question was coming to Bertin. According to Mr. Mendoza, he was at a mecting wi other coaches when there was a discussion about moving the student-athlete (player Ain question from one poston to snother and Mr. Capadice reminded te staf that he cold ther tat after he (the head coach) ‘poke to his mother ou dense got beter.” Mr, Mendoca stated that the studontathlete in question did pracve with the Brin fotbal team doing "postion speci dis the lat hal four ofthe ay when they have team time andfiiolayed with our team, late lune arty Joly, itor the fist time hada chance to see and coach him.” When questioned him onthe coaching hin” comayent he said “We did't coach him, we watched him.” Mr, Mendoza also stated that the student-athlete was weight lifting with the team before August 32" and that the srcight iting sessions included an instructor that was tinanced with dtr funds. According to Mr. Mendoza, coaches also monitored the session. | also met with Evelisa Mayette, @ teacher at the high school who is the president of the Berlin ‘Yeachers’ Association (the union}. Ms. Mayette was present in the room with Ms. King (see meeting on 10/28) when snother teacher: "..shared that her husband, a property owner in town, had received a call from Ken Capodice last year stating that his son, John Capodice, was looking to find section 8 housing for a New Britain family to move to Berlin.” | asked her if her written statement (0.8) was accurate, she said yes. I received an email correspondence from the Berlin High School director of athletics, Mr. Dan Scavone on Thursday, November 5", The correspondence is from a Berlin resident who states that he is also a Beriin High Schoo! football fan, This correspondence is significant because it cites another instance where a player is afleged to be from Middletown (not New Britain) even though he is on Berlin's football roster (0.9). [At their request, | met with Berlin High School head football coach, John Capodice and his attorney, Virat Keshwala on November 3%, 2025 at the CAS/CIAC headquarters. Mr. Capodice did not want to meet at the high schoo! with Berlin administrators present. { began the meating 3 THE CONNECTICUT INTERSCHOLASTIG ATHLETIC CONFERENCE by explaining that according to CAS/CIAC by Jaws, ao one may be represented by counsel during this phase of the Investigation. | told them that I received perinision from CAS/CIAC to suspend the by laws inthis case due to the nature of the allegations that have been inade. | also informed therm that the attorney could listen to the conversation and could ask me clarifying questions, but that he could not Advise his client. Woth the attorney and coach agreed to the conditions and thanked me for the courtesy. | then outlined CAS/CIAC protocol for investigating and determining sanctions against member school districts, as well as the options member schools have if they choose to appeal the sesults of an investigation, The coach responded that he knows that this serious and that’s why he ‘chose to attend the meeting. He ais said that he has been teaching and coaching for 18 years and hos been on the CIAC Football Commitice for & to 10 years and that he would never break any rules. Prior to the meeting | texted the following message (o attorney Keshwala: Since this is an active ‘investigation ao documens, other thon the allegations outtined in the Bertin principal's self-report are ‘ovallable for review. Alldacumentation cited inthe investigation will be attached to the final report. The purpose of the meeting is to gather ony information your cleat may hove regarding this Investigation, Iwill ask your client if he has any knowledge about illegal recrting or residency viotations reloted to the Hedin high Schoo! football team, including whether he, or anyone acting an his ‘behalf, had any knowledge or involvement in illegal zecruiting of student-athletes; ori he, or anyone acting on his benolf was oware of, ar was involved in securing oF attempting fo secure housing for ony student-athletes who were ot any tine an the rester of the