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-Graphic Novels often use comic

strips to tell the story to readers.

- Holiday books allow children to
explore many holidays and how
they are celebrated in many
different countries and cultures.
-Wordless books simply tell stories
through illustrations, no words.



This book is about a family who was too busy to pay attention to
their son. All he wanted to do was play a board game with his
parents, but they were too busy doing other things. Then the
lights went out in the entire city. The little boy got scared and
him and his parents were stuck inside. It got too hot for them in
the house so they decided to go up to the roof. When they got
there, they saw the lights, the stars. All of their neighbors were
up there so they described it as a block party on the roof. Then
they heard noises so they went back down to the street where
they saw all sorts of people running around having a good time.
There was free ice cream, people playing music and singing, kids
running through the water in the fire hydrant. The lights finally
came back on, so they went back inside their house. Everyone
returned to what they were doing before the lights went out.
Then the mom turned the lights off, lit a candle and decided to

play a board game with everyone at the table. They were having
fun in the dark, and it brought the family closer together.
Interest Level: P-2
Grade Level: 1.0



This book is about a group of three friends who are walking in the
rain in a park and come across a bag hanging from a dinosaur
statue. The bag has a bunch of chalk in it and they each take a
piece. Everything they draw ends up turning to life. Since it was
raining, one girl drew a sun and the rain went away and the sun
came out. Another girl drew butterflies on the ground and all of
the butterflies came to life and started flying. The boy however,
drew a tyrannosaurus rex and that too came to life. That scared
the friends and they ran on the playground equipment to hide
from the dinosaur. The boy was hiding in a tube and he drew a
cloud with rain and it began to rain again. The rain ended up
washing the dinosaur and all of the other drawings away and
they were no longer scared. They decided to put the chalk back
in the bag and hand it back up on the statues mouth and leave
the park.
Interest Level: P-2
Grade Level: WL

- This book is about a little girl who is trying to get her parents
attention while she is holding her kite, but they are not paying
her any attention. She goes to her room where she has a piece of
red chalk so she draws a door. The door takes her into a forest

where she wanders around until she finds a dock. When she gets
there, she draws a boat and sails away. She goes throughout Italy
and ends up on a ship of some sort flying in the sky. While she is
on this ship, she steals a cage with a bird in it so she can set the
bird free. The guards capture her and the bird escapes and
brings her back the red chalk. She draws herself a magic carpet
and flies away where she meets another girl who has a purple
piece of chalk and a bird of her own. They draw two circles and
make a bike and drive off together.
Interest Level: K-3
Grade Level: WL



This book is about a family that celebrates both Hanukkah and

Christmas. They get out the menorah and light a candle every
night for a week and a day and sing songs to celebrate. The little
girl (Emma), is fascinated with all of the lights. Her aunt, uncle,
and cousins come over to celebrate with them as well. When it
was time for Christmas, they all went to get a Christmas tree and
Emma was excited about that as well. It was too heavy for her to
carry so her mom and dad helped her. They got home and set it
up and put all of the lights on the tree and baked Christmas
cookies. After the holidays were over, she helped her mom pack
up the menorah and the Christmas ornaments until next year.
Although the holidays were over, Emma would always remember
the bright lights in the dark nights forever.
Interest Level: P-3
Grade Level: 4.8



This book is about four children, Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny.
They are all brothers and sisters whose parents had both died.
They were supposed to go live with their grandfather, but they
had never met him before so they didnt want to live with him
because they were afraid he didnt like them. They went to a
store where they asked to spend the night and do the dishes in
the morning and the worker agreed to let them stay. They
overheard her talking to a man saying she would keep the three
older children but the little boy had to go to a childrens home.
They decided to run away and find their own place to live. They
ended up finding an old box car and making that their home. One
day Henry went to find work and he met Dr. Moore. He paid him
to pick his garden and cut the grass. Eventually Dr. Moore found
out that Mr. Alden was their grandfather, so he told him secretly
and invited the kids to his house for dinner. They all met Mr.
Alden and Henry figured out that he was their grandfather. Mr.
Alden then took them to live with him in his big house, and he
even brought them back their box car.
Interest Level: 2-5
Grade Level: 2.7


This book is about a little boy who has the most Christmas spirit
of all. All he wants for Christmas is a silver bell from Santas
Sleigh. One night he heard a screeching sound from outside his
bedroom window. It was a train so he decided to go outside and
see what was going on. There was a conductor standing outside
that asked him if he was coming along to the North Pole with
him. He climbed up on the train where he saw other kids in their
pajamas too. The conductor explained to the children that Santa
would choose one of them to receive the first gift of Christmas.
When they got there, Santa chooses the little boy to sit on his lap
and he asked him what he wanted for Christmas. The little boy
asked for a silver bell from his sleigh, so Santa told one of the
elves to cut off a bell from a reindeers harness. He took the bell
and put it in his pocket. When he got home, he realized the bell
was no longer there because there was a hole in his robe pocket.
The next day when he opened his gifts, there was a little box
with his name on it. Inside was the bell from Santa. It had fallen
out on Santas sleigh. He shook it and it rang but nobody but him
and his sister could hear it. You could only hear it if you truly
believed in Christmas and Santa.
Interest Level: P-2
Grade Level: 3.8




This book is about a little girl who loses a tooth (her sweet tooth),
so she no longer has taste in her mouth. Everything she eats
tastes awful and she just wants to eat something sweet. She put
the tooth under her pillow that night and hoped the tooth fairy
would come visit her. The tooth fairy didnt come for a few
nights, instead she sent, cupid, the easter bunny, and an elf to
help her out. They all left candy that went with each holiday but
when Pinkalicious ate them, they tasted awful to her. She
decided to write a note back to each of them explaining why she
didnt like her gifts. Her brother was all excited because he took

all of her gifts. Then one night the tooth fairy came and left her
three silver coins. She said that sweetness comes from within,
and when you are sweet, the world and all the delicious things in
it will be sweet too. Pinkalicious then found out the silver coins
were actually chocolate so she gave them to her brother but he
didnt want them. They decided to share the coins and they
tasted Silverlicioius.
Interest Level: P-2
Grade Level: 3.1

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