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Laboratory no. 4
Realize in Top plane the following sketch:

1. Realize an extruded-surface

2. Multiply surface by using Insert / Pattern/Mirror / Circular pattern option

3. Add a supplementary surface as illustrated in the figure presented bellow:

4. Cut surfaces using "Trim Surface" option

5. Add surface using Planar surface or Filled Surface option limited by the contours of the
part from the Top plane
6. Unify these two surfaces by using Knit Surface option. Select "Try to form solid" in the
window option command.

7. Using specific tools that are used when working with solids (fillet, shell, etc) try to give to
the part the shape that is correspondent to a key from a computer keyboard.

8. Return to the Trim-cut surface option and modify the required parameters such as at
the end the shape presented in the figure bellow will be obtained:

9. Add curves in the Front plane and Right plane, curves that are connected with the
superior area of the shape (use Pierce option constrain from Add relation window)

10. Realize a closing surface of the shape in the top area of the part, surface that will be guided
by the two curves previously designed and defined as presented at step 9 (use Filled Surface

11) Unify these surfaces by using Knit Surface option and transform the surfaces into a solid
using the Thicken option command (like shown in the last image - Section view)

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