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A Leopard and A Nightingale

A Leopard, catching a little bird called a nightingale, was about to put it to death. However; being
gifted with language, the nightingale said to the leopard, "What will it advantage you to kill me? I
cannot satisfy your appetite. Let me go, and I will give you three golden rules to success, from
which you will get great benefit, if you follow them accurately."
Hearing the bird speak, the leopard promised her liberty on the conditions the bird had stated.
"Hear, then," said the nightingale. "Never try impossibilities. Secondly, do not lament about
something you did wrong. Thirdly, never lie. If you keep these three maxims with wisdom, they
will infinitely bring you profit for, and you will be successful."
The leopard, faithful to its promise, let the bird escape. Winging its flight through the air, the bird
started a most exquisite song, and, having finished, said to the leopard, "You are a silly fellow, and
have today lost a great treasure. There is in my bowels a pearl bigger than the egg of an ostrich."
"Come into my house, sweet bird," said the leopard, I will feed you with my own hands, and
permit you to fly abroad at pleasure."
The nightingale answered, "Now I am certain you are a fool, and pay no regard to the advice I
gave you: 'Regret not what is irrecoverable.' You cannot take me again, yet you have spread your
snares for that purpose. Moreover, you believe that my bowels contain a pearl larger than the egg
of an ostrich, when I myself am nothing near that size! You are silly, and a silly you will always
With this consolatory assurance the nightingale flew away. The leopard returned sorrowfully to its
own house, but never again obtained a sight of the nightingale.

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