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designers M. Starczewski BSc.Eng, Stress Engineer, Research Dept. Introduction The aim of this article is to set down, in readily available fashion, the fundamental theory needed for the design of some typical pressure vessels of non-circular cross- section. (Of these the most common are the rectangular section tanks. ‘They are often used as bulk storage containers or as baths in the treatment of metals and fibres and surface coating processes etc. For this reason vessels ofthis type have been given special attention. Other shapes are also included by reference rather than by a worked example. Tn explanation ofthe underlying theory a number of fully worked out examples are given showing the procedure Which may be adopted when | preparing he nesenay” | calculation sheets for different types of vessels. Such calculation sheets may frequently be required for approval by Inspection and Insurance companies as well as Certification Authorities. ‘There are no national or international standards or codes of Practice that will cover all of the types. Here ASME VIII, Div. 1, Appendix 13 probably offers the heat guidance on amumber of, different d nfortunately, ints present orm, itis rather ‘cumbersome and requires considerable time for pro understanding and assimilation, other useful source of information on rectangular tanks can be found in the Theory and 2 British Engine Technical Repunt 198] Vams XIV Non-Circular Pressure Vessels —Some guidance notes for Practical Design of Bunkers?. Rectangular section headers are also covered by the Swedish Pressure Vessels Code, British Standard BS 1113: 1969* and the Italian Standard ANCC—-VSR Collection Section VSR IS: 1978°. The last two references need to be viewed with considerable reservations as they appear to contain a number of discrepancies which are inconsistent with the fundamental theory. ‘Where there is no relevant code, the procedure outlined in this article follows the same logic, based on fundamental engineering theory as used in the codes and should therefore be equally acceptable. Such procedure should be regarded as evidence of ‘good modern day general ‘engineering practice in this field Ttis hoped that it will promote a better understanding of the problems associated with such vessels which are often either ignored or not given the consideration and attention which they deserve. Such tanks can be quite complex in their detailed leign and unawareness on the rt of the designer and/or fabricator, to appreciate the various aspects can lead to costly ‘amifcationslter on. These ans although they appear to be very Simple indesd, can nonetheless ‘cause considerable embarrassment ifnot assessed adequately at the outset Additional guidance is given on oare/rectangular ducting lormally such ducting is restricted t0 20 psig (0138 N/mm?), However, the procedure outlined in this atil 14s no limitation per se. o ls indicate that the former are rather inefficient. Cylindrical vessels will sustain considerably higher pressures, for the same wall thicknesses and size, see Fig. 20 However, practical consideration will often force the designer to select a rectangular shape as the best available option, The fundamental theory is applicable to both external and internal pressure. Worked examples given in the text refer 1 internal pressure for the simple reason that, for the external resture application, considerable fapssill ext in the knowledge of the allowable compressive stress levels which will not cause ‘buckling or plastic collapse in fectangular and other non- circular tanks. In such instances it should be possible to use the design data contained in the British Standard BS 449: 1969° for checking the main stiffeners and beams. Fundamental theory for rectangular section Pressure vessels Figure 1 shows the basic geometry of the rectangular vessel with sharp corners and whi subjected to a uniform pressure of. where L = the longer span A = the shorter span +1, = second moment of area of the beam BCB about its neutral axis J, = second moment of area of the beam BAB about its neutral axis Due to symmetry about axes 4A and CCit will be convenient to B Tt [re Al j-th Fil analyse one quad Crosssection show juadrantis in eq the action of the | ‘moments indicate Clearly from th: horizontal and ve acting on the qua which represents Toad in member the ven loadin respectively. In ¢ tense forces the tare considered in comparison wi suchas Land by In beams and fi rigid joints, asin ¢ case, the strain en direct and shear f in comparison wit bending that only to be considered statically indetern a SEES igs AION ANNAN ERNST I 0 2 oto Tat SOM Now. Cvetan Presane Vewch > Same Guidance Notes Jor designer this article clement of length. ie “Two further postulates rectangular (Castigtiano’s theory) help to solve alent size TETT TTT the problem. These are: ros-section) J (i) The partial differential he former are » Coefficient ofthe strain energy in a lindcieal structure with respect to a load F siderably Slog on a structare, i equivalent the same wall to the displacement of F along its theory is ternal and orked e text refer to the simple xternal , considerable knowledge of ollapse in ch instances it use the ed in the 449: 19698 for iffeners and cory for ion asic geometry ssl wi -m pressure nger span orter span 1 moment of f the beam sbout its moment f the beam about its al axis pout axes AA nvenient (0 Fig analyse one quadrant only of the cross-section shown. This juadrant isin equilibrium under the action of the loads and moments indicated in Fig. 2 Clearly from the balance of the horizontal and vertical forces acting on