Bertin High Sehoo! football team. Please rote that the purpose of this investigation isto determine if any inappropriate activity reloted to the Berlin High Schoo! football team occurced by anyone in the district. addition to answering questions ‘eloted to the investigation, the meeting will provide your client with an opportunity to share any informotion about the cose he feels is elevant. ifthe evidence suggests thot CIAC regulations were Violated, sanctions would be opplicd to the district, The report hos to be opproved by the CIAC Haord of Control for any action tobe taken, The notes thot! coect in the investigation wil allow me to conve to ‘a decision es to possible action or sanctions forthe CIAC to consider. The schoo! wil accept or reject the ecision, Wfit accepts the decision tf then presented to the CIAC Boord of Control in writing as 0 report, That report then becomes part of the minutes of the Board. If it rejects the report, the schoo! that registered the comploint moy appeal the decision to the CIAC. ‘When | asked Mr. Capodice “if he has any knowledge about illegat recruiting or residency violations related to the Berlin High Schao! football team, including whether he, or anyone acting on is behalf, had any knowledge or involvement in legal recruiting of student-athletes; orf he, or anyone acting on his behalf was aware of, or was involved in securing, ot attempting to secure housing for any student: athletes who were at any time en the roster ofthe Berlin High School foatball team?” He said “I do not’. | then asked “If he, oF anyone acting on his behalf was aware of, of was involved in securing, oF attempting to secure, housing for any student-athletes who were at any lime on the roster of the devin {High Schoo! football team, Please note that the aurpose of this investigation isto determine if any ‘inappropriate activity related to the Berlin High Schoo! football team occurred by anyone in the dlstrlet?” He said "No." THE CONNECTICUT INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC CONFERENCE 1 told the coach that this was his opportunity to share any information he may have about this e950. | _als0 told him | would be happy to speak to anyone he feels would have relevant information for this investigation, Mr. Capodice said that he believes there was an allegation that a student-athlete was on {the team who wasn’t supposed to be (player B). He said he met with the schoo!’ athletic director who ‘eventually told him the student could play. He said that he didn't understand the problem because the student has been at the school fora year and a hall. When 1 asked ifthe student-athlete has a sibling at the school, he sald:na. The coach also sald he feels ths iavestigation is because a rival high school is upset because a kid moved to Berlin, He also sald that he has never had a bad review asa teacher oF covch, ‘The meeting concluded with me telling Mr. Capodice and Mr. Keshwala that they may call me if thoy Ihave any questions ot information regarding this investigation, They both thanked ms once again for allowing Attorney Keshwala to attend the me (Oa November 10,2035, Ispoke on the phone with a New Britain parent, IE vegarding her written testimony {0.20}. She confirmed hes written testimony and sald thot the conversation yt the mother of one of te student-athletes who i alleged to nave Been recruited by Coach Capodice took place during the 2034 Berln/tow Britain football game. She said she told the mother that the coach ‘could nat guarantee scholarship for hee s00, only colleges could guarantee scholarship, According to WEI sc aso nas face boo postings regarding that conversation. | spoke with assistant coach Robert Levesque on November 33" cegarding his written testimony dated November 3, 2035, (0.31) In addition to his written testimony Me. Levesque stated that he understood, ‘that the player in question (player A} wasn't going to come to Bertin but was told after Coach Capadice ‘and his father went to talk to him (player A} that he wil play with us, He also said that the