Policy Handbook Learning Tree

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Parent Handbook
Head Teacher: Ms. Emanuele
Assistant Teacher: Ms. Henderson

154 School Way

Greensburg PA, 15601


Table of Contents
Mission Statement ............3
Philosophy of Education.3-6
NAEYC Standards.7
Children with Special Needs...........7-8
Parent/Guardian Involvement...........9
Learning Environment...........9-10
Health Requirements.10
Play Centers...11-13
Curriculum at the Learning Tree...14-15

Mission Statement
The Learning Tree Preschool is an early childhood program dedicated to
providing preschool-age students and their families with an excellent
educational experience in order to prepare them for their bright futures
as successful students.

Philosophy of Education
It is true that the child develops in his environment through activity
itself, but he needs material means, guidance and an indispensable
understanding. It is the adult who provides these necessities. ... If [the
adult] does less than is necessary, the child cannot act meaningfully, and
if he does more than is necessary, he imposes himself on the child,
extinguishing creative impulses.

Maria Montessori

There is a balance between adult involvement in a childs

development and education. As Montessori believed, I think that the
child needs the adults help to provide the necessities for their own
development and education. However, the child should also be
independent, without overwhelming adult involvement. Montessoris
theories are important to me as a teacher because I believe in the child
developing independently. As a student in my preschool classroom, I will
give your child the opportunities to be independent by promoting their
own creative ideas and allowing them to turn in open-ended work. Your
child will also learn in a safe and welcoming environment in which they
will thrive. In addition, I believe in the importance of young children
working with the ever-changing world of technology as well as the
involvement of their own families throughout their learning experience.
I will welcome all children into my classroom. As an educator, I
believe my purpose is to create developmentally appropriate learning
opportunities and experiences for children of diverse backgrounds. I will
ensure that the lessons and activities that take place in my classroom
accommodate to the individual needs of every child, including those with
disabilities. Students in my classroom will frequently work in groups or
pairs to promote collaboration and inclusion among peers. I will also be

sure to take seating arrangement, assistive technology, and

accommodations into consideration for every student in my classroom. It
is my goal to make every student feel comfortable in my classroom.
The climate of the classroom is a very important aspect to consider
in a childs education. I believe that a child will only thrive in a safe,
welcoming and engaging environment. Only when the children feel safe
and comfortable in their environment will they be able to open up and
learn. I believe in the importance of greeting each child by name and with
a smile. After establishing a friendly greeting and engaging in
conversation about the childs interests and home life, the child will feel
more comfortable in the new environment. By displaying the childs work
and providing open space for circle time, a clean environment, and
various choices for free play, music, and technology, I will ensure that
your child will thrive.
As a sizable and ever evolving aspect of education, technology
needs to be embraced by teachers. I will incorporate technology into my
lessons to ensure my students are keeping up with the trends of 21st
century learning. We will use iPads to incorporate different apps into the
lessons. Although technology is very important for children to work with
at a young age, I also believe in teaching lessons that include traditional

materials such as paints, blocks, pencils and paper. However, the child
should not rely solely on technology and I will be sure to encourage their
creative impulses.
Parent and family involvement is one of the most important aspects
of a childs education. As a parent of a child in my classroom, you will be
given many opportunities to get involved in your childs education. Family
Night will be a monthly event in my classroom where the students entire
family is welcome to play games, view their childs work, and socialize
with the other families. I will also invite parents into the classroom for
special events such as holiday parties or the annual butterfly release.
When the parents are involved in their childs education, the child
becomes more enthusiastic about their learning. The enthusiasm that
parents show for their childs work will drive the childs love of learning. I
also believe in a positive relationship between the educator and the
parent. The parents need to trust the educator in order for them to feel
comfortable with their child learning. All parents are always welcome in
my classroom whether is simply to talk or to discuss their childs
progress or needs.
In conclusion, I believe in the importance of young children
working with the ever-changing world of technology as well as the

involvement of their own families throughout their learning experience.

My classroom will be a welcome environment for all students and their
families and I will be sure to accommodate to every students needs and
make them feel comfortable with their surroundings. Technology in my
classroom will be a large, but not overpowering, aspect of the students
education. Finally, I will keep a friendly relationship with my students
parents and they will always be welcome in my classroom.

Ms. Maria Emanuele

Head Teacher

NAEYC Standards
The Learning Tree recognizes the importance of the involvement of the
NAEYC Standards in Early Childhood Education. We use these standards
every day at the Learning Tree.

Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning

Standard 2: Building Family and Community Relationships
Standard 3: Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to
Support Young Children and Families
Standard 4: Using Developmentally Effective Approaches to
Connect with Children and Families
Standard 5: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful
Standard 6: Becoming a Professional

Children with Special Needs

The Learning Tree welcomes all students and recognizes that each
individual learns at a different pace and in a different way. We encourage
and provide opportunities for participation of all students in attendance
at the Learning Tree. Many measures are taken at the Learning Tree to
accommodate to each students needs. At the beginning of each school
year, a meeting with the parents and teachers is set up to discuss the

students needs and make plans for this student in the classroom.
Outside help such as PCAs (Personal Care Assistants), assistive
technology, and student seating placement during circle time and at
tables are only a few considerations discussed for the inclusion of every
We also provide inclusionary literature and toys at the Learning Tree in
order to create classroom community. Puzzles feature people of varying
abilities. Some of our puzzles for the students include, children in
wheelchairs playing with other children and children with hearing aids
learning sign language.

The following is a list of childrens literature regarding this topic that can
be found in our classroom along with outside resources that are available
to visit:

Special People, Special Ways by Arlene Maguire

Dont Call Me Special by Pat Thomas
The Alphabet War by Diane Burton Robb
http://www.wwusda.org Students for Disability Awareness
http://www.pacer.org Champions for Children with Disabilities

Parent/Guardian Involvement
The Learning Tree recognizes the importance of NAEYC Standard 2,
Building Family and Community Relationships, by encouraging and
stressing parent and guardian involvement in our classroom.
Communication is key for parent and guardian involvement and teachers
will always be available either through email or phone. Teachers will also
inform parents and guardians daily of problems or positives that their
child experienced during the day. Parents are always welcome to attend
and help out at events and holiday parties at the Learning Tree and we
also encourage parents to come in weekly to read a book to the class that
their child has chosen.

Learning Environment
The Learning Tree Preschool supports the idea that a classroom space
should be beneficial to the students learning. At the Learning Tree, we
have different play centers, the circle, and tables to facilitate to every
students needs. The circle is used for circle time where the students
gather with the teacher do begin their day. We sill sing, do the calendar,
do the weather, and do lessons in our circle. Tables are off to the side of


the circle and are used for snack and when the students need to do table
work. Student lockers are lined along the walls. The lockers are open
shelves with a hook for backpacks and coats. Play centers are in different
areas of the room to provide adequate space for circle time.

Health Requirements
At the Learning Tree, we understand the importance of cleanliness in our
classroom. Students and staff are required to wash their hands upon
arrival at school, when they use the restroom, before snack, and before
using any play center. We also clean toys and change out the sand
regularly from the sand table. Water from the water table is changed after
each use. We also clean off tables before snack every day.

Here at the Learning Tree, we understand that technology is a growing
part of our society and our students need to be able to use it in order to
be successful students. We have iPads available at the Learning Tree and
use them frequently with our students for special lessons or during free
time. Time on iPads is limited to 15 minutes for each student and a
teacher supervises all activity on iPads.

The following is a list of some of apps that can be found on the iPads at
the Learning Tree. If you have any requests of educational apps that can
be added, contact the Learning Tree.

Little Writer
Bill Nye
Hospital Free
Doodle Critter Math: Shapes
Endless Numbers

Play Centers
The Learning Tree offers indoor and outdoor play centers for the
students. Weather permitting; students will have the opportunity to play
outside every day. Indoor play centers are always available to the
students during free play.

Indoor Play Centers:

Sand/Water Table
The sand and water table changes frequently. We alternate between Moon
Sand, Floam, and Water every week in this center. While playing at this


center, students have the opportunity to experiment with a variety of

tools including, but not limited to: measuring cups, scoops, shovels, and
Blocks provide an opportunity for students to think critically and use
their imagination to build and construct anything they choose. We
provide blocks of all shapes and sizes for the students to experiment
The housekeeping center provides an opportunity for students to
experiment with dramatic play. Students can cook using the plastic food
and utensils in the play kitchen, sit at the dining table, dress up in the
various shoes and outfits, and take care of the baby dolls while relaxing
on the child-sized couch or chairs.
Play-Dough allows students to use their imagination and practice with
their fine motor skills. Along with a variety of colors to choose from,
students are provided with different sized tools to accommodate to their
specific needs. Plastic scissors, pizza cutters, cookie cutters, hammers,
and rolling pins can be used to manipulate the play dough.


