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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program


Grace Kim


Subject/ Topic/ Theme

Grade _______5th_________

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This lesson is the second day of the unit and serves as the pre-assessment for this unit plan after the initial introduction lesson on the first day.
cognitiveR U Ap An E C*

Learners will be able to:

Identify the words that they do not know in a given passage by circling them.
Identify nouns, articles, adjectives, and verbs in the passage.

Spell correctly the Spanish words and phrases from the last and this semesters unit plan, and write the English
translation as well as gesture them.
Based on the images provided in the handout, create and write down a story in Spanish using the Spanish words and
sentences that they know.

R U Ap
R U Ap




R U Ap C


Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
Standards for Foreign Language Learning
Standard 1: Communication
1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language eon a variety of topics.
Standard 4: Comparisons
4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite
knowledge and skills.

Know Spanish alphabets and phonemes.

Remember the words and phrases from the 4th grade spring semester Spanish class, in addition to the
Be able to define grammatical terms such as nouns, articles, verbs, and adjectives. Identify the
grammatical function of each word in a sentence.
Pre-assessment (for learning):

Students will have to identify the words that they do not know in a given passage.
This will help to identify whether they remember the Spanish vocab words from 4th grade.
Formative (for learning):

Outline assessment
(applicable to this lesson)

What barriers might this

lesson present?
What will it take
emotionally, etc., for your
students to do this lesson?


Spell the Spanish words and phrases (dictation). Students will also have to write the translation in
English and gesture them.
Formative (as learning):

Define and identify the grammar parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, and article) for each word in a
sentence of a given passage in Spanish.
Summative (of learning):
Using the images given, create a story and write in Spanish.
Provide Multiple Means of
Provide options for perceptionmaking information perceptible

Provide Multiple Means of

Action and Expression
Provide options for physical actionincrease options for interaction

The information is presented in

both oral and written form, in
addition to the images.

The sharing time as well as the

review at the beginning will include
interactions. The assessment will
also include physical response
gesturing activity.

Provide Multiple Means of

Provide options for recruiting
interest- choice, relevance, value,
authenticity, minimize threats
Students will be assessed through
four different activities rather than
one assessment method.

Provide options for language,

mathematical expressions, and
symbols- clarify & connect

How will your classroom

be set up for this lesson?

Provide options for sustaining

effort and persistence- optimize
challenge, collaboration, masteryoriented feedback

The assessments incorporate

various expression methods,
such as the outline of the story
is provided in an image as a
visual aid.

Students express their

knowledge by expressing in
words, physical response
gestures, and later in actual
writing using the words that
they know.

The assessment material and

methods will require more
knowledge and skills

Provide options for comprehensionactivate, apply & highlight

Provide options for executive

functions- coordinate short & long
term goals, monitor progress, and
modify strategies

Provide options for self-regulationexpectations, personal skills and

strategies, self-assessment &

The information will be

provided in written and spoken
forms, in addition to the images.

Materials-what materials
(books, handouts, etc) do
you need for this lesson
and are they ready to

Provide options for expression and

communication- increase medium
of expression

The goal of this lesson will be

The activities from this lesson
stated at the beginning of the
will be focused more on selflesson, and the goals as well as
the purpose of each activity will
be mentioned before each
activity section.
Two Handouts from L1the NEW Cuntame Ms! Student Textbook:
[Gaab, C. & Placido, K. (2015). L1the NEW Cuntame Ms! Student Textbook, TPRS Publishing,
Inc. Retrieved from]
- Mini-cuento 1 (p. 2)
- El muchacho pastor (p. 6-7)
- Handout Captulo uno: El muchacho pastor (p.1) Teacher will use for the dictation.
2 Pieces of paper for each student (lined)
Computer, PPT powerpoint, and projector
Pencils and Erasers.
Document camera
If each student has his or her own desk, then they should all be facing to the front.
If not, keep the U-shape table set-up, but mention to the students the importance of not peeping at
others work or cheating.

III. The Plan

1 min
2 min



Describe teacher activities

student activities
for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
Welcome to the classroom
Students come in and sit in their seats.
Mention the target goals and objectives:
- Pre-assessment for the unit:
This will include listening, writing, and gesturing

the words.
The students should be respectful and honestno
peeking or cheating!
Any questions?

Students can ask the question if they have.

1 min
Before beginning the assessment, there will be a
brief review and sharing time.
1 min

7 min

2 min

Review: Turn to the person next to you and

introduce yourself in Spanish, telling them your
name and age.
Sharing time: One fact I know about a Spanishspeaking country!
(Lets see how much you know about Spanish
before we move on to the actual Spanish language

1 min

Give handout #1
Mini-cuento 1 (p. 2)

3 min

Tell the students to circle all the words that they do

not know, no matter how many times they appear.
This will help to see how much they remember.
Review the parts of the speech in English grammar
with some examples.
For each part, ask students if someone can define it
before showing them the answers.

5 min

3 min

1 min

(the largest
component or
main body of
the lesson)
31 min

2 min

Identify the words according to the grammar parts

of speech. This is applying English language arts
knowledge to Spanish.
(N-noun, V-verb, Adj-adjective, and articles)
*articles = underline

Students turn to each other and introduce

Students can raise their hands and share in English.

Students work on their worksheets.

Turn to the back of the handout and write them

down from the PPT.
Raise up their hands and share with the class.

Students do accordingly.

Collect the handouts and pass out the papers &

Dictation of the vocabulary words from Minicuento 2 to assess the spelling and the
understanding of the phonemes.

Write down the Spanish words, paying attention to

the spelling.

2 min

Tell the students to write down the English

translation of the words that they wrote down.
Collect the papers

Write the words in English as many as they can.

3 min

Tell the students to close their eyes and gesture

when the teacher reads the words from
Mini-cuento 1 (preparation for TPRS instruction)

Students close their eyes and gesture.

1 min
1 min


Give handout #2 El muchacho pastor and a piece

of paper to each student.
Tell the students to take a look at the images.

2 min
Share what they see in English.

Students raise up their hands and share.

Give personal time to write down the story in

Spanish. The words from Captulo uno: El
muchacho pastor (p.1) will be projected through
document camera.

Students create and write down a story based on the

images, using the words on the screen.

Collect the papers. Clean up and line up.

Students do accordingly.

7 min

2 min

2 min

Chili pepper?

Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)


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