Training Design: Welingkar's Distance Learning Division

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Welingkars Distance Learning



Training Design

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The first step involved in designing

the training programme is to choose a
strategy or a combination of strategies.
The second step is to break the
general training objectives into
constituent pasts

The third step is to use the

specifications of different
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The fourth step is to decide on

different packages in which the
programme could be offered.
The fifth step is to work detailed
training events into sequences and
finally into the shape of the total
programme package

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The ability to help a person learn is not a

matter of direct trainer skills but the
ability to coach a person, give lectures
and lend discussions. These are essential
skills but to use them effectively they
should be based on well-designed
training. The design and implementation
of the training will be done by the trainer.
The design is a vital part to the
Systematic approach to training. The
trainer needs to develop
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It is suitable to meet identified

training needs.
Collaborate with client organization
to meet their requirements
Use the resources effectively and
Plan action for others and oneself.

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Perspective for Designing Training

Depending on the role and the status as a

trainer one could design training in several
different contexts.

One could be a human resource training


One could be an institutional trainer asked to

design a training course on Multi Media.

One could be involved in a departments

Function. The designWe
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Learning Unit

A Training need become more clearly

defined by means of job and task
analysis, more specific training can be
provided. A learning unit can be
designed for specific tasks or outcomes
to provide a basic building block for
both courses and programme.

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Training sessions

There is an underlying need to design

individual detailed training sessions.
Sessions need to be designed to make
optimum use of time and opportunities
available. These sessions are short in
duration, single location and achieve a
limited objective.

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Building a Training Design

Learning Objectives, Components

and Methods Planning a training
session involves:
1. Establishing learning objectives
based upon identified training
2. Identifying the components you want

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3. Assembling specific methods and

activities in a coherent design that might
be compared to a movie script.
Learning objectives are statements of
what we want a learner to know, feel or be
able to do at the end of training.
Learners will understand the basic principles
of adult learning and be able to apply them
by developing training strategies appropriate
to different learners in a structured exercise.

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Learners will be able to describe their own

individual learning styles and general styles
of other learners.
Learning components are statements of
what will be covered in the training session.
For the same session, components might be:

Relationship of principles of learners own

Discovery of individual styles
Practice with selecting training strategies
Experience in working
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A training design arranges specific

methods and activities in order to
accomplish the learning objectives.
A training design may include:
Census: Learners are asked to
remember their adult life when they
started to learn something and then
abandoned it.

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Flip Charts: Presentation of basic

adult learner characteristics.
Exercise: Participants are divided into
groups to go through various training
Review: Major points that have come
up in the session.

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Types Of Training: Location Based

Training methods and locations can be
discussed under three broad headings i.e.
training at work place, training at
organizational or external centers and a
combination of training at work place and
training centers.

Training at the Work Place: Training at

work-place may take variety of forms. It is
identified with career development and the
acquisition knowledge,
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In recent times as result of the everincreasing emphasis on cost-effectiveness

there has been a tendency for much of the
training that was formally given at training
centers to be now carried out at the work
place. The role of the central trainers have
changed, they take the place of consultants
to local managers in the design and
provision for training at the work place and
in their traditional presentational and
instructional roles.
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Training at Training Centers: Here the

training is conducted by the full-time training
staffs, assisted by occasional lectures and
tutors. Trainees work in groups and the methods
employed are lectures, case studies, simulation,
role play supported by films, CCTV, tape-slide
projections and other audio-visual aids. Training
usually covers subjects where needs are
identified that are common to group of
employees of similar grades of jobs. The choice
of methods and locations are determined by the
criterion of cost-effectiveness. Centrally based
training is costly however
it is essential
in Learning For
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Combining work-place and Central

The typical features of this method are:
Training is designed by central trainers
and managers.
It is designed as a series of separate but
interdependent modules.

It is a series of short courses at the center

interspersed with long periods of study at
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work place.

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Training at the work place is prepared in a

form that facilities locally supervised selfstudy.
Progressive and final tests of learning
achievement are built into the
There are certain advantages of this

It uses the advantages of the individually

oriented work-place
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It is very flexible.
Training can be extended as long as necessary.
There is achievement oriented partnership
between line managers, trainees and central
Integration of work and training is very important.
The assessment of learning achievement is very
It is useful for management training.

