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Modern Language Association

Parenthetical In-text Citations

The MLA Documentation Style

Is used to cite paraphrases, direct quotations, and
indirect quotations
Helps the writer avoid plagiarism
Tells the reader where the information was
originally found
Hinges on two parts: the Works Cited page and intext or parenthetical citations they work together

Lets start simple

If you include an authors name in a
sentence, you need not repeat the name in
the parenthetical citation. If a page
number exists, add the page number in
Authors name in text: Tannen has argued
this point (178-85).
Authors name in reference: This point has
already been argued (Tannen 178-85).

Basic Format
Include the authors last name and the page
number where the information was acquired.
Educators believe that The conscious practices
of the school... serve to validate the home culture
(Ada 339). *Note: if you cite the same work
consecutively within one paragraph, only include
the citation at the end of your information.
According to Ada, The conscious practices of the
school... serve either to validate the home culture

*For a work with two or three authors, list the authors
last names in the same order listed on the book.
According to various studies, culture and learning are
dynamically interconnected (Perez and Guzman 12).
Some works either do not have a specific author or
have no author at all. Cite a shortened title of the work
followed by the page number or other identifying
ex. The French doctor Andre Breton spearheaded the
movement of surrealism, which is derived from
abstract art (History of Surrealism 1).

Electronic Sources
Look for a title (either article or page) or
author from the source you are using and
use that for your parenthetical.
If there is no title or author, use the
websites sponsor as a last resort; ex.
Ex. As stated on CNNs website, the voters
who select Hillary Clinton are
Ex. 2: Abraham Lincoln's birthplace was
designated as a National Historical Site in
1959 (National Park Service).

Use citations every time you borrow
someone elses ideas to support your
own writing. WHY?
Match information within the
parenthetical citation to the information
on the Works Cited page. WHY?
List only the texts cited in your paper in
the works cited page. WHY?

Use citations every time you borrow
someone elses ideas to support your
own writing. WHY?
Match information within the
parenthetical citation to the information
on the reference page. WHY?
List only the texts cited in your paper in
the works cited page. WHY?
Refer to the latest edition of the MLA
Handbook for Writers of Research
Papers when in doubt.

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