the quadrant we obtain which represents the direct tensile load in member BC, and the tensile load in member AB respectively. In evaluating these tensile forces the thicknesses , and {, are considered to be negli in comparison with dimensions such as Land h, i.e. L £2) effectively equals to = 2) ete ly equals to 5 In beams and frames having igi joints, asin this particular see, the strain energy due to the dliveet and shear forces isso small in comparison with that due to Trending that onl the later need tw he cansidered when evaluating statically indeterminate moments. In any member of a structure subjected to bending the total strain energy is given by ye (ee : |, 267 where M isthe bending moment Zany point on the member Caused by the combined effect of the imposed loads and the supporting forces and moments, whether statically determinate hot. The integration must be taken over the entirelength of tach member, of which dream Tine of action, ie. au _ ['2Mem oF ~ ),2e1aF “MoM (EM eee f EIOF @ (ii) The paral dierentit foeficient of the strain energy wwith respect co a moment acting on a structure is equivalent to the Single through which that portion ofthe structure rotates when the moment is applied au ft mam, om, ~ |,EIaM, When, asin this cat, the support of the structure (point 4) diges not give way under the action ofthe loading, then there is no deformation fhe wractare ahs point of support and the two Expressions just quoted can be equated tozer0. de=$......(3) Us Fig 2 Tirtish Engine Tocknical Report 19R1 Volume XT By serting down the equation for moments along AB and BC and by considering the strain energy dlc to bending (by integrating along AB and BC respectively) it an be shown that the moments at the three important points 4, B and C become fora general case oo Mya x [r ait (233). “ hh b Ka2y wd Baz Notice that pi _ pl? (K+3—26? Ma's a” eT phere the first term denotes the bending moment at mid span for a simply supported beam BCB under the action of uniform load p. For a uniform wall thickness throughout, the parameter Which is the same as 8 and the three moment expressions simplify tothe following ete a8 (8) pl? (B+3—2p? ESSA T ear ra @) where once again A bare thera of shrew longer spas 5 subaituting specific values, forthe parametet BG 1,09, ete uptop = 1) wwe can expres the three moments ina very uch simplified form Mg = OPP occcce cece (10) My = pl? uy Me = cpl? (12) where a, %p and a are the three new parameters which, for uniform wall thickness throughout, are dependent on A » ratio onl F ly. The plots for these three parameters are shown in Fig. 3, ‘where after simplification these can be written as B+28-2 a, == (13) ane TB HPA +I = (15) Identical plots to those shown in Figure 3 were obtained from the equations given in ASME VIII, “Appendix 13" and the Swedish Pressure Vessels code? indicatin that these are also based on fundamental engineering theory. ‘When comparing the above ‘equations with the corresponding parameters given in these 1 ‘codes it must be borne in mind that the latter? specifies the two spans as 2m x 2n so that thé relevant constants. will differ by « factor of four, since M = a, pilin reference (1) and M = aspm? in reference (3). Thus for consistency 4? must be equal to aym? AS 2? = 4m? hence this factor of 1 is contained in the parameter a, in all the expressions for ‘moment given as M = apm? Hence it can be seen that the approach presented in this article will satisfy both ASME VIII, Div.t and the Swedish Presse Vessels code for the plain rectangular vessels but reference hasstill to be made to these codes for the allowable design stress level and the weld factor where along each member can be quite ‘easily obtained by the following method, (2)__ For members BCB, span / First draw toa suitabie scale the free end moment distribution curve BCB which is given by the standard equation My =toe{e—Z} weve (16) where xs the distance from point B. (Distance B-B to represent the gpan Jeng L) Refer back co ig. 3 to obtain the relevant bending moment at the corners, My = aypl?. Draw a new “zero bending moment’ axis 0-0 at a distance equal to Mg below the original datum line BB (as shown 4a). The resultant sketch will give the complete bending ‘moment distribution diagram for the longer span length L. Moment at any point along BB is then imply given by the vertical intercept, either above or below Fig 3 the new datum may be. In this Fig. 4 shows th: distribution cu applicable to t! geometries: (i) a rectangular!) ratio equals 0 0-0" for squar: and (ii) for bui =o. The poi are also shown useful when th made on the by welded seam attachment. (©) Formem ‘Similar pro described abo ‘obtain the mo diagram for th only differenc: the initial free the above responding hese two ein mind ies the two atthe r consistency a is factor of ¢ that the n this article (E VIII, h Pressure lain it reference | these codes gn stress level here wn in Figure ation curve an be quite following °B, span abie sale the ven bythe (16) rom point presen the ack vo levant new "ero s0-0at8 pelow the Basshown antsketeh Pending tingram for Lh Moment etical wre ta aati 8" pope ‘Now-Ginclar Pressure Vevels — Some Guidance Notes Jor designers LTTTTT Tt ae 5s ne f— ‘| BF amet i ee a 77 hee 7 J a sae rea the new datum line 0-0 as the case may be. In this particular instance Fig. 4 shows the moment distribution curve which is applicable to the following three geometries: (i) datum line 0-0 for rectangular header whose h/L ratio equals 05, (i) datum line 0-0" for square header, ic. A= and (ii) for builtin beam where 0. The points of contraflexure also shown for these eases. This sort of information could