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Capital Campaign Service Options

Prepared for

Chicago, IL


The Leader in Escalating Organizational Impact & Your Partner in Development, Planning, IT, and Finance Solution

Table of Contents
The EAB Solutions Service Model..3
EAB Solutions Services for the XXXXX


Critical Success Factors in a Fundraising Campaign...5

Fundamental Fundraising Principles6
Campaign Timetable9
Fees for Proposed Services10

EAB Solutions, Inc. is pleased to present the following options for capital campaign leadership
services to the XXXXX. XXXXX has spent considerable time developing a plan for a new
location costing an estimated $4.5 million. The current limitations of the existing center makes a
twelve month transition plan a top priority. The EAB Solutions team has worked with numerous
organizations with similar needs and is prepared to provide fundraising services to help you meet
your needs. EABS prefers to start with a blank sheet and tailor a campaign plan for each client
but, generally speaking, campaigns fall into three categories:

Traditional Campaign Most campaigns are based on a distinct testing phase where
outside counsel provides an objective analysis of fundraising potential and key opinions
of the capital plan. After a formal report including goal, timeline, and campaign plan,
the client has the option to accept, modify, or reject the recommendations of EAB
Solutions and advance to an active campaign accordingly. This model is predominant
because it is most accurate in goal setting and it provides the opportunity to adapt to
donor input before the campaign goes public.

A Quick Start campaign is initiated with a phase that includes a mix of prompt
solicitation of select prospects while concurrently testing the attitudes of other potential
donors. During the first ninety days, EABS will organize the campaign, interview donor
prospects, and initiate solicitation of those major gift prospects whose support is
unquestioned. The first phase will conclude with a report to the Board, identifying any
potential roadblocks to the desired goal, a final campaign plan, and timeline. This
method can lead to initial pledges being secured sooner than the Traditional approach
and a shorter overall timetable. It comes with a risk that the client will have committed
to a campaign before the desired goal is confirmed as viable. One key consideration is
the organizations confidence in the existence of an appropriate top gift to the campaign
(a pledge of not less than 10% of the goal is considered the minimum).

Immediate Counsel is a process where the client has little choice about proceeding with a
campaign and acknowledges that the goal is uncertain. In this case, EABS would
immediately begin the standard campaign process without testing the goal. The risk to
the client is significant, as an untested goal may turn out to be unrealistic in a typical
campaign timeframe. As a result, the client may face longer term financing of the
project, a longer campaign timetable, and communications challenges with its leaders,
donors, and core constituencies.

The EAB Solutions Service Model

The EAB Solutions service model is distinguished by the following three characteristics:

A Team Approach: EAB Solutions assigns a team of professionals that bring the
resources of the entire firm to each client. When needed, EAB Solutions calls on its
experts in a particular facet of development.

A Flexible Consulting Model: EAB Solutions provides counsel that is tailored to the
needs of each client at their particular stage in their fundraising programs maturity.
EAB Solutions provides counsel for clients with a wide range of staffing and other
resources from organizations launching first-time fundraising initiatives to nationally
prominent organizations with sophisticated development programs.

A Multidisciplinary Approach: EAB Solutions serves organizations across all sectors

of the nonprofit world. EABS does not try to transplant, for example, a hospital
campaign model to your organization. However, we do bring the unique aspects of
healthcare fundraising strategies to your plan when they improve your chances of

EAB Solutions Services for the XXXXX

The flexibility of the EAB Solutions service model will enable our firm to promptly assimilate to
the needs of XXXXX and prepare a plan and timetable tailored to your unique circumstance.
We offer the following preliminary outline of campaign services based on our experience with
similar projects.
In general, campaign counsel has responsibilities to assist XXXXX in the following ways:

Draft and begin to implement the campaign plan

Direct and advise on campaign leadership recruitment and orientation

Develop a comprehensive communications/education plan about the project

Write the case statement and all other campaign materials

Prepare all meeting agendas and materials

Prepare and motivate volunteers to adhere to campaign timetables and fundraising


Supervise the research of all prospects and direct the selection of solicitations where
appropriate during the planning phase

Conduct orientation and personal briefing sessions for campaign leaders and volunteers

Direct and advise on major gift solicitations

Prepare monthly progress reports on status of campaign and necessary action steps

Critical Success Factors in a Fundraising Campaign

As a backdrop to conducting a comprehensive fundraising campaign for XXXXX, it is helpful to
outline the key indicators of success of most fundraising campaigns.