student. athlete in question worked out with the team during weight kiting sessions thet vere supervised by 9 trainer, According to Mr. Levesque, “the school pays for that service.” Mr. Levesque stated “It was very cloar that he was participating with the team during the SCSU summer football camp in July” Mr. Levesque added that “John Is very controling. He controls everything all of the tine. He's a one man deal.” (On November 11" also spoke on the phone with MEE, tie private investigator ‘employed by the Belin Public Schools to investigate the allegations of illegal residency made against the ‘members ofthe Berlin High Schoo! football ‘eam. He did survelance on the New Britain home of the footbal player who was spotted coming out of the New Britain address in September with his Berlin football helmet in his hand (player 8). The student athlete didnot leave the house la New Britain on the dy he did his stake-out. He staked-out the address of another football player who supposedly lives in Berlin buts accused of living in Middletown (player C), According to the private investigator, the house THE CONNECTICUT INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC CONFERENCE is not occupied: there wese no lights on, no car at the address and no window shades on the upstairs ‘windows. The house i owned by an LLG, The investigator said that he would forward his report to me. [Attorney Keshuvala called me on November 12° secking clarification about the investigation process. He said his client notified hira that the principal and athletic dieector of Berlin High School were making ‘phone calls and gathering, information abaut this case. He wondered why this is happening since this is fin independent investigation being done by the CIAC, Linformed him that because the investigation includes two CAS/CIAC member schools, they are both expected to cooperate with the investigation and tuin over any information or documentation they may have relative to this case to me. also told hin that although both schools cooperated with the investigation but they will have no influence on the final recommendations which willbe based on collected and analyzed evidence. | received the investigative summary ofthe ceport {conn SME thot was referenced earlir inthis report on November 15° (0.22). | spent several hous hearing testimony fram those who were willing to share information regarding this cose. Unfortunately, some of the witnesses who were asked to participate inthe Investigation refused i to speakwith me, A mother of one of the players on the Bertin football eam, who is alleged to have been recivited by that school’s head coach, hung up on the principal after inquiring as to whether oF ; not speaking with me had anything to do with the investigation of alleged reccuiting and illegal | residency. He thea let her a detailed phone message describing the reason for his call and the I importance of her testimony. The teacher whose comments were made in the faculty com thet were | teported by two other teachers (0.7and 8) also declined to speak with me Summary and Conclusions There are several dacuments and statements ftom witnesses indicating that iegal recruiting and residency violations did occur within the Berlin High Schoo! football program. Some of the important IMlegal Recruitment: “+ tho student-athlete (player A) officially enrolled at Berlin High Schoo! on August 31, 2025. + Anassistant coach (Mr, Levesque stated that in mid-July, 2015, Mr. Capodice and his father {went to talk tothe New Britain football player A) in question about playing forthe Berlin football team (0.10), ‘THE CONNECTICUT INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC CONFERENCE ‘© Another assistant coach (Mr. Mendora) stated that (player A) definitely worked out with the team in the weight oom prior to August 32, 2025. The sessions were monitored by the coaches. = _ The text message sont by Mr. Capodice on July 23, 2015, sungesting that student-athlete (player A) might be coming to Berlin to play football (0.5). + Written testimony from