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Assessment of Effectiveness

Assessing the effectiveness of training is

the bottom line of the SAT. It is the end
of the road and the point when we have
to ask whether the costly investment in
analyzing needs, designing and providing
training has been justified by the results,
i.e. the effects on work performance. In
practice two kinds of assessment are
needed individual and organizational.
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In assessing the effectiveness of individual

training there are two main occasions when
it is necessary to take stock i.e.
1. On the completion of training to
determine whether training objectives
have been achieved.
2. After a lapse of time following the
completion of training in order o
determine whether training has had the
required effect on actual work
The assessment of the effectiveness of
training for individuals
carried out
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There are two sources of information for

assessing the effectiveness of training of
individuals i.e. tests designed to measure
learning achievement as objectively as
possible and subjective opinions. Apart from
the evidence of objective tests both trainers
and trainees will have opinions about the
value of training. Such options are subjective
and thereof limited. Trainees must analyze
the course in terms of their own needs and
objectives and assess what they think they
have learned and its potential value to their
future work.
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Central trainers need to make a careful

note of trainees comments. When
trainees return to their work they must
have constructive and systematic
discussion with line managers. When
people are caught up in work they tend to
forget their training , it is therefore
necessary to set up a formal system to
impose discipline for action and to
standardize organization practice. When
training is provided centrally or externally
it is also very important
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There are three ways by which central and

external trainees may obtain the information
they need i.e.
By sending questionnaires to all former
trainees and their line-managers.
By visiting a sample cross-section of
former trainees and their line managers
for direct discussions at their places of
By holding short conferences of former
trainees for collective comparison of posttraining experienceWeand
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In the interval between the end of training

and the point of assessment other influences
will inevitably affect work performance for
better or for worse e.g. personal problems,
managerial styles etc, there are many factors
both inside and outside work some hidden
from view and not measurable which may
affect behaviour. The training could be
organized through the following:
A well structure course, placement in an
Workshop, seminarWe
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A fully structured training


The system of structuring a training

programme is derived from the formal
education system. This is very commonly
used method of training. The syllabus and
the daily programme schedule are drawn
by the training institution as they consider
relevant to the needs of the trainees and
different topics are covered in a stipulated
time frame..
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The programme schedule may be

discussed with the trainees after
registration and initial orientation so that
the personal needs of the trainees could
be taken into consideration while delivery
of the programme

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1. The emphasis of the programme is

mainly on dissemination of information.
2. The contents of the programme are to
be rigidly followed.
3. There is only one trainer responsible
for the programme who may be called
Programme Director.
4. Sometimes the trainers do not possess
enough expertise to train.
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5. Sometimes outside conventional

resource persons are invited in the
programme for short duration.
6. Adequate importance is not accorded
to self-awareness and attitudes of the
7. Facilities for practical and field visits
are not always available.
8. Coverage of the syllabus during a
specified time becomes the most
important objective We
the training
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Semi-Structured Training

A semi-structured training programme is

formulated with basic assumptions that
necessary changes are made as and when
required based on the needs of the trainees.
Although an effort is made to consult the
trainees but it is a mere formality. After the
trainee registers himself he is not in a
position to react to the training programme
to the extent necessary. Thus this method is
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not very effective. In We
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Unstructured Training Programme

This is a very recent development and is a

difficult method. It calls for maturity and
necessary skills by the trainees. The trainees
themselves structure the day-the-day
programme, as there is a prestzructured
programme. The trainers play a crucial role and
so has to work hard. Such a training can be
organized if a group is manageable, it needs a
lot of initiative, innovation and hard work on the
part of the trainees in mobilizing the resources
in terms of manpower, teaching method,
teaching aid, placement
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Prerequisites of an Unstructured

1. The trainers should possess sufficient

maturity, experience and skills.
2. The objective of the programme is clear to
the trainees as well as the trainer.
3. The organizers and trainees are prepared to
explore and venture into innovative areas.
4. Necessary resources are made available to
the group as and when the programme
develops in a short notice.
5. The trainers must have patience.
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6. The trainers are prepared
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Other Forms of Training

Pre-service training
Pre-service training is generally in the
nature of university level professional
education or specialized training for
persons before they are appointed in
different jobs. In-service training is
provided after a person is duly recruited
and offered a job. It is for specific
duration. While pre-service is given to a
person for a specificWe
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Refresher Training Course

The refresher course is to be organized only
for those who had the opportunity for being
exposed to the job or in-service training. This
course should not only review the various
skills and methods used as trainers but also
need to deal with new skills and new
functions which are relevant to the job. It
helps to revise the syllabus of the training,
the duration is usually one week to 10 days.
The emphasis is however on job-oriented
practical training.
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Orientation Programme
An orientation programme is conducted for
workers before they are put on the job in which
they are given orientation in a particular field or
activity. This programme presupposes that the
person has the knowledge and the skills of the
subject matter. It is usually for one week.