prove useful when the decision has to be made on the best location of the welded seam or any other outside attachment. (b)_Formembers BAB, spank Similar procedure to that Aeseried above can be used to ‘obtain the moment distribution dliagram for the moment curve is now given by the equation oe wheres the distance fom point B (cowards this ime). The new distance BB should now represent, tothe same seal as above, the shorter span “The basi engineering theory and the above procedure indicate thateach member ofa rectangular seetion veel ean be treated as an inal simply supported ree tnd) beam unformly loaded along {entre length whichis then tubjected tothe end moments Mp, the ater determined from Fig. 3. ‘This approach wll be uel fr Calculating the central deflection Of the members Thisisusrated in Figs 4(0)and () and the pio forthe central deflection of he longer span Lis given in Fig 5 M, =) So far we have dealt essentially with a uniform wall rectangular vessels. The preceding basic theory is equally applicable to rectangular vessels which have peripheral stiffeners spaced along the length of the vessel as shown in Fig. In such cases we have to check not only the strength of the stiffeners but also the stres levels in the wall panels between these stifeners The strength of the peripheral stiffeners can be determined by the method described above, as for the rectangular vessels, by ting fs for the uniform pressure load p used in the preceding analysis. Equations (4), (6)and (6) can be used directly for a general case where the second ‘moments of area of the stiffeners /, and f and the wall thicknesses 444 ofthe two main sides are British Engine Technical Report 1981 Volume XIV Fig. 4. Coral defections st oP 6-H e wai . 2 26, OMe 6M) rent, For uniform wall and stiffener sections Equations (10), (11) and (12) and Fig 3 become ‘once more applicable provided ps {s substituted for p in the relevant equations. "The wall panels between the stiffeners can be treated as rectangular panels fixed (bui atall four edges and subjected to 8 ‘uniform pressure load p over the entire area. Reference (7) covers this particular case and gives the ‘maximum bending stress, which ‘occurs at the centre of the long where the value of B depends he ratio of the two sid 4a/, bis the width or the shor span and fis the panel plate n wall and ations (10), 3 become ween the dat ed (built-in) ubjected toa ipover the (cove gives the es which th long epends re wo sides shorter plate Non-Circular Pressure Vessels, Fab A edges ined, union iarted nad p er the 2 cone sr ye i 7 20 i 18 * Bending rem at 216 : ” 3 ont | 12 I or Of 3s Value of 8 Some Guidance Notes for designers thicknest. Fig. 7 gives the plot for the variable for varius a/6 ratios, Notice that for a/b values above 2.15 the parameter f= 05, giving ne pt oa 0sty or ost. ‘This represents the same situation that oceurs for a built-in beam of span 6. Here the end moment my, = aR and the plate section modules fora unit width strip 2 ze Hence the bending stress at the builtin edge = ME gpl on eo en Ose, i. the same as above. This confirms tha for wall panels whose a/b ratio exceeds 2-15 we can treat the central portion of such panels asa fixed-in beam of span equal to the width of the panel ‘One further detail which will require consideration is the solution for the corner wall panels, whether the corner occurs between the main side panels or between the side panels and the flat ends which may have transverse stiffeners. Such details can be dealt with by evaluating the bending moments and tensile loads shown in Fig. 8. The information presented here is based on the basic theory contained in Reference (8) by combining the two separate loading conditions or panes Z and A respectively. Basic information on critical moments and tensile load ven for (eyrectangular vse fadiused corners—see (elliptical vessels—sce (©)oblong vessels of uniform thickness—see Figs. 1] and 12. Table 1 in the Appendix gives some basic equations for the simple geometries and loading systems considered in this article. WORKED EXAMPLES horizontal wall stiffeners Figure 13 shows the essential details of one such tank measuring '5500 x 2000 x 2500 mm deep. The tank is to contain liquid of specific density 1°5. It is to be supported ‘on beam members forming part of the general plant structure, toes 6mm thick plate material of 432/N/mm? ultimate strength. ‘The corrosion effect on the plate British Engine Technical Report 1981 Volume XIV thickness is considered to be equivalent to | atiior | kg/em? negligible during the useful life of pressure) or in Newtons per mm? A ally venus this pressure is equivalent to it would normally require severat attempts to establish they = 0375%981 optimum size ofthe stifeners and 100 their respective spacing. The = 0:0368 N/mm? or 3-68 x 10) following check will deal with the 2 tank as shown in Fig, 13 in nia i ‘order todemonstrate thedesign (A) Check on Stiffeners method rather than the final (Considering the firs stiffener choice. from the bottom, namely $1. Its ‘The pressure distribution on the fabricated from 200x 100 x8 mm. tank walls will belinear and as. rectangular hollow section whose shown in Fig. 14. The pressure __ properties are as follows at the bottom of the tank due to the 25 mhead ofliquidofspeafic = Moment of inertia = 2269 em* deny St aoa p= 228 | 975 kg/cm? = 227 x? a A = sectional area (a8 10 mbead of wateris = 45:1 em? = waifoem premure LA L being the longer span BESANT a eet A aE ERAN NN em NonCinular Prevaure Veale — Some Couidance Notes for designers 3° 1 kgfem? S (ons per mm* 3 alent to & 3 = a or 368% 10-2 a a 2 3 6 ffeners 7 * iS first stiffener 