A Well Communicated and Compelling Case for Support

An organization must exhibit a need that a significant number of potential donors will
understand and embrace, but an institution with a strong case that is not properly and
effectively communicated minimizes its fundraising potential.

An Identifiable Pool of Donors

An identifiable constituency is important to the success of any development program, as it
provides a focus for the organizations fundraising programs.

Committed Leadership
Successful programs can almost always be attributed to a few committed individuals who
step-up early. By virtue of their generosity, position, and/or enthusiasm, they help to
ensure fundraising success and attract additional ongoing support.

Dedicated Volunteers
Volunteers are an essential element to any capital campaign effort. Numerous interviewees
indicated they would help, and there is time in the planning phase to identify and qualify
additional volunteers for the campaign.

A Sense of Urgency
Creating an atmosphere of urgency makes a statement to the organizations constituencies
and the community that funding is needed immediately and that such funding will result in
important changes. Such an atmosphere makes people take notice of the programs and
projects needing support.

Fundamental Fundraising Principles

The following fundraising principles are critical for success and would be central to the
campaign plan:

Personal Solicitation The Key to Success

A face-to-face solicitation for a gift to the campaign will result in a larger commitment by
the donor. As many prospects as possible should be solicited in this manner, especially
Leadership and Major Gift prospects. The planning and organization phase will
emphasize this and provide opportunities for campaign leadership to receive proper
orientation and training on effective solicitation techniques.


An Emphasis on Leadership and Major Gifts

In order to set the pace for giving in the campaign and to raise significant funds,
Leadership Gifts (50,000 to $450,000+) and Major Gifts ($15,000 and above) should be
sought early in the campaign. The planning and organization phase provides the support
and structure for these early gifts to be solicited if the prospect is ready and interested in
giving in the immediate future.


Volunteers Instructed in Effective Gift Solicitation Techniques

All volunteers should receive orientation and instruction in consistently proven and
effective solicitation methods, including the best methods of soliciting for specific
amounts, presenting and answering questions about the case statement, handling
prospects responses, and following-up. Volunteer solicitors should make their own gifts
before soliciting others for a gift. The EABS director(s) will conduct direct
solicitations with volunteers; each prospect strategy will consider the best means of
achieving an optimum result.


Pledges Rather Than Outright Commitments

The campaign will seek gifts that are payable over three to five years, rather than payable
outright. This is to encourage and enable donors to provide long-term, extraordinary
support to XXXXX. Donors will be encouraged to make a down payment on their
pledges. EAB Solutions will ensure that a pledge redemption plan is in place at the
conclusion of the campaign. A pledge redemption system that is properly established and
well-maintained should redeem more than 95 percent of the pledges committed.


Specific Gift Requests

To receive the levels of support necessary for success and to provide donors with the
opportunity for a meaningful response, all potential donors should be asked to consider a
specific gift amount commensurate with their perceived ability to give.


Sequential Solicitation of Prospects

The solicitation of potential donors should focus on requesting and receiving gifts at the
highest levels, from the best donors first. Those prospects with the perceived capability
to make the largest gifts and who are the most committed should be approached first.
Each solicitation should have a follow-up plan to ensure that a decision from the prospect
is received in a timely manner. The campaign planning and organizational phase will
provide ample time for the proper sequencing, research, and strategy for key donor


Phased Approach
The campaign should be conducted in distinct phases to create a sense of momentum and
urgency to attain the goal. Solicitation should be conducted from the top down and the
inside out.


Public Relations
The campaign should be promoted internally and externally through presentations, tours,
news releases, PSAs, special events, a kick-off event, etc. The planning and organization
phase will allow for a thorough plan to be developed and implemented during the


Promotional Material
Promotional materials and printed items are essential to a successful fundraising effort. In
addition to the case statements, proposals, pledge forms, recognition opportunities
booklets, solicitation guides, newsletters, and other items should be produced. This will
be a critical activity of the planning and organization phase in order to ensure that
materials are ready as the campaign launches.
Commemorative Gift Recognition
Many donors want, and all donors deserve, to be recognized for their gifts to XXXXX. A
number of gift recognition opportunities should be developed, including proportionate
recognition for the largest pledges. Careful review and research of naming opportunities
and recognition levels will be developed.



