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Report of Observation & Conference by the Director of Student Teaching



Collector: New Link (Web Link)
Started: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:36:33 PM
Last Modified: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:46:35 PM
Time Spent: 00:10:01
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PAGE 1: Personal Information

Q1: Teacher Candidate's Name

Ashley LeGrand

Q2: Date of visit


Q3: Time of visit

11:05 AM

Q4: Cooperating Teacher's Name

Bari Strangways

Q5: School

B.F. Williams

Q6: Grade

5th Grade

Q7: Next visit (date and time)


PAGE 2: Lesson Plan

Q8: Please enter comments below related to the teacher candidate's lesson plan(s):
The lesson plan was available for review. Ashley's plan was based on the MH model, aligned with objectives, and welldeveloped.

PAGE 3: Week Journal Review

Q9: Please enter comments below related to the teacher candidate's weekly journal review(s):
Journal reflection entries are timely and demonstrate meaningful connections between student teaching experience to
implications for future practice.

PAGE 4: Obsesrvations


Report of Observation & Conference by the Director of Student Teaching


Q10: Please enter general comments below related to your observations.

I observed Ms. LeGrand teaching a reading lesson on "Main Idea and Supporting Details." The lesson included
components which were consistent with those she outlined in her plan.
- Evidence of differentiation by content. Discuss process and product.
- As I walked around, students could clearly explain what they were doing.
- Content, process, product. (CPP)
Q11: What went well:
Ms. LeGrand used a graphic organizer to keep students on-task during teacher input. Students "practiced by doing" (d =
Q12: What could be done differently:
Some early finishers off-task; be sure to have meaningful options for early finishers.
Q13: Candidate's strengths:
Students are engaged in learning and responsive to instruction. Ashley assisted students as needed during independent
Q14: Areas that need refinement:
Ashley reflected that she continues to work toward more student-centered lessons when planning activities.
Q15: Focus for next observation:
I will observe Ms. LeGrand in her second-grade classroom in Chesapeake. I will look for continued growth in all areas.


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