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School Reading Problems Lesson Reflection

Fiona Kelly
#15 and #16

Objective November 16- Objectives:

Student will be able to review the
fluency checklist, as well as match
pictures (that resemble words, such as a
clock for time) to blank spaces in a
passage, and read the passage with the
appropriate pictures in the appropriate

Objective November 18th- Objectives:

Student will be able to review the
fluency checklist, as well as match
pictures (that resemble words, such as a
clock for time) to blank spaces in a
passage, and read the passage with the
appropriate pictures in the appropriate

Objectives: November 16th- Objectives:

Student will be able to learn about how

Teaching Strategy
November 16th and 18th - I
reviewed the fluency checklist
with him. When I went over this
with him, I was made sure to
stress the importance of using
appropriate accuracy, reading at
an appropriate rate, and the
importance of reading with
expression due to proper
punctuation. After I went over this
with him, I read the passage,
without the pictures in the proper
spaces. After I modeled proper
fluency, I had him put the correct
pictures in the proper spaces.
After he did this, I had him read
the passage. After he read, I went
over the fluency checklist again,
and I asked him if he thinks that
he read with proper fluency. We
talked about how he read, and he
said he enjoyed the activity.

November 16- I wrote the word,
inference, on the board. I asked


(Descriptive evidence objective was


November 16th and 18th- He was

able to go over the fluency
checklist, and put the pictures in
the proper spaces to complete the
passage. I feel that he is
improving with fluency, although
he sometimes struggles with how
fast he reads the passage. During
the passage I told him to stop
reading, and to look up and to
remember that reading at an
appropriate rate is part of being a
fluent reader. Then, he read with
proper fluency. I feel that this
activity worked really well with
him, so I would like to continue to
keep implementing this as a
fluency lesson.

November 16- He was able to

participate in a conversation

to make an inference, and develop their

own inferences through using the
technique, The Hunch Evidence
November 18th- Objectives: Student will
be able to review how to make an
inference, as well as develop their own
inferences by using the Hunch-Evidence

him if he ever heard of the word.

He said he did not know what an
inference was, so I told him to
make an educated guess. After he
guessed, I told him what the
definition was. We talked about
key points of an inference, and he
even came up with his own
thoughts. After we discussed
inferences, I gave him an example
of a statement, and an inference
that goes along with it. Then, I
handed him a worksheet. This
worksheet had examples of
statements, and he had to infer
these statements. I had him make
two inferences for each
statement, and then I made my
own inference too. Unfortunately,
we did not have enough time to
complete The Hunch Evidence
Strategy worksheet, or read
chapter twelve.
November 18- I wrote the word,
inference, on the board again, and
we reviewed what we learned on
Monday. We reviewed a few
examples of inferences, because
he was still confused. After we
reviewed, I gave an example of an
inference in the story that we are
reading. I told him to read chapter
twelve, and I handed him the
hunch-evidence worksheet. I
explained it to him, and told him
to jot down any possible
connections or predictions that he

about inferences. After we had an

in depth conversation about
inferences, he was able to
understand the example that I
gave him, as well as make his
own inferences using the
worksheet. Although he struggled
with the concept at first, after
time and discussion, he was able
to make inferences on his own.
November 18- He was able to
recall what inferences are, as well
as review the examples that we
went over on Monday. He made
his own connections and
predictions using the hunchevidence worksheet, and this
showed me that he was able to
infer his own connections about
the book.

can make in the story, and to infer



November 16 Objectives: Student will be able to review

what a theme is, and will be able to
analyze the story through prior discussion
and inferences, and pre-write about
another possible theme of Winners Take
November 18th-(same one)

November 16th- Objectives: Student will

be able to review the aw and au sort, and
complete the sort.
SWBAT create a story using 5-10 words in
the sort.
(didnt get to it.)
November 18th- Objectives: Student will
be able to be in introduced to an SC and
SK consonant blend sort.
SWBAT circle words, on a worksheet, that
begin with SC and put a square around
words that begin with SK.
SWBAT: Write/spell the words of the
object that they circle.

November 18th- I wrote the word,
theme, on the board. We
reviewed what a theme was, and
we also reviewed the work that he
completed the previous week,
which was on theme. We reviewed
how competition is a theme to
Winners Take All, and he used
his reasoning to come up with
other possible themes in the story.
He wrote these down using the
box and bullet method, which I
introduced to him.
November 18th- I presented the
categories of the word sort on the
table. I thought of a few words
that began with SK, and SC. I said
them aloud. Then, I had him sort
the words, according to which
category that they belonged in.
After he sort the words, I told him
that he is working with
consonant blend words. I
explained to him what a
consonant blend is. Then, I
handed him a worksheet, and I
had him circle the words that
begin with SC, and draw a square
around words that begin with SK. I
had him spell aloud the words too.

November 18th- He was able to

participate in a discussion on
theme, as well as recall
information that we have talked
about on theme before. I was
impressed when he was able to
use details from the story to come
up with another theme. He even
used inferences, which was great
for me to see.

November 18th- He was able to

sort the words, and he was able to
follow the directions to circle/draw
a square around the words,
according to the category that
they belonged in. I worked with
him on spelling the words aloud,
since he struggled with this. After
a couple tries, he got the words
right, but I think that it is
important that this concept is
reviewed with him.

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