3-7 = may STs i f= => ction whose i t— 4 5 ows Bia |saaa Py 3 pertia ze | iS us L~_— i a a 0-05 ‘Value of K cn = pl? 7 0-04 -4(0-8) wi 0-05 0.02 Value of Kat (lor WL Ux indicates, oor el os ar a 04 3 04 3 cones (7/4) B rigs. ae en ne nee British Engine Technical Report 1987 Volume XT 036 092 028 L Moment at point 024 a Kapa ie My = Rape Tension at point fs Ty= pra 2 > E oo as 3 = g t~ Z o16 ia \ on2 008 0-04 [ | ° o2 OF 06 Fi. 10 bya Ratio a aS saan BYTE “3 “Non-Circular Pressure Vessels — Some Guidance Notes Jor designers oe, bet or Gu Aye Pe sl (Cnr nem 7 - 34 Tenton a and B= 6 Tenjou Mes 2 } Fig | L L k a a a I 7 Maret if {Ps - 4 4 iste u db T= i 2[ (Coir tice 3 =a i 18 ; lt \ 16| pS J mn i Tate deh _ wand : aon rest 4 | | ‘ 2 f oe 208 wo 70 a “The vale of he oni ! | — Fig. i Brith Engine Technical Report 1981 Volume XIV So that the direct 34320 1x 100 > ‘Thus the combin, stress in stiffener * oy = 1061 +76 = 113-7 Nm Tit thick = 6 mm. ‘Al maria 652 Mf? UTS Itappears that a! stiffener section co at this position, sv 200 100 x 6:3 m: which will result bending stress lev 2408610 TBS x 100 aia +8" or = (iii) Stiffener S: 150 100 6:3 m Fi. 8. The presue load on this sioner 2987 108 perimm oflength (pan) willbe, % ™ 57.7009 According to Figure 14, eo by = H252+392) x 107? 500 +560 In addition there willbe a direct x(t called acing ester, i tense load ean be calcula = 15976 Newtons per mm of Thieme load ean be caleulared heat PixL _ 15476x5500 From Fig. 3, for the A/L ratio of Ta= --—7T 2000 = 42559 Newtons = = 0364, 5500 Hence the direct tensile stress at the max. bending moment Myis corners (or along the shorter spans) given as isgiven by M, = 0.0638), 22 _ #2559 im F S06sex 15476038007” aerx100 ~ AN = 2987 x 10° Nmm ‘Thus the combined maximum Since the section modulus Z of this tensile stress in the stiflener $1 is stiffener = 227 em? (or he given by 227 x 1000 mm?) hence t bending stress at the comers ofthe °F = % + % S16 + 944 stiffener will be 141-04 N/mm’ R (Ji) Forstiffener $2, fabricated {rom the same hollow section, the corresponding moment, tensile force and stress levels were found tobeas follows ‘The pressure load ba = HI-64+252) x 107? 360 +640 x 2 248 Newtons per mm of span. ‘The max. bending moment ‘My = 00638 x 1248 x (5500)? = 24086 x 10° the bending stress 0p 4-086 x 10° © 2271000 ‘The direct tensile force __ 1248x5500 a = 34320 Newtons 06-1 N/mm ‘Non- Circular Pressure Vessels — Some Guidance Notes Jor designers So that the direct tensile stress Ps = 4058-4164) x 10-2 ls = conse x us x (5500)? = —34320 7.6 N/mm? x (3) = 22.387 x 0 ~ 51% 100 mm z . 22.387 x 10% = 7-992 Newtons per mmspan ** % = ~4iz7009 ‘Thus the combined max. tensile - r a oe 1m? stress in stiffener $2 is given by Ma = 00638 x a x (5500) oe Ni = 1542 « 106 1165500 Oy = 106-1 +76 Ty = 1992x5500 a eee ue = 197 N/mm” 2 = 31900 Newtons, and Tt appears that a lighter eran stiffener section could be used Oy = te pa Ny? © Teg 7 AA Nim? sition, such a 5 2 23-7% 100 6-3 mm hollow section combined tensile will reultin the combined Thus thecombined max. tensile Hence the total combined tens bending stress level of stress in stiffener $3 =1349N/mm*._ oy = 788 N/mm? 24-086% 108 34320 op = IO + tt iv). Stilfener 54, the top ange, . Taio terion SUSHI RE a tc ratectghy = 1302 +95 = 1397 N/mm? channel ection, Z.,= 41 em? and Hrested by comparison with other aa 132em> stiffeners but normally a heavier section is required atthe “top Stiffener $3, fabricated from Pa = $ x 0-58 x 400 flange position” for handling 150% 100%6'3 mm hollow section. = 11-6 Newtons per mm span purposes teh » ve , fabricated w section, the ft ent, tensile sf xose en s were found Thien x 107? osm 64, 8 = HE eos = =i Wn sper mm of _ moment i Ff nes soso 8 x (5500)? = 1268 Nr,, _. . Fo 8 2822320230) 6-1 N/mm = 1508 Nm, | 7 ree 340110" Wt 8 Fig 5 a ak aa British Engine Technical Report 1981 Volume XIV B. Check om wall panels (i) The lowest wall panel (between the floor plate and the ‘edge of stiffener $1) is loaded as shown in Figs 14 and 15. The actual trapezoidal pressure distribution can be substituted by uniform load case shown in Fig. 15(a) and a triangular load cease shown in Fig. 15(b). These ‘two cases can now be evaluated by the basic engineering beam theory. From the equations contained in Table IIT of Reference (7) the bending moment at point will 2 mB for case (a), and we hor case 1M, = PE for case (6) giving a combined bending moment at this point fi, b2\ ya m=(Hef)e Thus, substituting the relevant values we have = 577-8 Namm per unit width. Now the section modulus ofa unit width of plate of thickness tis given by 2 zh sp bate bending ses at point an = OM $5778 es o = 963 N/mm’ (#8) Second wall panel, between ” Fig is edges of stiffeners $1 and 52, De 460mm 22 | 0.68 My ~ (3 +98) x x (460)? = 459.9 Nm per unit width, 6x4599 a = 7665 N/mm?. 107? (lii)__Third panel, between edges ofstifeners $3 and 53, L= 550mm. 124 O81) 1 o- y= (8422 x (650)? = 435-1 Namm per unit width and 6x43541 a = 7252 N/mm? (8) Floor panels, between the horizontal stiffeners which are spaced at 500 mm pitch, see ‘Case b) pen + 3 T 7 3 Fig. 13. Here 6 = 500-80 = 420 mm. ___ Using Fig. 7 for the builtin plate panels, where which s greater than 215, we Ihave the bending sree a burl in edges a= 05% = 902 N/mm? 3-68 x 107? 420? eerie aera (i) Flor sifeners, fabricated from 120x80x6-3 hollow sections, Z = 74-6cm?, ‘Treating the stiffeners as bu beams, the load per beam = 368% 10" #500 = 184 lewtons per mm of span. ‘Therefore the ben at fixed ends (2 PE? _ 184 1800? RR ‘moment Ms and the bending stress M _ 184x180? Z ~ 12x746% 1000 = 666 N/mm? The preceding a that the stress va locations do not allowable stress thatall the deta above are accep! further refineme necessary. 