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Brittany Deal

2rd grade
1. There are 24 students in a room, but the room was not suite to
the size of the class. The room was cluttered and there were too
many things in there. There was a little book area with a
bookshelf, but if the kids wanted enough space to read they
would have to go back to their seats. Classroom materials were
stored all long the walls in bookshelves, cabinets, and tables. The
students materials were stored in their personal desks. The
desks are arranged boy-girl in two in 3 by 4 rows. The room
consisted of desks, chairs, a lot of bookshelves, two filing
cabinets, and two tables. The students had hooks on the wall in
the back of the classroom, with their name posted above it, to
put their belongings on. When the students first arrive into the
classroom they put their things on the hook and get out their
folders and place them in their desks. They also put their library
books on the cart, which is then put outside the room. The
teacher lays out a paper on their desks and as they come in she
tells them the instructions. Decorations in the classroom are
appropriate. There are two different types of alphabets on the
wall, one is cursive the other is regular. The room was very
colorful, but not over doing it. There were appropriate colors for
boys and girls. I felt the comfort level was very high. There are
also encouraging phrases on the wall including number charts to
2. The teacher is the one who initiates what is going on and what is
going to be preformed next. Each day different students are
assigned to use three I Pads in the class. The also use
worksheets and the teacher uses a projector located on the
ceiling and an electronic pad with a pen to control the screen.
They have two textbooks called Reading/Writing Workshop and
Literature Anthology. However, students do not have a choice
when it comes to picking out assignments to be done. When the
students are done with their morning work they put it in a plastic
holder located on the chalkboard. When the teacher asks a
question the students raise their hands and they are called on.
When they give a correct answer they recognized by the teacher
saying There you go or she repeats the same answer after it is
given. When they answer the question wrong she explains why
that answer is wrong then she gives them another chance to give
the correct answer. If students were to work individually, in a
group, or with a partner the instruction would be expressed
verbally to everyone. Instruction is a group discussion. To keep
the kids attention they take turns reading out loud. She also tells

them to put their finger on a sentence or word in the textbook.

The teacher also asks funny questions, such as what does it
mean if you appear at school? Well what does it mean if you
disappear at school? She also says touch your nose if you agree
or when theyre done reading a page in their story she discusses
it with them.
3. The rules of the school are on the wall in the hallways, on a
computer-sized paper on the wall by the door. This consists of
voice levels, restroom rules, and bus riding rules. They also recite
a rhyme of how to sit in their seats. They also get 3 things a day
called reminders and when they run out of those they have to
pull a card. A green card they walk 5 minutes at recess, a yellow
they walk 10, orange they walk 15, and pink they get a call
home. If they bring a slip back saying they read their library
books they get to put a sticker on their chart next to their hook
and if they get the whole chart filled they get a little prize. To
minimize disruption the teacher has them grade some of their
own papers with a writing utensil that is red. The students have
to stand in line to go outside the classroom. They transition from
one activity to the next by putting their papers away and to
listen quietly. The teacher also quiets them by counting down 32-1, recites the voice levels 0-1-2-3-4, or hits the chime at the
front of the class. The 2rd grade students are scheduled for lunch
at 11:30. They use the restroom then get in line to be handed
their lunch cards. In the cafeteria they stand in two lines and are
given a tray of food then place their lunch card in a basket.
4. PowerSchool takes daily attendance. If students arrive late they
are marked tardy and if they get more than five tardys they get a
phone call home. The lunch money is brought to the teacher then
placed outside the room. The teacher then goes through each
students folder for homework assignments and to see if their
calendar was signed. A raise of hands takes the lunch count. On
the wall in the room were the months, days of the week, and
each calendar month. The students have vocab tests, math
worksheets, grammar tests, cold reads (a story the students
have never read before, they answer the questions then go back
and underline the answer in the text), and subtraction and
addition facts. During the testing procedures they put up a folder
so no one can copy and one person in each pair scoots their
desks forward. There is a fire drill escape is posted on the wall
next to the door. During fire drills some classrooms have their
own door, but other classrooms have to go to the nearest door
outside the classroom. The students do not have classroom jobs,
except for a different line leader each day. However they do
have clubs that the kids can join outside of school.

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