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Question: What is the Glide ratio of our paper airplanes?

Hypothesis: I think the glide ratio of a paper airplane is at_____________meters.

1. Build your paper airplane using the directions on page 3.
2. Decide how you will throw your airplane and collect data.
3. Go out onto the field and measure your distance.
4. Measure a height of 1 meter off the ground to throw your paper airplane.
5. Person 1 will throw the plane from Point A and person 2 and person 3 will hold
the string above where person 1 will throw the plane over.
6. Person 4 will pay attention to the height of the plane and the distance fallen.
7. Person 3 will stand where the plane has landed while person 1 and person 2 will
measure the distance of the plane.
8. Record your results.
9. Calculate the glide ratio of your paper airplane.
Data Table:
Paper Airplane

Distance Traveled

Distance Fallen

Plane 1
Plane 2
Plane 3
(Add total and
divide by the
amount of
Graph your results:
X-axis: Independent Variables which are your planes
Y-axis: Dependent Variable which are your glide ratios

Glide Ratio Formula:

(Distance traveled divided by
Distance Fallen)

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