Mr, Wilfredo Iaarry, the dean of students at Pulaski Middle School and ‘Mir. James Jones, the dean of students at Slade Middle School, both in New Britain testified to ‘the fact that students and parents told them that they were being recrulted to play football in Bertin by Mr. Capodice (0.13and4), + Mrs. IIE statement regarding the conversation she had with the parent of the studont. athlete fram New Britain (player 0} regarding the fact that she was waiting to speak to Mr. Capotice because he promised her son (player 0} a scholatship fhe went to Bertin High Schoot to play footbat(0.10). Megat Residency +The Bertin address given as their residence by the family ofthe student-athlete who allegedly til fives In Middletown (player C), is vacant, according to the private investigator hited by the Berlin schoo! district (0.22). +The testimony of two teachers from Berlin High School, Ms. King and Ms. Mayette regarding the ‘conversation at school with another teacher who stated that her husband was contacted by Me. Capodice’s Father asking if he wauld have Section & housing because his son was looking to move a fail into town (0.7and8) + The surveillance report, including photos taken of the Now Britain student-athlete depicting him leaving a residence in New Britain, once with his Berlin football helmet, from September 14” 22", 2015, seven school days. The student-athlete (player8} was transported to Berlin High Schoo! from the New Britain cesidence si out of the seven days (0.3anda), +The written testimony of * stating he accompanied a parent of a New Britain player (F) to ahhome in Belin where, according to ‘the parent told him the residence was being obtained bby Coach Capodice so that her son could play in Berlin. In addition, the parent told’ that Coach Capodice would also find her employment ina Bedlin clerical otice (0.35). {Based on the testimony of witnesses from both school distits its clear that CIAC by-laws were violated. The evidence strongly suggests that illegal recruitment and residency violations occurred, and ‘continue to occur within the Berlin High Schoo! football program, THE CONNECTICUT INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETIC CONFERENCE ecommended sanctions allowed by the CIAC by-laws: Be fined a definite amount: or ’ placed on probation pending future conduct for a definite time period; oF fe prohibited from participation in CIAC - sponsored meets ot tournament fora definite ine period: oF ‘80 suspended from the CIAC fora definite time period; or ‘be penalized by any combination of the above NEW BRITAIN HIGH SCHOOL Ho Mit Sinner NEW BRITAIN, CONNECTICUT 06051 (9) 225.0010 ay (HED) 275.050 Pavil F Chants oy Joseph Patchy vt Pt amy seen Pips lzaboth Croks Xeriel via Mayor Niatk J Fernandes oa Pais! be Poin October 19, 2015 Dr Steven Wysawski, COLAC AsgosiateF scetnive Diregion ron Sa Realty Daive Chesbiee, CF (0410 Date De Wysouski ths fetter iste request that the CLAC bold atiany associated with Ge Morin High Selusol foal cote, Mi J onal in estan ie a Copidive nt Siakations sant residency Golations tevin High Subaot soba players We Beliey tht de seriansness of this situation warsats st hosonys investigation by the CLA. Enh Since ie LIE on : i David Chambrs ical, Sw Bata Ugh Seo NBUS A Wonkd of Opportunity A Place for have vane his a wolf mpacr to infact you thet bay teusntly beeen aeeace of alletations of nit only hie GF anor avunboes ef the arin Pigh Sebo! foo il ton, bat vot ob “ws ov estintionne wf anti tov cull ‘af tow fenehad! players te: aut team, My avakene sane 1 fine eon worse He Oe offuials ose New Belain Pade Sehoct oo bing atrangenienss, se hws found, Hagens aieeek Uva investigations ets fouabtl pla ta BN jaditienal alegatinns of eereuitmwet cmulations, rev orf {and Nes Birtaia) ore continuin fant resesstens 40 ths eff0 ating, posses Live arpnandded investigation aa abavoting im 1 the aysistanee of th von toehalf of Berlin Hi fo wnfcition to wdorang “his oifietad sell rest, 1 tigaiing, anst vesting Move rit ts attlet deparisent, Fam poised rather, and Lotion