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1.Two channel section without bend lip 200mmx50mm are connected with web to act as
a beam , the thickness of channel is 4mm the effective span of simply supported beam
4m, determine the maximum UDL inclusive of self weight which can be supported by
beam, the beam is laterally supported throughout its length .
Take fy=2400kgf/cm2.

Note: max permissible bending stress is calculated along the compression zone.
For unstiffened element:
IS 801 pg13

(1) For w/t not greater than 530\/fy

W=50- t r
W=50-4-6 =40mm
w/t = 40/4 =10
530\/fy = 530/\/2400 = 10.82

, 10<10.82

Fc =06fy
Permissible bending stress=0.6 x 2400 = 1440 kgf/cm 2
Properties of one channel IS 811 Pg 15
Ixx = 584 cm4
Iyy = 22.1 cm4
Zxx = 58.4cm3
Zyy = 5.54 cm3
For 2 channel
Ixx = 584 x 2 =1168cm4
Zxx = 58.4 x 2 = 116.8 cm3

M/I = / Y
M/I = Fc/Y
=1440 x 116.8
=168192 kgfcm
Mmax= wl2/8
168192 = w x 400 / 8
W=8.41 kgf/cm
Check for shear
Max shear force for simply supported beam
Wl/2 = 8.41 x 400 / 2
Permissible shear stress:
Pg 15 IS 801 Clause 6.4.1
h/t not greater than 4590/\/2400

48 not greater than 93.69

(1) Fv = (1275\/fy) / (h/t)
(2) 0.40Fy
Fv is the least of (1) and (2)
(1) Fv = (1275\/fy) / (h/t)
=1275\/2400 / 48 1301.29 kgf / cm2
(2) 0.40 x 2400 = 960 kgf/cm2
Hence safe under shear stress
Max deflection (or) actual deflection
= 5 wl4 / 384 EI
= (5 X 8.41 X 4004) / (384 X 2074000 X 1168)
= 1.157 cm

Allowable deflection = l / 325

= 400/325 = 1.2307 cm
1.157 < 1.2307 cm
Therefore Safe under deflection
Safe load = 8.41 kgf/cm is safe under shear and deflection

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