The Loft
The loft is elevated by a small set of stairs and is a place where students
can go to relax and play with Legos. The students have the choice to sit
on beanbags while they read a book or play with the Lego wall. The loft is
always a popular spot to relax and provide distance from the normal
hustle and bustle of playtime.
The students always have the opportunity to choose a basket, puzzle, or
book from the shelves. Baskets contain different small toys or activities
such as building sets or threading beads to enhance fine motor skills.
Art Table
Students will be able to consult our art table and its many materials to
express their creativity. Markers, crayons, 3D stickers, colored tape, glue,
colored paper, scissors, feathers, and colored cotton balls are only a few
of the materials available for the students.
iPads are available to the students for lessons as well as free play to
provide experience with technology. Students are allowed to play on iPads
for 15 minutes and must choose another play center. A list of apps is
provided on page 11.


Outdoor Play Centers

Swing Set
Sidewalk Chalk
Hula Hoops
Jungle Gym
The Jungle Gym provides slides, a bridge, and climbing for the students
to practice their gross motor skills. The Jungle Gym, along with all other
outdoor play centers, is always under the supervision of a teacher.

Curriculum at the Learning Tree

Although the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania does not have a mandated
curriculum for preschool, there are standards available that encourage a
curriculum and daily schedule that is developmentally appropriate for
children in their early years. The curriculum at the Learning Tree focuses
on developing a variety of skills in our young students including the
social, emotional, physical and cognitive developmental domains as well
as creativity, interests, and varied learning styles.

Language Arts


The Learning Tree encourages language arts every day in the classroom.
Books are always available to students to read during playtime and the
teachers read books to them during circle time as well. Students will
have the opportunity to answer questions during the book and think
critically about the plot, characters, and setting.

Math is a very important subject that is utilized daily at the Learning
Tree. Students experiment with counting, writing, and reading numbers.
We count the days on the calendar together during circle time every
morning, practice writing numbers, and have mini lessons with activities
to support the early development of math skills.

Social Studies
Students at the Learning Tree begin to learn the basics of Social Studies
that they will build upon as progress through their educational careers
as a student. Our students will learn their address, city, and state during
their time at the Learning Tree.

We do many science activities with our students at the Learning Tree.
The daily weather at circle time, water freezing experiment during the

winter, planting flowers in the spring, and our butterfly release project
are all examples of ways the Learning Tree incorporates science into the

Comprehensive Arts (Art, Music, and Movement)

The Learning Tree encourages our students individuality and creativity
through the arts. Students have the opportunity to create their own art
every day during free play. We also experiment with musical instruments
once a week and sing songs every day. In addition, we do many songs
with movement as well as transitions.

Allergy/Food Form

Child Name:
My child is allergic to the following:

My child needs an Epipen for the following:

My child is not permitted to eat the following:

I will provide alternate snack for my child for the

teachers to keep on hand: Yes


Student Interest Survey

Child Name:

My favorite color is:

My favorite movie is:
My favorite song is:

My favorite game to play is:

When Im at home, I like to play with:

My role model is:

On the weekends I like to:
My favorite animal is:
When I grow up, I want to be:

My favorite toy is:

Emergency Contact Information

Child Name:
Contact #1:
If an emergency occurs at school, please contact:


Relation to student:
Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Work Phone:

Contact #2:
If an emergency occurs at school, and contact #1
cannot be reached, please contact:
Relation to student:
Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

Work Phone:

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Please complete form for the teachers to keep on file.
Child Name:


Parent/Guardian Name:
Relation to student:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
E-mail Address:
Mailing Address:

Photo/Video Release Form


The Learning Tree often has events that will be photographed or videoed.
Student pictures will be used for academic purposes only such as class
projects or crafts, bulletin boards, and newsletters. Please sign and date
the portion of the form below that applies to your child.

I give consent for my child to be photographed or videoed while in



I give consent for my child to be photographed only while in school.



I give consent for my child to be videoed only while in school.



I only give consent for my child to be photographed or videoed after

I have been notified, beforehand, of the event where the
photos/video will be taken and what these photos/video will be used


I do not give consent for my child to be photographed or videoed

while in school.




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