th not ti tly you any ree fail coogeraion at th 8188 acpuinisteatiwe start shoakd Jilly Wr assist and opera thurd party lavestiyation : yey yon ee Frans i. Kenneth rat of shoots, Rerlin Pubke Schools \ Diceator, darlin Public School Wet Dad B. fess, Super fyniol Seavone, Athi Berlin High School Football player Living in New Britain Monay 9/14/15 Dive to fEEEEEE ew Britain and park nent to the cometery across the street and Just down from the house. AL 6:43ain a w/ CT plate IEEE pulls out of the driveway and goes loft dovenfStcect, (urns cght on Eve. theo (ores ght Goulevard, Proceeds to make a U-turn and parks on the side of the road ner School. A gielw/a gets out of car @7:02 and goes tthe bus &gets.on the busin (cont of A 0! Ives in New Britain. The | then turns tet on MRE 0. 15kes, 0 lef on MINES, ight on OES, eft AMIS. sight onto GEE sand a et on t0 07.9 south ORAM exit, Turns right off exit and 9 quick ‘eli ont cr A no MLS akes 2 ght 07 I, ot on MMII anc, and arives directly to Berlin High Schoo! and drops off a young man ve beiove to te Tuesday 9/15/15, Ci Plot ove HEEL. @ 6:22 am, Goes to EEE outevaed and [Ave Orops off the same girl w/ the to get on bus in front of Si nd then drives to Berlin High School, Same as Monday! Weds. 9/26/15, Cr Pa EE ooce EES. 6 6:05am goes tls Jive. Drops af sve gil w/ the toget busin font f rw then drives to Seda igh School, Same as Monday &Tuesdy! Thursday 9/3735 s Pa AEs O20 we the creer of = 4 PEE 0, Drops off same giel w/a to get bus infront off is not in the cart But the car stops at the sottom ot fils. on EEE Ave. the waits for to walk down lsirect then he then enters the Car Then the same scenacio 3s Iondoy, Tues & Wed. They drive to Berlin High Schoo, bu with a diferent car! Feday ones The ct Plate IBD pets out of MIE st. @ 6:44am goes to the corner of fll HR 60 .tevard ar Ie. 0095 of the same ge w/the tocatch the bs. Then goes ans parks tthe bottom of MS —— inthe same postion as was done on thursday. At720Sam . walks down IMEISteet with hs Bein Footkall Helmet infis band & enters the they again proceed 10 Berlin High School. The same scenario as Mon, Tues, Wed, & Thurs Monday 9/23/15 No car leaves the st. House in the morning to goto the bus déop off area or to Berhi High School Checked attendance €@ Pulaski where attends is marked absent for 9/21/15 Tuesday 9/22/35 7 Pfatc EEE coves HES: © 6:26 goes t0 comer | ve, 8 MII ops off the same gis w/the to catch the bus. The then rotors CUES. eaves the driveway with the fran seat Bt taker 8 different route. The proceeds east on ME St. goxs down to the st. intersection and turns right. Proceeds to the entrance of RY. 9 south and get off at HBB Fotiows the same route but stops for Gas ut the Citgo Gas station then proceeds to Bertin High Schoot, A ltte different fcom the previous days but the same result Mo.PNG APNG Ings, 4 © 1 pases) - Seated (4024) on e000 Verlzon UTE < Messages Dan ‘ext Message Today 9:29 AM FWD: Fwd: FWD: 7/28/2015 Jers! IMessieie: aps pbon Derhinchooksoneereieshome 8:89AM @ +} 100% lta + Contact Send © tea 102972018 945. AM | | | ens tna ups. Yetinstioak pawersehol ena ott 6 School; Horin tagh School Torm: 16-10 Year Transfer Information aE ew Currant Enrollment EEnlry Date !CodeEXtDate/Couo Grade Entry Comment Exit Comment Schoo! eagianis 2 onor2016 2 esknHagh Senoot Provious Enrollments Entry Date /Code Exit Date Cote Grade Enlry Comment Ext Comment Schoo! Hote. Tox seaeen may no be used to anise & student oF OUT ef sOre6, Click on Funchers to tnd aks to oso ‘poration. BERLIN HIGH SCHOOL 102.91 Thy mame ss Sala Wlabe Py 0 saffp. pnomber at Butin High ) wan & Roo worker. J war Lot) Aer hy another Maff, momber thd her Jurband whe cnn ported propusiea,, wear, Called Ay hen Copochen whe arhudl af Ae ould Avr acelin sig dt Aouning anartobl Abeoause Sudn Conedien,, Aub Lon, Wo, Looking te smave. o. family ues Hirorn Hhabe Whe 2, FRANCIS L.RENNEDYIR, KELLY S.StAtO- tobe hs Wy man os) Facion PM ay, 4, olay pmb at BHS LP wars preaane wdhon om Jaacher abarid. Aor har huabamd , 2 Ppa. bod resumed? o. Cal