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Students comments on creating the wikispace and

Twinspace of the project:

eTwinning Water means life


I am satisfied of the Twinspace of the project. We spent much

time on updating it. I know that this time was not wasted. At the
beginning we sent our materials to our teachers and they showed us
how to publish them. Then, we started to publish ourselves. It was not
so difficult as it seemed at the beginning.
We talked a lot about the Twinspace look and we distributed the
particular tasks among us. I was segregating files. I had to put
materials to appropriate folders to be ready to publish on Twinspace in
appropriate place. The materials that I was meant to segregate I
received from the person who checked and corrected them when
One of my tasks connected with creating the website of the
project was correcting the presentations, ie compressing pictures,
formatting letter type, changing files names and type of the file
themselves. I also converted video files. I used mainly Format Factory
the program proposed by my teacher, but also spent a lot of time on
the Internet searching for other compressing and converter programs.
Thanks to this fact I improved my programming skills, usually in
Wiktoria W.
I was created the wikispaces with my colleagues from
extracurricular English classes. We were responsible for publishing
the recent activities and enabled students comments.

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