Campaign Committees
Volunteer leadership committees should be recruited for each phase of the campaign.
They should be asked to assist the fundraising effort in several ways. This includes
making a gift to the campaign, soliciting prospects, and opening doors to new donors,
attending cultivation events and meetings, suggesting new prospects, and endorsing the
campaign. Campaign Committee Chairs will be identified and cultivated at this phase.

Campaign Timetable
Typically, a campaign with a goal of $4.5 million or more requires between twelve and eighteen
months to achieve success. In anticipation of excellent results, the proposed contract will be for
twelve months but EABS will provide a specific timeline recommendation at the appropriate
time (model selection restrictive) based on interaction with client leadership and top donor
prospects. While specifics will vary with the detailed plan, generally the project will include the
First Phase (60-120 Days)
Activities to be accomplished during this phase include:

Prepare a detailed campaign plan including an extensive cultivation communications

Conduct research on the top two hundred prospects
Identify and recruit a Campaign Leadership Team for at least the first two phases of
the project
Draft and review the case for support and create naming opportunities, if appropriate
Develop supporting campaign materials (brochures, letterhead, etc.)
Evaluate the top two hundred prospects and separate them into four categories:
i. Immediate Major Gift Prospects those who require minimal
additional cultivation to secure an optimal pledge (payable over as
many as five years)
ii. Intermediate Major Gift Prospects strong prospects who nonetheless
may not be ready or able to make an optimal pledge in the first phase
of the campaign (to be solicited in the second phase)
iii. Long-term Major Gift Prospects prospects based on demographic
data or giving history with other organizations with limited connection
to XXXXX at this time (to be solicited in the third phase)
iv. Immediate Leadership Gift Prospects strong prospects for an
immediate optimal pledge at a lower level
Solicit all appropriate prospects based on the above evaluations (including Family)

The Intermediate Phase 90 120 Days

Activities will include:

Recruit and train volunteer leaders for the second phase

Conduct individual and small group cultivation sessions
Identify and begin cultivation of new prospects for the second and third phase
Conduct select major gift solicitations
Determine strategies for medium level and grassroots giving
Recruit and train volunteers for the final phase of the campaign
Plan for a Kick-Off and other events as appropriate
Prepare campaign materials for public distribution

The Public Phase (210 to 270 Days)

With more than half the funds committed, clear support from those closest to the XXXXX, and
all infrastructure in place, the goal is announced publicly and widespread activity is initiated for
newly cultivated major gift prospects as well as medium range and grassroots level gifts.
Activities to be accomplished during this phase include:

100-150 face-to-face solicitations
Direct mail and other grassroots requests
Victory Celebration

Fees for Proposed Services

A detailed proposal including EABS staff requirements will be provided promptly after further
consultation with XXXXX (scheduled for November 19) including fees and estimated expenses.
However, to facilitate a discussion of costs at this meeting EABS offers the following guidelines:
As required by the ethical standards of our field, EABS will set a fixed monthly fee for services
that will not vary regardless of the goal. Compensation cannot be on a commission (percentage
basis) but it is commonplace to express the total of the fixed fees as a percentage of goal for
comparative purposes.
As a general rule, campaign total costs of below 15% of goal are considered acceptable and 10%
or below is considered very efficient. On a 12-18 month timetable, EABS does not expect fees
and expenses to exceed 7% of a $4.5 million goal and may be lower, depending on staff time
required. This is based on an assumption of the equivalent of one director involved full time (20
days of service per month) over 18 months with a budget of $50,000 for campaign expenses
(including communications tools and events). EABS is likely to assign a primary director for the
bulk of the campaign work but may include support from other EABS consultants for select tasks
(for example, communications plan and materials).
The fee for one Senior Advisor (FTE) is $XXXXX per month. EABS is not in the business of
providing hours or fractions of hours of service; EABS focuses on measurable results such as the
production of written materials, conducting meetings, or raising money. Days of service reflect
our estimate of the business days onsite and in our offices - required to achieve those
measurable results. We anticipate the need for availability at times before and after usual
business hours and on weekends to accommodate volunteer schedules and this is included in our
fee. Clients typically get much more than 8 hours of EABS service for each service day.


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