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Wireless Configuration for VMC AN1020-21 Modem

1. Connect Power Adaptor

2. Connect RJ45 Cable from LAN PC / Laptop to Modem LAN 1 Port
3. Connect DSL RJ11 Cable to Splitter Line port
4. Connect RJ11 Cable from Splitter ADSL port to Modem DSL port
5. Power ON the Modem
6. Open Internet Explorer and type press enter
7. Enter username: admin
8. Enter password: admin

9. Click on Configuration then Click on Wireless connection

10. Enable Wireless Network

11. In security Settings, Select Security option as Wi-Fi Protected Access
12. Select Encryption Protocol as TKIP Protocol
13. Select Authentication Method as PSK (Pre Shared Key)
14. Enter Security key on WPA Pass phrase Example: bsnl1234
Note: WPA pass phrase should be 8 63 Characters long
15. Click on Confirm to Save the Changes

16. Now Click on Mac Address Filter

17. Select MAC Auth as Disabled

18. Click on Apply to save changes.

Configuration on Laptop / Wireless PC

1. Open Network Connections page to configure Wireless Network

2. Right Click on Wireless network Connection & select View

Available wireless Connections

3. We will see the below window.

4. Select BSNL_AP & click on Connect

5. It will ask for network Key & Confirm Network Key. Enter Network
key as you defined in Modem wireless configuration. Example:
6. Click on Connect to establish wireless connection.

7. Laptop / PC successfully Established wireless Connection.

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