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APRIL 1, 2010 PAGE 13

Struggling With Spring Fashion? Try These Tips

If The Runway Trends Have You Baffled, Try These Just-As-Fashionable Options
a kind of rare elegance that is highly for the standard black style. Worn of t-shirts made by HotTopic are
regarded by all. Here are some of with anything, the metallic legging a fashionable way for fans of the
the best fashion options that are will garner looks of intrigue from series to incorporate their obses-
more than just trends. all passers-by, making you stand sion into their own appearance.
out for all the right reasons. They Through a tee covered by Taylor
Best Shoe are a cutting-edge diversion from Lautner’s shirtless body and quotes
While many shoes can provide the norm that will easily make your extracted straight from the books,
an impeccably chic twist to your look unique from all others. you can proclaim your allegiance
look, they often require the sac- to Jacob in style.
rifice of foot comfort for the sake Best Jeans
of style. Crocs, however, offer a There are so many great jean Best Purse
perfect combination of both com- styles that it is hard to name only Functional, slender and fitted
fort and tasteful fashion. There re- one the best. A solid contender is nicely to the waist, the fanny pack
ally isn’t anything not to love about definitely the neon colored skinny is a superior purse. With its sim-
this shoe, which will surely remain jean. The bright glow of these pants ple buckle, the fanny pack offers
a classic. Constructed out of a du- is quite flattering on the legs and a shoulder-free alternative to the
rable, yet soft rubber, crocs were looks appealing when worn with bothersome handbag and with its
made to last while providing the colorful, printed tops. single zipper, makes it easy to re-
easiest, pain-free walking experi- Another type of jean that has trieve your essentials. Top design-
ence for the wearer. always remained in fashion is the ers like Fendi continue to build on
Their sleek design also includes overall. Jean overalls, which many the classic fanny pack design, mak-
large holes in the front of the wear as children, have the ability to ing the purse modernly stylish.
shoe that subtly allow the foot to carry over into adulthood and still
breathe. You can even buy Crocs work as an Americana style staple. Best Hair Accessory
in an array of different colors, the With their cute buckled straps and For decades, girls have struggled
most fashionable being lime green loose fit, its hard not to love this with teasing their hair to achieve
and hot pink. As for incorporating jean favorite. The ripped and hole- the necessary volume at the crown
them into your outfits, Crocs do ridden style, worn by fashion icons of their heads. Now, a small piece
not only look great worn with jeans like Miley Cyrus, is also a particu- of plastic in the shape of a half-
but can also be worn seamlessly larly chic look that translates a bit circle called the Bumpit has solved
with dresses of any kind. of haute couture into your every- that problem. The Bumpit is one of
day outfit. the best accessories you can buy, as
Best Leggings it covertly lifts the hair up into an
Simple black leggings are easily Best T-Shirt elegant “poof ” while laying hidden
the most popular of this kind of The best t-shirts to wear are the under a shield of hair.
These girls are starting young, rocking this season’s hottest trend, Crocs. leg-wear. You can spot them all year ones that make a big statement. From a classy up-do to the even
round on all figures in many differ- Whether it’s a blown-up image of classier half-up style, the Bumpit
By THE SITUATION continues. Out of all the trends, ent ensembles. However, simplicity your favorite musician or a large- adds a touch of sophistication to
RAM FASHION CONSULTANT there are always a few that show the is not always best. It seems that me- print slogan, its best to go with a any look. “Jersey Shore’s” Snooki
promise of becoming something tallic gold and silver leggings, like shirt that makes a profound impact has proven the Bumpit’s worth
With the dawn of every season, more permanent and long-lasting. those found at American Apparel, and announces loudly to everyone with her perfectly sculpted “poofs,”
some trends disappear and new They are styles that will withstand are far more eye-catching and, what your interests are. For ex- which were made possible by the
ones arise as this fashion life cycle the test of time because they exude therefore, an excellent replacement ample, the Twilight-themed series hairpiece.


Miley Cyrus
By THE JONAS BROTHERS movies, TV shows and records. I What’s your favorite class and
RAM HOTTIES think I’m on to something! professor at Fordham and why?
Oh wait.
Where have we seen you? What’s your favorite campus I actually have to be a student
On Keating steps trying to out- hot spot? Manhattan hot spot? for this interview?
do U2’s performance from last Sometimes I jam out in Ro-
year. You’ve probably noticed I drigues, but only when PSJ isn’t How do you blow off steam?
only sing “Party in the U.S.A.,” but there. My favorite place in Man- Singing. Coincidentally, this
that’s only because I know one of hattan is wherever I’m going to be also makes me incredibly rich.
y’all’s Senior Nights was themed taken seriously – does that place
like that. exist? I mean, I’m trying so hard to What is the biggest miscon-
be a real actress in Last Song, but I ception people have about you?
What was your favorite child- feel like some audiences might not That I’m only famous because
hood movie and why? understand my art. my dad was a one-hit wonder.
I don’t like movies unless they
involve Hannah Montana. If you could be anywhere and What is your biggest wish?
doing anything right now, what Saving my career and saving the
Who would play you in a mov- would it be? environment, in that order.
ie about your life and why? Re-doing my response to that
Do you mean me, Miley, or Han- Annie Leibovitz photoshoot for If you could be one super
nah Montana? I’m so confused. Vanity Fair. How come Britney hero, who would it be?
can act older than her age and I don’t believe in super heroes.
If you could be any famous that’s okay, but I can’t? Is it be- Plus I think I’m pretty super al-
historical figure, who would you cause I wasn’t a Mouseketeer? ready.
be and why? How many Disney markets do I
Britney Spears. She had this need to corner to pull off the sul- Guilty pleasure?
great stage presence, but her ca- try look? Well it was Twitter until I de-
reer is over. Maybe her problem (I’m in so much trouble when leted my account…
was that she didn’t have her own my parents see this!) TEENY BOPPERS PICTURES

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