Chapter 5 Listening and Responding Skills

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Sunday, November 22, y

Chapter 5 Listening and Responding Skills

True listeners no longer have an inner need to maker their presence known. They are
free to receive, to welcome, to accept. Nouwen pg.120

Listenig process
Listening - first communication skill that we learn (Process of selecting, attending to,
creating meaning from, remembering, and responding verbal and nonverbal messages)
Speak 17% | Read 17 % | Write 11% | Listen 55%

Hearing - Physiological process of decoding sounds

Selecting - process of choosing one sound while sorting through various sounds
competing for you attention
Attending - Process of focusing on a particular sound or message
Understanding - Process of assigning meaning to sounds
1st principle (people understand best if they can relate what they are hearing to
something they already know.
2nd principle (The greater the similarity between individuals, the greater the likelihood of
more accurate understanding.)
3rd principe (you understand best what you also experience) Montessori school
philosophy pg.122 I hear | I forget | I see | I remember | I experience | I understand
Remembering - Process of recalling information
people tend to remember dramatic and vital information

Sunday, November 22, y

Responding - Process of confirming your understanding of a message.
Listening Styles
Relational Listening Style - tend to prefer listening to people expressions of their
emotions and feelings.
are less apprehensive when communicating with others in a small groups and
interpersonal situations.

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