froyn olabng phak hea cums Ln Adan, Vy Capedece- “ Me View “Brlevm prong Ko mre. Ae A Suehae? Pry te en CBepren aomliisew eee vin iezzi eon: Steve Wysowsti vent: Thursday, November §, 2018 12:53 PAA Dan Scavone Vincent fer; Karissa Niehof Subject: Re: Football Coach Wow! Thanks Dant! Steve ‘On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 12:46 PM, Dan Seavone “dscavoneiberlinschools.on? wok 11i Vin - I arrange for both the assistant football couch and the teacher who wrote statements to be available 10 : ret with you this Friday between 12:15 and 1:00ish, ‘They both confined. As | said the other assistant works. Obviously he eunnot make il, But you do have his cell number and he ‘expels your call, yw this gentleman nor do 1 pereeive this as testimony hut i ngly. sce the emait below, I do not aks vahumes about the lack of eonpetation we get trons ihe the feting by some in town ‘community members who know whit as ee > sdy@berlinschools. org,, “gary brochu" , derwin@berlinschools,o19 4, 2015 2:54:32 PM Subject: Football Coach ‘As a Berlin resident, and supporter of the football team, | am so disappoinied in the recent developments reported on the news and in the local newspapers. | heard in the past that Coach would entice others to play on the team. Others meaning not “technically” eligible. | never acted on what | thought was speculation, but now I must. {just came from a focal store and ran into others who were discussing this negative situation. One person came out and said “I hope my nephews do not get tagged, one played years ago and one is currently on the team bul they eat and sigep al heir home in Middletown" ‘The person continued to say they lead others to believe that ‘hey ri was actually ving in town (at a deceased relatives house) when in fact they never occupied the house. | believe two names are che 2s oe aaa ‘What was really sad about the whole conversation is that the individuals acknowledged that Coach tnows and as they said "is coo! with it as long as the boys can bring home the W's", | hope the Board of Education takes action, The students attend Berlin High School for an education and that education should be reflected in and outside of the classroom by teachers and coaches. The parents who allow this and support this just so their son can be in their fantasy mind a tar on a team should also be held accountable and fined. They pay taxes to Middletown but Berlin educates their children, Sendithe| family a message and transfer the student back to Middletown. If they claim that fives with his grandmother, we can let the newspapers investigate into that Terminate the Coach immediately. You are a place of education and part of an education is to take fesponsibility for one’s actions, Do what is right, | for one will tolerate nothing less. es Seen OMS rivet at Athenee Veli Palshie Seta © Wyso Associate Exeeutive Director.CIAC BERLIN HIGH SCHOOL we tee 2 @D HARGIS RERRSEDY JIE tah Demy cs OL AMO OE UD PB a Ch Exkey or Weed Greases Quearrngy ce Reale ys Qed Bebeos dnathee Brame dn DOM, QAO Cr @H ACHAEA ee angyes LS Arwr Ses EY ow dante re, Corre Cec? Y CoMad Sky Dre wicker Y « \wipealc awk Cee 2 ce sharoed oS one Cele wok Cee pee hee & Cock en Noa, thy | NE LORY «yes «Ava NS, Ong hkanalte 29. Oo Goess\eup oa ee des Lasnd Ay Coats rgis Sones Ay pray Dred keel She au Doctor i \u3 Dibale hwo cehocs ie vin iezzi “rom: ‘ban Scavone ven Tuesday, November 3,201 1:55 PM To: Karissa Niehoff Steve Wysowst viniewi@hotmaitcom ce Fran Kennedy, David Erwin Subject: Fwd: Investigation 11/3/2015 ce the email below which was just sent by one of my assistant football coaches. estion actunlly varolted at Reelin {igh Schoo! on 8/31/15, enrolled caries and beau vas 4 senior he was contemplating staying at New Britain for his final year, But "upparently he ehanged is mind. This email was in relation to the text message sent by Lohn Capodiee on July 23rd, You have a eopy of this text. Vin should you neva to speak with Coach Levesque, Dan From: “Robert Levesque" ‘Dan Scavone" Sont: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 