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Name____________________________________ Date________________ Period________

Is It Justified?
Directions: Read the problem and responses. Then, answer the following questions, asking you
to critique the argumentative justifications for the students solutions.
Given =

6 , < 2
+ 3, 2 , is the function continuous at x = 2? Justify your answer.

Student A:
The function is continuous.
When I graph the function, I
do not have to pick my pencil

Student B:

Student C:

The function is continuous

lim! 6 = 4

The function, f(x), is

continuous at x = 2. The limit
of the function as x
approaches 2 is 4.
Furthermore, f(2) = 4. The
limit and defined value at
x = 2 are equivalent; therefore,
by definition, the function is
continuous at x = 2.


lim! + 3 = 4
!! 2
lim () = 4

1. Which of the students argumentative justifications is mathematically valid? Why?

2. What are the other two students missing from their argumentative justification? How
would you refute their argument for their solution if you were asked to?

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