Colleges Against Cancer

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Elana Rivkin
Ally Jackson-Frasier
HDF 413
20 November 2015
Colleges Against Cancer Retreat
Facilitating the retreat for Colleges Against Cancer was an incredible experience to have
as a first facilitation. There were many aspects of the retreat that worked perfectly, and also
various challenges that we had to overcome as a consultant team. We were able to adjust
appropriately in the moment, which provided me with an experience that I can learn a lot from.
Going into it, I was very unsure of how I would be as a facilitator, especially with having only
one shadow experience under my belt. I felt like I had so much more to learn before I could
actually facilitate multiple activities, which made me slightly apprehensive to take this role. I
initially questioned if I was ready, but then I realized that there is no better way to learn about
yourself than by going out of your comfort zone. This approach worked very well because I was
really able to take away a lot from facilitating, and was given a different perspective into the
retreat experience compared to when I shadowed Hillel.
This retreat was for the Colleges Against Cancer group on campus, and their main goal
was to have the new members of the organization get to know the old members. They wanted to
work on group bonding and development so that can translate back to their organization in order
for them to achieve their common goal. There are many things about the retreat that went well.
The main thing that made it so successful was how great the team of consultants worked together
and how well the group members seemed to connect. Connor was a great lead; as she supported
Steven and I through the facilitation experience, she really let us take most of the control. She
allowed us to have our time to shine by mostly letting us figure things out on our own. During

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our meeting a few fays before the retreat, everyone seemed equally interested in brainstorming
activity ideas, and the whole team was able to contribute to the planning of the retreat. During
the actual retreat, I felt very comfortable working alongside Steven, and Robin, Yami, and Jamie
were very observant and seemed to have learned a lot from watching us facilitate. The students
that participated in the activities were very willing to participate and get the most out of the
While there were many things that worked during the retreat, there were definitely many
challenges that we had to adapt to throughout the night. For the first hour or so, we were working
in room 318 of the union. Being that this is a classroom, there were multiple tables and chairs set
up throughout the room, making it difficult to have space for activities. With people rapidly
arriving, we had to quickly move the tables and chairs to one side of the room and create
sufficient space to have a retreat. We then moved to the Senate Chambers for the second half of
the retreat, and had to shift tables and chairs around in there as well. Luckily, the group members
were very helpful in assisting us, which made the program run smoother. Throughout the whole
retreat, a lot of the group members were arriving and leaving at random times; this was a bit
distracting in the midst of facilitating a group activity. At the start of the retreat, some people
were less interested than others in participating, and some people were on their phones. Once
more people started coming and the group was established, everyone seemed to get into it and
work well together. One thing I noticed was that the shadows secluded themselves in the corner
for part of the retreat. They spent some time on their phones, but when they did participate, they
seemed very engaged and interested in learning.
After reflecting on the experience, I now have the awareness that my strengths played a
large role in my success as a facilitator. My top strength of Responsibility definitely helped

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motivate myself and the other consultants. I made sure that we all stayed focused throughout the
planning process, and worked efficiently. Being responsible with the retreat also made me more
prepared to facilitate. My strength of Learner allowed me to gain a lot from the facilitation
experience. By observing Connor and Steven as they led activities, I now have a broader
understanding of different leadership styles. I want to constantly improve my skills and continue
to learn as I gain more experience facilitating. I also incorporated my strength of Positivity while
facilitating. I was encouraging to the members of the group when they felt like they couldnt
accomplish a certain activity with ease. I believe that by going into anything and everything with
a positive attitude, that outlook will rub off on everyone else, and they will be inclined to feed off
of that and be more positive and excited.
My experience as a first time facilitator is very representative of Tuckmans Model of
group development. The Forming aspect of the process was the initial making of the group,
where each of us volunteered for a lead, manager, facilitation, or shadow role in the retreat. The
next step, storming, is the act of brainstorming and coming up with each activity and the order in
which they would occur. For this part, each member of the group suggested their ideas for
activities and we considered them all, and eventually solidified which few we were going with.
Norming is when our roles were determined and solidified. Here, we figured out who would
facilitate each activity and debrief, and discussed how significant of a role each person would
have for each portion of the retreat. The performing part of the model is when we actually
facilitated the retreat and began to think strategically as a group. We were able to rely on each
other for support during the facilitation of activities, and Connor, the lead, began to take a step
back. This is where we were able to prove our knowledge and skills as individual leaders. The
last part of Tuckmans model is adjourning, which is when we assessed how things went. We

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spent a significant amount of time after the retreat ended reading through the evaluation forms
that each person filled out, and we reflected on how each of us performed as leaders. We were
able to discuss the positive pieces of how things went, but also how we can improve for future
Through my experience facilitating the Colleges Against Cancer retreat, I was able to
learn a lot about not only myself, but also other leaders, and the ways different groups respond to
different activities. Compared to the Hillel retreat, this group of people had to work a bit harder
to come together and work cohesively. I think the retreat was really beneficial for their
organization as a whole, and it was really humbling to see their progress right before my eyes.
One thing I need to be more aware of is that everyone is going to have a different experience at a
retreat. Some groups are going to be more receptive than others, and I need to be prepared for the
unexpected, and be able to adapt in those situations. I have been lucky to participate in retreats
with a great group of leaders and students. There will always be challenges to deal with, and it is
important to deal with them as they happen, but it is also beneficial to reflect on the positive
aspects of the retreat in order to know what techniques to continue to use, or which ones to alter.
This experience will definitely impact how I facilitate future retreats. I plan to take a larger role
at the next one, and really let myself go. I found myself holding back at times because the large
group of people intimidated me. This experience has provided me with a great stepping-stone for
future retreats, and I plan to continue improving my leadership style as I engage in more
leadership opportunities.

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Student Organization Leadership Consultants

Colleges Against Cancer Retreat
Group: Colleges Against Cancer
Group Contact & info: Rebecca Tourtellotte
SOLC Contact: Connor Curtis
Goal of Retreat: We would like to have this retreat as a way for the new
members of our organization to get to know the returning members. We
would like to work on group bonding and coming together to work on our
common goal. I hope this organization can create lasting friendships, like it
has done for me, and I want this retreat to be a fun way for that to happen.
# Participants: 30
Date: October 29, 2015
Time: 6 pm 9pm
Location: Union
Facilitators: Steven Leone, Elana
Shadows: Robin, Yami, Jamie
Advisor: Jessi
Food Requests:
Special Requests/Needs:
Retreat Agenda:



Notes/Supplies needed

Group Contract


Waivers, Pens,
Preprogram Evals
Paper, markers, tape

Where the Wind Blows



Captains Coming


Stepping Stones


Stepping Stones




Closing - Web




General Supplies Check list:

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