1:27:46 PM Subject: Investigation 11/8/2015 my only interaction with John Capodice about contact with student athletes {rom New Britain was in wy, 2018. ohn taied ina Re and hs falter went to (ak (bout playing Yor tho Berlin football Team. He said that it was OK because how lived in Berlin. He also stated that in texponse to the vi 2 now going to sem in Bern High Schoo! that Monday. Shorly after this conversation, jstarted attending team workouts, passing leagues and camps. Robert Levesque Proud Assistant Football Coach Daa Seavone,CMAA Director of Athleties Berlin Publie Sehvols President, CAD a 1a INVESTIGATIVE SUMMARY To: Vin lezzi in, CT Superintendent of Schools PREPARED BY: DATE: 11/14/2015, SUBJECT: Berlin, CT HS Residencies Investigation Pursuant to a phone call from Mr. Vin lez, who is investigating the captioned matter on behalf of the CIAC, I have prepared this brief summation of my investigative activities and findings to date, This document in no way represents a complete report, and il is essential fo note that my investigation is, ongoing, Additionally, on Friday, November 139%, 1 apprised Mr. Ewin of my intent to provide this document to Mr. lezzi, and he authorized me to do so, [have conducted five surveillances as follows: 11/04/2015: (On 11/03/2015 the story of possible residency violations by Berlin HS football players broke in the media and it received saturation we). {began surveittance RR no. commencing at 6:21AM, ‘his isthe adden of| Tather, ALO4OAM observed a (CT Reg INE operated by an adult female and containing a young girl in the front passenger scat pull out of the driveway and turn Ie CMOS. (overd MARIE ee. "T remained in position to see i the mate ‘emerged, perhaps to be picked up by someone else. AL 6:59AM the returned, only occupied by the driver, and parked in the rear of the three family residence, No high school aged male ever came out of the hows, ard | ¢ surveillance at 7:40AM. After consulting with Superintendent Erwin, we decided (0 let some time go by before expending any more efforts on INIME Si. surveillance (to give the media hoopla a chance to subside, fearing it alerted violators, causing them to make other arrangements). On Thursday, 11/05/2015, A.D, Dan Scavone made me aware of another possible violator, and he forwarded me an email he'd received from on named In that emai alerted administrators: ituation, claiming the student lives in Middletown. | received westigite this claim, 28 IMM probe was temporarily on approval to hold. and 11/13/201 moth of the address. On 12/09, 11/10, Lp claimed by student Berlin. On all four occasions, | arrived at thaLaddress at approximately 6:30AM (it's a single family house on the corner of MISC [CT RICHI) and IME). The house appears to be unoccupied. | never observed any vehicle in the driveway, nor did | observe any light on in any patt of the house. No one emerged from the house al any time, Further research in the Berlin, CT Tax Axgessor's :cords indicates that the house is currently owned by — from a fon) as, the previous owners. A check of the CT Secretary of Stale Concord business ndicates that “i TET is 1 company whose principal is from the sted — and the Rexlin dd Ic to| divorced p mother La. MEE business, and a: dropped off and picked up at school by his mother, driving th —— {is compelling to note that in the case offend in the case of IL neither avail themselves of the free bus serviee 1 Berlin HS, provided by the distiet, Investigation cont ing, ERLEN HIGH Ss 2H ¢ PATTEM SO WAY Feed Levzercy ¥G0- 45-7665 DOL Pele, Ws. HRANCIN TL. KENNEY) KEYS. S1410 WAMDIAIEA VENILIRA —— PXTIRICAN 11 EES Mag meme a fell Fearn, Ath Asus OC ted ot Pare iad le Sr Mies fave Keetrdye Steed weve oe OF my player > Arenlor 2b oWradlity Pe AK aes a Bua ee setya hy rhea, Mies, Were, Metin Yet ) Renee bag ketne he ptegen sce ony Byotig feed wll Comet y Cupertine One Baad ewe eed he ces ) Vee a a pee Cite she we id Awe AG haan We lag Shot Ya Pagedice ces MAAN Geet AE neue aw re DEMOEN Mer ose Que isteady During “Ye aero Yay Weriny MEM? weed, BBB Sc opening event + V sheds have poder We neNE en Sd || avn Wu Nery Se bey KO phy Sebel 4 wl he me bere eo Deree en wn Kee Bods, BBB eo cte Wet Cepeda e w a sAedewls Se pha ee ke WE tee Motel Magee Med [| TWN OV he athleat fig agen Hee Bertin wees Lee Mae We Be ack gon, We Neh We seven ae Be. Bela Ay while Wis Aen Whey hh Ne veone Wad Awo odovere eA Peden Mew dn waite Pa Eh Summer eaeen Gee eee WD Weieieny csi plea sig, sb sd ay whe ply Swe NG EE ng Keak bey, ant Rew Meaty. Ue Meet Capac ey 0 Ae be qok hen te Wrens Creth ke a ee Bin Beaty be bees u she thee ‘ pended MEO oS 5 EW Hes dbeey worn ind Shy re geting te Aken ellen Ao my wae a beech’ i betes te be He along a A resed beeches Borba ayy Me SR Vin colle Bivesy ca WAfaus Vs st hear abn ol shy at ioe Sede Mo | 960- Jas 6395 ! HAREM KIANEDY JI RETA SIMI ARATE NORA eaTICKA He rms fe ot Sleds Hh mynene oy Bury Tos Tene Ha foun 2, She Middl 4 beat antl Od Sherk Sibel fice dey puclen Seu ¢ High Soho b onet eles ry ke veer :: a thet he Gls Bebe fa Bas Comet: Cryer OCG e bie fo week do bee Ga tnt She dol LAK Gale one J z Gabba ¢ Last yee Tee Sande al Nee git Foret bt @ Apuwet By Ake es We Re aer Hyekoels Crees Gayatri pacaader® Roa Une Dvoen L Je catlvgg 1K he phe yak he Beddow) bette fee elie powel a y ve Mhed he hak no vegaddy Coma’ Bea thebed tet Boe AL het premade, Pte Cet tox doled bee tual freelhe sac EX Cota fullowrey, Lire WD hee eames He Meee. Cech Gunl® Carer Pane? 7 Stabe tr lels Wag heheal, She leugfecs! it effet Geel nate feler ass Warts few ars ford wre, lo anor Nace tn Berbinsed The teve hod ed “hes foot He fairy eagle, aod we beafel plead oa hect fos Studacks whi floyd fete judowr te Cook lop bres. . sy tear. Gms We play Gor Bette adhe “ PAO Hed Vine law We pry prable far yd Race ° Regspees PPR Btaer daniery Minera mer Schad ble eres the fas Tuy. locerre eCARLs ic Noel foe Berton Wid play ( oe aay ine S Jost Md Lie © BERLIN HIGH SCHOOL seo “ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT 139 Patterson Way * Hevlin, CT 06037 a rorrory Yo whom it may concern: Vy namo La Justise Hairston; from 2013 to 2014 1 was a voluatoer head Football coach with the New Britain Football Police Athlotsc League. baring that Line 1 had the pleasure of coaching a lot young boys and one in particular, |» ‘at the tive and very talented. SAKID lavet didn't go unnoticed by people in Rew Britain and neighboring Lowns . After the compiorion of the 2012 youth foothat) season re. A ['s nother, was approached about EEE paying 50 Berlin's indoor toothal! Teague in the wintor. However, sho vax a bit apprehensive due o the rough toothal! season EEE just had in the Tell. I advised her that he auld be {ne to play beeanso he was 30 young. HMMM pa eicsparod in an tndoor teague for dartints winter tootbat! Team on erlin youth team, 10 Hareh of 2014 Hr. poke with wneat Length above the idea of her son attending #nr1sn High in tho jears. she explained how thiz was going to coma about by moving Lo Berd aa sor aaeagaey with eh fee of ohn capac In Me td of 2014 Hrs later aeked me to accompany hor to a hone just over the New Britain lino into Rerlén that Capedico would be helping her obtain-so that her son would be able to attend Borlin lligh Schoo). Mrs said, “It was important that we move snow 50 that we could establish residency for a year, this way AME can play Footbal! and baseball without any red {lags boing rained”. 1 accompanied Hrs, MINN Lo Ue property where wo met with a guy {nae eae snowing Cmnonee After about, 70 minuves of Looking around Uho‘gtutrouna mencfonea thet any changoo to the intersor of the Rome Soo debe done Rocause.“uohn wants. You to be happy”. tn adastson, Ha. firoceeded to Gell me thot she woe certain of employment, Wich Nearer: by John Capodiee, aa a clerical worker in a Berlin Ditice afer moving site. the hata: this hagpens to be che house creel coconied by ae =o; a sincerely, Sesvone, CMA Phone: 869-828:6577 es. 15 vax, 5609708731 ete Dieter sscavanceuennschoo.

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