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vote (O[- 7 - oO 99999999 Be tal mel aggorithm BpCrl Time Cmplestyy @lcho. Recurrence Ch3.__ Dynami. Prgeoei BR che. graph algorrthm FE ons. _Compatxeronal @ ch8. REARS ( branch aLChé._ MP— complete B BeAL __phosel: EER + Bee sh ye phose2 : Bb HERB BC -Cest +t Lam) phase 2 : PAE DA SRB mptotze Notation 2. ae ae = 20a FE 3.3 —— “i E aojenty= DB Asympboie Notation © geal: (DS/ #6 $2 base) ye ert. me ard bound... ~3e =Feue RA ~ AA aT L yaenaccl kyo A Acttle-0 Bh np stee AG, 58 ty BB RE =) Psymptetic notatre Fonjagone bs Fin) = O(9em) = Ee gepmporder| is Tee FAP BHC No >0 + Sch Wat BH n> No Fn se gn) ia yg {am gov R-fonse ir |e fon} asymptote spre bound x dN Bnr nowy aye —— CX) X2 yee Lees OS] oo RTD Z vA 2s Phy = 2(90m) + fin) Border > g(r) 99 Order Ase C, Mo 7 2 , such that BN 7 Mo BH, Pern) 2 CIN) gl) & Fan) § asymptotre Lower Lond 3. ftn) = 6490) + order b64 = = PAR C1,CapMe 20, Such that, 7 No, agin) ¢ fn 2aqn or coon | eee fin) = OG0n)) 4 fin) = o( gon) 2 order bag» < [4854 AE] (def: FA Rim A) RE OE (14 RK) Tor E pn © N= on) False AHA NE H 72 @ o(nt) Twe C) Aga eo ten k teBR n= O(2n) Tre pc n= Q(nt) Te 5. f'tn)= as (4en) :_oveerb 94: > [Sari rae] (deh: SR Lin 24) me Tor F ® Ah= Wh) False © hh =wn) Te (©) BBL 90), By FI Pr Bevo (BX KBAR + se 9(n) =n 9D IIDIDIDDIDIIDIDIAIDIAIDIIDIDIIDIAIDIIIA 99999999 99339999999 999339999 Be (EK) BH2TH OM) PA REO) Baas <3 n. zn} t orderzP# +. order < PX CK) Qe (0078) ca NET: Gry cs: Qn) « FABER? A) NCTU SRB CSIR (B) 4 N > [00000-- OBR ,NCTU ECS IP CO Pre AF BS OD) F& cs 9 compleccty & BH) a ©) yp t Sak So! = ~ NCTU = order =n @ HE EATEN OR CS: BRR , oder? n@ op’: (@ false, RAANB KE, FRAT ae quick sort / bubble sory (B)fase ,§ MER OBA AR-C pepe Ce) False Dubble sort Se RaIR (0) False av (o 7A Mit n) = Bil Fon) 4 = O(gin) (not) Byte aB pork 99 order REASAB 3S BARGAIN Viker HB BRA ben. ABR) _ Rrnypqode & rd Pin= Saint Ries, Bote ofa fF tale =e PO) = O(n)? S ay PCn®) = OCHS) D> k>d oe fed Oder — PO) NK, k= aye Pm) nh k Ba Fu answer Te: Bi cefinrtyon $e ny = | G= 2 f= [0 ee Om ~ > > ~% Otr® yt O(N")= > a fan @E: (00K : 2b) : "i = prove za apr OG bie ee a0) __& a > »> ° @ Punz.Ol4uy) (8 FOR BP Cont pond 63 AK te @ECEA) SP Ofte acai
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Be RE PRCHE Them 8” & eae - 5. _ae)_ ue naman - Oo 99939939399 93939999999 TORUS OOS EAP 7 ASUN Gm edaETnoe to. ate " @ B brach—and —boond 4 CohB-|) / Legcealy Bye Bob Ph O78 ADA R seene - space tree 4 search, vo REG tem 17 eee Fred TARR) — RBS ctem27 ® III IIDIDIIJDIIDIDIDIIIQIDIINIIDIIIA leaf Ay solutzon space Ficteent. A Sree) 7 a Lprotceally : BE} ~ 7 bowrdony finctron EAS 4 8 A ACHE, THRE 69 7 REWS BR AL bt a Bx 9 rece. ioe HAREM: bf 1H = BM RE RF 6 nde © 3, 2 0/| KPH: _ LPRI00) (lo~20) 2 Fo EE KAM rte Beir aes] CH): wed. ae yt ae ES Sel wz S 2 Sel &3 4 feat > Bat Uf we a bhcw) = BREN TH 97 oe 5%) Fnac F ttn 713 69 2G (note) bE WEA) ACH BFE HEB G2 upper bound, ° BAB) nme BALE HY ctrl BRA 65 4 (br ense BL erg pte No. - os he I FEE NPC ee BEEK, TR branch EFA oui) @ subseqence +) 2 & x 69 subsepence (BABRWT) © prefix a: %3 = @ common subseqence ee T= ? 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TH) ©) Talia aye |: BR vestdu rhe St. aes Step eS me ee 7 as us ee ee HAAG OFQ RES upvemiree 4 Stepr: BS > FR-1H path P, Wwou F bry RS STH) ALP b BANGS weight 7k a (8@) Peeagra werght -a eS i i (BA) Pel. uloyne ta _/ wit! RS MEP A Ue S€p3:_ons = 4h@ 5 89D 69 welght, Ao oe ) _® Time complety « Olle), 1 a ax UB 18. 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FABRA SPB nebork Tze FRA, @ a a a t (ove ay pee ® & = = . pt s2boa7 am fos Foe E (os eH a b 6 4 oe ‘> ATR = a ab ee q = Se —$ Hun 2008 2A! ae a; > ~ /Iypath 70. Fad = Tilkerson 8), AEE St wr nti 6 7 (B Sa BES, S vistt BY + 4 PH s> t 69 path PEST se) Bee 5 * Time ompleirty + Qutaite BRIO Vy oe 2 ODE E yout * a (ef QQFEn GY IEE — Z % RE pete % ~ eee ACR BALE poe se No. / ex: ((00 Bx) (P.4-8> ex 20) Escape Problem 4 @ ARR path BJ be- S 2 Pty Rey SR eB nxn 99 vid np keR REM PA RS Tet TR s wb 11 Question: SLet- algo 82 escape priblein 3 Nv By Cscope prblem model Be ~ FP” AS W198 « Copacrty 63 flow ok = eo ng Se Os ty RAMEE) oe “ “D9 nee) SERME: sn AE C—T sowces FAKED) m PAR cae 2. OE -T mkt, STE WEMR(FAN-4F) SH 3 FEET cw) | J flow network b FE Cav) FD (vy) BZ MBS BARRO AM) AM 2@- Low 4 RID, GR MS capacrty 8 Zh 1 € Bia. 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