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The Respiratory System


Breathing the basics

In addition to nutrients from
digestion, the cells in our body need

Breathing the basics

In addition to nutrients from digestion,
the cells in our body need oxygen (O2)
Oxygen is needed for cellular
Cellular respiration = the process that
converts glucose into energy.

Cellular respiration happens in the

Breathing the basics

Cellular respiration creates waste
products, including ______ _______,
that have to be removed from the

Breathing the basics

Cellular respiration creates waste
products, including carbon dioxide,
that have to be removed from the
Carbon dioxide = CO2

Breathing the basics

1. The respiratory system captures
oxygen from the air.

Breathing the basics

1. The respiratory system captures
oxygen from the air.
2. Oxygen enters the blood and is
transported to all cells by the ________

Breathing the basics

1. The respiratory system captures
oxygen from the air.
2. Oxygen enters the blood and is
transported to all cells by the
circulatory system.

Breathing the basics

1. The respiratory system captures oxygen
from the air.
2. Oxygen enters the blood and is
transported to all cells by the circulatory
3. Carbon dioxide is collected from the blood
and expelled (breathing out, or exhaling).

The Respiratory System

This system is made of two parts:

Blood vessels of the lungs

The Respiratory System

This system is made of two parts:
Airways tubes that collect air
(including O2). The airways are: nasal
cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea,
bronchi and bronchioles.

The Respiratory System

This system is made of two parts:
Airways tubes that collect air
(including O2). The airways are: nasal
cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi
and bronchioles.
Lungs organs where gases (O2 and CO2)
are exchanged between blood and air

Transport and modification of air

Air must be _____, _____ and ____
when it reaches the lungs.
It is modified at different points while
moving to the lungs.

Transport and modification of air

Air must be clean, moist and warm
when it reaches the lungs.
It is modified at different points while
moving to the lungs.

Nasal cavity

Nasal cavity
Air enters the body through the

Nasal cavity
Air enters the body through the

Nasal cavity
Air enters the body through nostrils.
Nostrils lead to the nasal cavity.
The inside of the cavity is lined with
blood-filled capillaries; the blood
warms the air.

Nasal cavity
The nasal cavity has fleshy folds, so
there is more surface area to increase

Mucosae start to clean and moisten

the air.

It is SHARED by the digestive and
respiratory tracts.
Question - In digestion, where does
food go after the pharynx?

In respiration, air moves through
pharynx to larynx.
Note: the pharynx has tonsils on the
sides. They produce WBC.


Epiglottis - controls entrance to
larynx by closing when food is in the
Why does it do this?

Epiglottis - controls entrance to larynx
by closing when food is in the pharynx
The wall of the larynx is made of rings of
cartilage which keep it open (always).
Air passes through the larynx and into
the trachea.

Vocal chords - two ring-shaped folds
in the trachea.
When air passes through these
chords, they _______ to create sound.

Vocal chords - two ring shaped folds
in the trachea.
When air passes through these
chords, they vibrate to create sound.

A tube
12 cm long
C-shaped rings of cartilage around
the back.

The mucus in the trachea traps foreign
Inside of the trachea is covered with cilia
Cilia are vibrating filaments. They move
mucus (now with f.p.) towards the
pharynx, where it can be swallowed.

Bronchi and bronchioles

Infection of the bronchi = ???

Bronchi and bronchioles

Trachea divides into 2 bronchi
(singular = bronchus)
Each bronchus leads to a lung
The bronchus also splits into smaller
and smaller tubes: the bronchioles.

Bronchi and bronchioles

Bronchioles do not have cartilaginous
The bronchioles end in tiny sacs,
called alveoli.
Alveoli are where gas exchange

Works Cited
Geology and Biology - Oxford CLIL
(your textbook)

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