2, Enclosed ‘Tank with Fl Cover with G Fig. 16 shows th details ofthe pr tanks to conta density of 10 uy depth of 12m. pressure = O0€ Because of th flanged joint th the tank canno an integral ent the cover and ti treated indeper (Consider the tank itself.“ > Case b) L=450 Lows : 420 mm. re built in 1215, we ess at built in 34207 ——— fabricated ollow 2, ners as built in beam. 0 = 184 pan. ding moment 1800? 2 18007 1000 ‘The preceding analysis indicates that the stress values at various locations do not exceed the allowable stress levels confirming that all the details considered above are acceptable and no further refinement is really necessary. 2, Enclosed Re ‘Tank with Flat Bolted Top Cover with Gasket Seal Fig. 16shows the sential details of the proposed tank. The tanks to contain liquid of specific density of 10 upto 4 maximum depth of 1:2 m. The “gas space” presure = 0069 N/mm (10 igh Because ofthe presence ofthe flanged joint the cross-section then canna be conadere a an integral entity. In this instance the cover andthe tank have to be treated independently (®) Consider the cross-section of the tank itself. The vertical Non-Circular Pressure Vessels — Some Cuidance Notes for designers stiffeners on the side wall can be considered as beams built-in atthe lower ends and simply supported athe ange fej lead loaded as shown in Fig. 17. The pressure atthe bottom of the tank will be given by pa = 0069 + 0012 = 0081 N/mm? The pitch between the stiffeners = 440 mm, Thus the loading per unit length of span will be bx = 0069 x 440 = 30:36 Newtons per unit length of span AB, and fr = 0012 x 440 = 5:28 Newtons per unit ofspan AB. The two loading conditions shown above will produce the following bending moments at base (point B) 2 My = PE or case (a, and ate oe My = BE for exe, assuming that the triangular load distribution is over the entire length of 1:5 m instead of 1-2 m. ‘This will give slightly conservative results. ‘Thus the combined bending ‘moment at base will be Hence the bending stress at this location acti: Tirtish Engine Technical Report 1981 Volume NIV M _ 9330750 Z 7746x1000 = 125.08 N/mm’ In addition there will be a tensile load equal to fal 2 acting on each stiffener. Therefore 0.081 x 440 1500 2x28-4% 100 = 1142 N/mm? So that the total tensile stress 12508 + 11-42 = 13650 N/mm?. 1) Consider the floor panels. ie space between edge of stiffeners, & = 440-80 = 360mm = 4, ‘The length of these panels 4 = 1500, so that a= = o; which again is greater than 215. Hence from Fig. 7 the bending stress at built-in edges is given by : a= 09(2). ‘Thus 0 as 05x00 (22) = 1458 N/mm?. ‘The longitudinal direct tensile load = 0-081 x 1500 + siving a direct tensile stress 04081 x 1500 “4x6 = 506 N/mm?, Hence the combined tensile stress at the built-in edges of the floor panels is Or = 15086 N/mi 0.069, 4 re i | i a 0.081 j Fer (Gi) Consider now the corner _thus giving a combined tensile (i) Geena therm: thn haga mb Fig. 16), Here = 200mm and 34.4 N/mm? L-= 260 mm, p = 0-081 N/mm?. ‘Therefore a d and from Fig. 8, Bc = 0-161, s0 that the bending moment at point C, see sketch - Fig. 18, will be: ‘Mg = 0091 x 0081 x 260? = 498-3 per unit width Hence 6Me _ 6x4983 7 36 = 85.05 N/mm? ‘The tensile load at this point will a poi Ph _ 0-081 x20 (iv), Consider the cover itself. horizontal stiffeners can be conveniently treated as simply supported beams under uniform pressure load. The bending. ‘moment at mid span is then given by Here p = 0-069 440 = 30:36 Newtons per unit length of span. Therefore Mig = 8538750 and the bending stress 8538750 * 746 1000 = 11461 Nimm? ‘The direct tensile load ne essa = 22770 Newtons, which gives a direct tensile stress of Vil Fit 22770 * Baxt0 = 973 Nir % Hence the com level = or = 124-34 N The above: once again tha and the stiffenc adequate for tt conditions spe: Now that th: check has bet out detailed c features partic as flanged join adequacy of su Note that if had been ofin the max. com: level would oF Compare this 136-50 N/mm base of the ve item (i. ‘Now-Cincular Presure Vessels — Some Gaidance Notes for designers g E 1 4 censile rere 22770 3. Integral Rectangular 0 34% 100 Tanks- 6 i = 9.73 N/mm?, (a) Uniform wall thickness comes be " Rroughout™ no atffenere simply Hence the combined tensile stress In such cases we simply runiform level = determine, from Fig 3, the ding max. bending moment and the then or = 12434 N/mm’ direet tensile load atthe corners, The above calculations indicate ob once again that the plate panels My = tpl? and T, = 5 and the: siifeoer sectors are 2 30:36 adequate for the loading for a given A/L ratio. not opan. Condon specie. "Tue combined max. tensile Now that the overall design _strestis then given by 2 check has been made on the main gy = ay + op ‘components the designer can carry ut detailed calculations on other features particular to his case, such as flanged joint details and the adequacy of supporting sections. Note that ifthis enclosed tank had been of integral construction the max. combined tensile stress level would only be 101 N/mm? Compare this with the 136:50 N/mm? calculated at the base ofthe veri ifener under item () vten() where Lis the larger span and ‘is the plane thickness By establishing the allowable design stress level for the plate Iara ihe rom the appropriate standard or other sources, we can then directly calculate the max. design pressure for that particular geometry (W/L, Ljtratios) by substituting oy for in Equation (18) and re- Srangligo ge the blowing relationship. Ou om +9) Equation (19) has been used to establish the