Communication Essay 1

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COM 122-Sec.


The Torch I
Personal communication analysis

Preston Bickle


Every human being, past or present, is a messenger. A majority carry words of others.
Others wield their own pens and deliver their own ideology. Each epistle holds meaning for the
one delivering and the one receiving. Sometimes they are two completely distinct messages. This
can have numerous results over the course of time. Even those who attempt to hide from the
world also send a clear message, as if they lit a bonfire. But few have had a truly lasting impact
on humanity with the tidings they shared. One such man is our Savior, Jesus Christ. He spoke of,
let[ting] your light so shine before men We each wield a source of light, be it a humble
candle or blazing torch that will be seen by everyone around us. What we decide is how that
torch is wielded.
I have no fear of speaking my mind and telling things as they really are. I am extroverted.
I enjoy presenting my ideas and sharing my opinions. I accept that I am not always right, but I
know how to use my voice. I have also taken time to reflect upon my life and the torch that I
bear. Is it what I want people to see? Is it overwhelming? Is my torch too bright? Perhaps the
heat it brings is unbearable. My internal perspective of my communication skills has brought
many things to light that I was unaware of. One of them, is my talent for inclusion. Whenever I
communicate, I find deep satisfaction in ensuring all have a fair say in the matter at hand. At the
very least, I attempt to extract interaction of some sort from all parties. I feel that everyone
should feel important. This comes from my strength as a Woo-er. I desire to win others over,
and the best way to achieve that is making others feel important. It strokes our ego, when
someone wishes to have our input. Aside from delivering messages, I also enjoy receiving them.
I find that this aspect of communication goes overlooked. Listening is just as crucial as speaking.
At one point, I had no valve on my out-bound thoughts. As I matured, I saw that others wanted to
be heard too. And listening is the quickest way to winning someone over. This insight has helped


me grow closer to many of my friends and family. It is certainly a work in progress, but this
aspect of winning others over has greatly increased my effectiveness as a communicator.
I live with 5 other men in my apartment. Most of the time we are all out with our own
schedules. I have the good fortune of sharing a room with a close friend of mine with whom I
served in the same mission. I sat down with him and asked for his sincere input on my
communicating strengths and weaknesses. He presented many facets of myself that I had
overlooked. He noted that I am direct in my messages. I dont beat around the bush or attempt to
soften blows to the point that they carry no weight. He praised me on my honesty and sincerity,
noting that I always declared things that were honest and uplifting. On the other hand, he brought
to light a few things that need polishing. At times I can be too straightforward, sometimes
offending people. This, coupled with my desire to listen, should be simple to overcome and
improve. Another confidant is a fellow teammate. He pointed out that, during games, my
communication is on point. I speak loudly, clearly, and true. I relay information crucial to
winning games at precise moments. What I lack, he noted, was consistency. I had moments
where I was the command center on the field, and others where I couldnt coordinate a single
things. I recognize this as a serious issue, one that will be addressing immediately.
As I declared in the beginning, I have no fear of expressing myself. I dont, but just with
those I already have a relationship with. I lack breaking barriers with others. Winning others over
should not be selective, it should be with everyone. Everyone deserves to feel important and
worthwhile. This, coupled with my desire to listen, can help me meet new people and find new
talents, opportunities, and friendships. This is my communication goal. I want to talk to someone
new every day and remember them. I like to be recognized and I guarantee others desire it as


well. We live in a dismal world at times. People want to feel happiness. Oftentimes, all thats
needed is a kind word.
I feel that this goal falls under the Improve your Perceptual Abilities. Learning about
others is an effective way to practice perception. Approaching a total stranger requires one to
analyze and choose a course of action best suited for that scenario. Every person is distinct and
special, therefore every person needs a different approach. I plan to begin by simply talking to
more people in casual scenarios. I will not seek anything in return, simply to understand said
person and the message they desire to portray. After, I want to find them again and try to
establish a secondary conversation, or level of friendship. As I continue with this, I forsee my
analytical abilities to improve dramatically. With that improvement will also come a deeper
understanding of peoples needs.

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