plots shown in Figs. 19 and 20 for an allowable design stress level of 155 N/mm? (22475 psi) for square and 2:1 ratio rectangular ducting, the latter proving to be the optimum design ratio. The band between the two curves (shown in Figure 19) covers the whole range of rectangular vessels from AL = Oto/L = 1-0 or for Ljh = 1-0 (i.e. square duct) to L{h = infinity which refers to built-in beams under uniform pressure load. These plots can also be sed fo determine the max. design pressure for different Gu values of where the weld factor needs to be considered. In such instance thep value determined from Fig. 19 or 20 needs to be multiplied by fa 4, GXE Rss eereeas5 as the case may be, where gy isthe appropriate allowable design stress and Eis the weld factor. Fig. 20 also indicates how inefficient the rectangular cross- tion vessels are in comparison with the cylindrical (circular cross- section) ones, the latter being able to-carry 20 to 120 times higher pressures for equivalent size, or L/trange between 20 and 130, respectively. (b) | Uniform wall thickness with uniform section stiffeners ‘The approach is the same as for case (a) above with the exception that the uniform pressure pis replaced by px pitch, ie., prin all the expressions contai pressure term. ” British Engine Technical Report 981 Volume XI \ E 1600|— 1 (or 0-5) Rectangular p12 Tassie ‘with larger side ie Se i hie Lp L 16) ae ont} \ ——+4+ 4400}— fa | \ | bre Fr 1 Ly) at it 2 + | ¥| A | CK }——*—— eh | |e al 5 \ port POL #9 - it { r * poe | | Some 8 + | 8 o feos | cool 6 7 04 Hl is i 4 ye loos | 400r- Square | ducting J LY 2 “+ ——S | 2001- | ie | i 50 700 150 200 ie. “Ut Ratio igo B ‘Non-Gireular Pressure Vevelh — Some Guidance Notes Jor degen = Seale ‘A’ 2—psi—Tube Fie. 20 1800 1600} 1400} 1200} 1000) | 180 T \ + 160 1 140 Le = 1120 t= plate thickness 00 Tube Square Doct ye 120 [-—} —L 60 30 Too 720 P—pri—Square Duct Scale ‘BY ‘ asi British Engine Technical Report 1981 Volume NTI In addition the plating between ‘> e6/D is themulfeners needs checking by, = deer -- cove) M, = BEBE A) eee making use ofthe information, 2ET, s\n * of discrete points contained in Fig. 7. where E = Youngs modulus, and the bending stress i given by perseppe waaay 20 2000 . 6M, D = 257 mm ov common s x10° N/mm’), fo = 240 mm (1) Commer joine where he and isthe moment finertia of on td asa atifbeness aro ey the beam section of span L. bo 127 mm continuous, ie. not welded at ‘Thus the combined angle of pt (Bo t= 61mm corner joints ; rotation HBF tt) 00 PD a57 In such instances the stiffener Mh Tra” seco canbe checked by O = +0)x4 ag Iie anal bending see eating these as simply support 2 le to pressure load over the span s Beara fspan Landitasbeerd) = £(F 5) x ; TeiteSrmally beamallby Since Dit ravof under the action of a uniform 1 h, mparison with dg above and can section is over pressure load ofp xs, where sis the pe (De besalely ignored oe angle of 60° for pitch or the distance between a = 2 *) o (23) Examination of Equation (26) that the eflectiv [md semester ati BE\N hy, Cooder ee aaa pee seco ding moments at mid span Now fora cantilever oflength , thickness will need tobe fairly compress Positions willbe then defection de toan edge’ fubsiansal inorder to keep the b+ 0866¢ = 1 = 2 for span moment M, is given b ing stress levels within = ‘M = 00833(6s) L? for span L, enema acceptable limits. [tis much safer ee Z and (oxy std mere economicto weld the Pi sete oe ee 24) Womain stifenes together 0, euae (03) A? for span A. that they form an integral ‘compression = ‘The direct loads will be rectangular structure. res bh ag Be (2) Floor or supporting 10x 1000 a 2 a 2 structure-local buckling = 90435 iv where lis the mean thickness of Toads Fated noeveten MEM gy Regaampgaeungiia fT 5 ewe hen ining the two equations wehavea lar - meadtoanes ihesrengtiolthe osjand(as)weobraind = 4,20 which bass numberof oor oon ‘Consider the construction detail that stiffeners of a certain cross-section. pee ; shown below. (Such details do still the a ‘of this occur on a number of hoppers or Sos here as well asin other countries.) ‘The comer angle will be subjected to the direct loads pk pk and © ‘as well asa uniform pressure load over the two arms of ‘These forces create a bending moment M as shown which cause the tation ofthe wo arms shrough an angle 8. This angle @ see cermed by he following method. For a simply supported beam of length L loaded by a uniform pressure of ps the ends will rotate through an angle 6, given by Fie Fe wo restrained ind ends, the effect O-7L'=07 x2 (Gee BS449, A = 25) i) ess is given by ) (26) ending stress J over thespan mall by above and can Equation (26) ngle mean wall to be fairl ‘to keep the s within tis much safer to weld the together $0 tegral re. porting pecking s assume that lar vessel r of floor n cross-section, ‘The vessel is reiting ona number _The slenderness ratio for this offdiscrete points so that themax. column = load per support = 10 tonnes. L168 D = 257 mm overall depth, 77 tre 7 + evar From Table 17a of BS 449, Part2, = 127 mm 1969 the allowable comprestive = 61mm stress p, = 845 N/mm? 57 ‘Asp, > 0 the floor stiffeners do ar not require reinforcing gussets. as shown in Fig. 22. ‘Note that the radius of gyration Since Djtratio for the stiffener "Ca" be found from the following section s over 35 suggest using the 4 cross-section area angle of 60° for @ shown below, so = 2043-5 mm thatthe efetve idiot oe = moment of inertia fener web taking mel compressive load of 10 tonnes = = Boxee b+ 08664 = 127 + 208 = 335 mm “ Hence the crostsectional area! = 4? = 6336-553 mm* of the web acting a8 column under a compression = 385 x Preion 2043.5 mm? a and the compressive stress. 101000 F oe = Sag #804 kg/m and hence = 4894 x 981 r= 510 = 1.761 mm = 480 Nimm? (3) Flanged Connections The length of the Straightforward flanged “columa = d= 40mm Since connections are common feature the ends ofthis columa are ‘pressure ducting, hoppers, restrained in direction atboth _silos and storage tanks. Sometimes ends, the effective length = these are introduced in order to O7L'= 0-7 x 240 = 168 mm. facilitate handling, transport (Gee BS449, Appendix D.) and/or erection at ste. On occasions the decision to introduce flanged connections is made following the release of the manufacturing drawing that the designer is not really aware their existence, On other occasions the der the manofacturer simply fail to appreciate. difference or the weakening effect ofsuch an introduction on the strength of the component. ‘Consider a typical lange detail shown in Fig. 23. The effective width of the flange resisting the bending moment can be taken as b= 2tan60°xh = 3-464h. Note thatf the two adjacent distances 6 s0 calculated overlap then 5 = the pitch between bolts, Let F = the load per bolt pitch acting on the wall ofthe tank. For rectangular tank this force would be equal to pk P EE, see previous examples, ‘The moment at points B and C (vce Case, Table M=Fxh ‘The section modulus of the vertical leg ofthe angle is given by oe 3464h 6 6 and the bending stress then becomes M __6Fh Ce aera For a close pitched bolt the weakening effect ofthe bolt hole has to be considered. Inrthis case the section modulus = oe - where d = bolt hole diam. In calculating the bending moment M = Fxhabove we have ignored the effect ofthe pressure acting on BCas the flange opens. This effect a (27) Serene aeee eee eee eee British Engine Technical Report [941 Volume XT is negligible compared to the inertia) vary for each stiffener. _calculation without specifying product Fh ‘Where the central defection for what this quantity really means. —— Tn addition to the above we adjacent stiffeners differ ‘We know that the value of (the need tocheck thestress level inthe considerably we need to check the _ weld factor) depends on what we bolts. additional bending moments do prior to, during and after ‘The bolt load can be imposed on the plate panels fabrication, i, weld procedure, determined by taking the moment between the twostifeners. This __ weld preparation detail, welding ‘of forces about point 4, the tipof can be accomplished in the method and X-ray or ultrasonic the vertical leg ofthe flange, following manner, (Fig. 24) examination. The more NDT ae rst calculate the central employed the higher the weld Fx (AC) = Lyx AB deflection for each stiffener using factor. . where Ly = force in bolt information given in Fig. 5. ‘One rational definition of the ‘Therefore ‘Then calculate the differential weld factor would be to imply that deflection between each adjacent the quantity (I~) represents the by = FAC pair of stiffeners. Let uscall this size ofthe defect situated 2 AB differential defection y. The pms wih the pate Itisclear that depending on the additional bending moments thickness, as shown by an insert twoditances ACagI4B theload, imposed at the builtin edges of Fig. 25." aman Experienced by each bolt ean be. the plate panels are then given by The various equations given in aa considerably higher than F the 6Eb the codes are (with minor nominal load per bolt pitch. M, =°=2, correction factors) variations of the Hence the distance A should be here | following: Kept as small as possible where Direct stress (cfectively making ditance ABE = Young's modulus greater). This will also result in 22 20) fowerbendingresintbe ange I'= moment ofinerdn = 75% IE as given by Equation ren by Ba 1 distance between stifeners. *4 ” (4)_ Differential stiffener 1 = plate panel thickness ding strem ty = Plat : Bending stress oy = 3E-..-(21) Lanaaeend The above ‘correction’ For the rectangular vessels ofthe procedure is particular cor in the more usual form typeshown in Fig. 13 itmaybe Proveciare & Partieula'y worth while tocheck the central tmvfia where the deficontons can deflection ofeach stiffener by using amount to several inches. the information contained in 3 Fig. 5. This may be specially (5) Weld Factor (E) important for cases where the Most of the codes tell us the weld section properties(moment of _ factors we can use in the design Pe. Fig 3 2 Now-Gainlar Prevsure Vowels — Some Guidance Notes for designers specifying The above clearly indicates that really means. a the correction procedure isthe value of E (the same for the airect and bending. ds on what we stress conditions. fand after eld procedure, appears to be rather strange. To fetal, welding. heck the validity ofthis approach ‘or ultrasonic to predominately bending stress more NDT situations the writer has calculated er the weld the section modulus Z for a plate 1 . thickness ¢which contains planar} fnition of the defect ofsize (IE) with the tipof | be to imply that this defect at a distance s from the ) represents the free surface. The resultant plots for ' tuated two weld factors, E = 0-75 and i the plate E = 085, are shown in Fig. 25. ma by an insert The evidence shown here ‘ ations given in indicates that the present code slomsienin variations of the ‘Defect (IE) i +20) i i tp = ig 2D) 4 | form x i ; ; (208) of ; g +-@la) 2 1 GI E = 075 r 2 ' 10) | 1 i 3 fk 5 ' . | ABI Ns 4 7 = | | } ! 0 0.10 0.30 0.40 0.50 1 Distance from surface ( x1) @ Fe British Engine Technical Report 1981 Volume XIV ‘method of using the weld factor, as in Equations (20), (21), is safe for situations where the defects are entirely within the mid plate thickness, ie. when xis within the limits of 6251 and 0-75¢. The approach becomes increasingly unsafe when (9) xbecomes less than 0223¢for E = 085 case, and (ii) x becomes less than 0-185¢ for E = 0-75 condition respectively. ‘One clear conclusion from the above is that for details subjected to predominately bending stresses the unfsed land, lack of © penetration, or lack of fusion, should occur within the central portion of the section. The local weld preparation should therefore For plain holes the method of bbe designed accordingly. (6) Ligament Efficitucy (E,)-Rectangular Vessels References |, 3, 4 and 5 give various examples of how to calculate the ligament efficiency for various configuration of tube holes. All the efficiencies quoted calculating the ligament efficiency is the same for both the direct, or membrane, and bending stress situations. The procedure is strictly applicable to flat plates which contain a series of holes. ‘The stifening effect ofthe nozles themaclves is completely ignored. Such vessels, with perforated side scem to be based on the fallowing Walls, probably do not exist. In standard equation Pa where p = pitch between uniformly spaced holes, d, = mean effective tube hole diameter. tice the tube holes will be reinforced by the tube stubs as shown in Fig. 26. The height of the +-@2) stub and reinforcement is given by where d, is the mean nozzle dia., Th = and fis the nomin thickness. From these wo side containing th ‘openings could in reve ob on funperforated) w: former i efective anumber of siffe metho ‘openings. Li roof tests car eat exchangers. this conservatism, strengthening ell tends on side wal! Conclusions ‘The basic engin: outlined in this= wwe can check the number of non-« section pressure "The worked © demonstrate hov various details © tank by replacin simplifted geom: Appendix ‘The Basicequat aregivenoverle the method of ament efficiency h the direct, or ending tres cedure is to Rat plates ries of holes. tof the nozzles letely ignored. perforated side ‘not exist. In oles will be ube stubs at The height of the nent is given by n nozzle dia, and tis the nominal nozzle wall ‘Ftam these wo di the rom these two diagrams, the side containing the norale ‘openings could in fact rove to be stronger than the plain [onperforated) wall since the former is effectively reinforced by a numberof sifeners. Thus the method of calculating the ligament efficiency ean be too conservative, expecially for larger nings. Limited strain gauy proof vets carried out on Simfar eat exchangers seem to confirm this conservatism and the , strengthening effect of nozzle stl ‘ends on side wall panels. Conclusions The basic engineering theory outlined in ths article shows how we can check the design of a sumber of non-circular cos section pressure vessels, "The worked examples demonstrate how we can represent various details ofa rectangular tank by replacing them with simplified geometries which can ‘Non-Circular Pressure Vessels — Some Guidance Notes Jor designers ‘subsequently be evaluated by the Personal experience and fundamental engineering theory. knowledge of the fundamental ‘We must endeavour tomake each engineering theory will dictate the theoretical representation as close course ofthe appropriate action. to the real component as possible. This approach is certainly not ‘The closer the approximation" _ recommended for the beginners. beeueen model and acual deal you are one then eck advice the higher the allowable design tis hoped that by outlining stress can adopt. some ofthe ait Reearerafthe ‘The simplification procedure non-circular pressure vessels this and the degree of sophistication _ article would prove useful to the needed will depend on how designers and fabricators alike, arduous will be the intended duty, and that it would, in some small fon the confidence of our way, lead to fewer failures ofthe knowledge of the material type normally classified as due to properties and other factors. tis poor or inadequate design. important to realise the Relerencen implications ofthe simplifications |.” Aste Vitt,Disio 180 Append 3. and assumptions which have been 2 TheTheiryandPacical eigot Bunkers made. Ifthe theoretical model, or | b7#,W-Limber BRA. the simplified try, is toofar punted Prevur Vesela Code1973 detached from the real detail the he tame .5 grown Te sreagcaettom may become er eset nC ease RIS invalid. Tn other cases we can Ser Pena cession compensate for any gross 6 rh Sandard 49 960—The wc of simplifications by using much ‘Sewctur Sein lower design stezslevelsor by ‘Femara Saran ln Raymond enmuring tha eae : f atthe theoretical ree representation is conservative." ‘fiftege “Grady bac. Appendix ‘The Basic equations for moments, deflections and loads for the simple geometries considered in this article, are given overleafin Table I for qi reference. * Wuitisk Engin Tovhaal Report [6) Valume XT = cafe a L 5 Pa a: oe A "SET & h—— ” if 49 24ET ; ; (A oO : , kz A B 7 : L : : ; , re My : pe eens tov, ra L a= 487 |. | IC 5. 10. ua 60FT 7 [ « Now-Circlay Prove Teele — Some Guidance Noles for devigners ment Loading system Moment, Deflection, Bending Moment : and geometry Rotation Diagram Mol SET Max My = My = =f Jus" TERT British Engine Technical Report 1981 Volume XT Loading system ‘and geometry ‘Moment, Deflection, Rotation oe 2a eee -# ay TG 13 (3k +2). 2eN pm (2+ 3) UN Bending Moment Diagram Tre ees (k+3—26? % 1 Fo an Note: For cases Nos. 11, 12 and 13, moment of inertia J; refer to the longer spans Land Jy reer tothe shorter spans h respectively; ha ke A Wektl par. ‘Designed and printed in Eagle by Woodfild Printing Co mie, Burl 8

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