Other informal forms of training and seminars
and workshops covering a particular topic but
not the whole field of activities. Senior policymakers use this, because of age, status etc are
unable to participate inWe
Learn training
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Other Forms of Training

These cover the following areas:
1. Attitude or personal development training
2. Skill training
3. Field Training

Some other activities are:

. Broadening the experiences of staff
members by exposure to number of
. Individual or group projects
. Participation in meetings, conferences and
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Training Process

Awareness of need
Consult with Client
Specify Symptoms
Analyze Training Needs
Defining existing Capabilities of Proposed
Audience and Define Selection.
Select Program objectives and define Specific
Learning Objectives( Knowledge, Skills and
Build Curriculum (Content and Sequence)
Select Methods and Materials
Other Instructional Resources (Physical,
budget, Personnel, time)
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10. Conduct training( Validate First)

11. Decide the Evaluation Methods.
12. Produce the Evaluation Instruments.
13. Discuss with the Involve the Line
14. Make Environmental Preparations
15. Line Managers Briefing.
16. Pre-Test the learners.
17. End of course Validation and Action
18. Line Managers De-Briefing
19. Review of Validated
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Key Factors In Designing

Course Design
Major Steps involved:
1. Identifying training needs
2. Determining the objectives
3. Determining the contents
4. Deciding on the appropriate modes of
5. Suggesting appropriate methods
6. Preparing teaching material
7. Deciding upon evaluation procedure.

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Identifying Training Needs for


New recruits may not possess the specific

knowledge or skill required.
When employees are transferred from one
department to another.
When employees are promoted.
When there is a change in the policy of the
When the organization undertakes new
functions with change in their goals.
It is necessary sometimes as a refresher
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course to update knowledge
skill. Learning For

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The designer of the course seeks

information about the knowledge, skills,
attitudes etc required by a particular
category of employees. Sources of such
information are:
Job description of a particular job.
Whether information which is listed in
job description is available or not.
Superiors can give useful leads.
Incumbents presently working can
suggest their training needs.
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Audit departments and external

consultancy reports can also provide
useful information.
Opinions of specialists on job
requirements can also be useful.
Trainers insight and their past
experience is also helpful.
Management audit on the teaching
effects may provide useful leads.

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To get information with regards to previous

knowledge, experience etc the main sources are
the personal records of the particular employee.
1. Establish or maintain rapport.
2. Find out if the trainee is left-or-right handed.
3. Outline the structure of the training
4. Confirm details of pre-training briefing
5. Confirm trainees level of knowledge, skills
and experience.
6. Establish own creditability
7. Clarify procedures for testing and reporting.
8. Administrative points
9. Any questions.
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Headings to Introduce a Training


Revision / Review
Confirm Trainees level of knowledge or
Motivation Structure and timing
Ground Rules
Jargon and Technical language
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Showing a finishedWe

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In Digestible chunks Delivered at an

appropriate speed and with interval.
Asking Questions
Use of visual aids
In a logical sequence
Clear and concise
Accompanied by an explanation (Manuals)
Looking at the trainee

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General Features Of a Good


good demonstration will be:

In stages
Used in Conjunction with real material
Done at an appropriate speed
Explanation and Demonstration of Procedural
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Practicing Manual Skills

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Learning of Concepts and

Principles Related to Procedural
In the process of learning a procedure the
trainee may have to learn new concepts and
principles in relation to the whole procedure or
to a particular steps.
The learning tactics recommended for teaching
concepts are :
Where possible display the idea
Present a range of examples and non-

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The trainee has to identify the similarities and

differences between the new concept.
Encourage the trainee to think and talk
actively about the concept and what it

The appropriate learning tactics to use to

teach principles are as follows:
Define the principle or rule.
Get the trainee to express the principle.
Present examples of the principle.
The trainee should generate her own
illustration of the principle.
Get the trainee to apply
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Memory and procedural Skills.

Committing to memory all the facts etc. needed

to perform a procedural task satisfactorily may,
in some cases be quite a tall order. There are
number of devices that can assist the trainee to
lighten the memory load.
Mnemonics are wisely used as aids to
remember procedures or specific information
and often form the basis of check lists.
Anecdotes serve not only to assist the
memory but they make explanations more
Visual aids and job are
often neglected
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Teaching Form-Filing

Amongst the most frequently taught subject

matter related to procedural tasks is how to fill in
forms. It can be a painful and tedious process.
Forms become interesting when it is known why
information is asked for and particularly when the
trainee is involved in trying to work out why. Such
questions as :
Why do you think we need a persons date of
Why do we need to know what their salary is?
Why does the signature need to be witnessed?
How do you think the manager will use the piece

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Explanation and Demonstration of

Interpersonal Skills
In order to organize and carry out an
effective one-o-one training session in
interpersonal skills the trainer needs to
consider the following issues:
Identifying key or critical behaviors.
Demonstration or modeling.
Practice and Rehearsal

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Micro-Skills Exercise
Before practicing a particular set of
interpersonal skills it is often found useful to
undertake short exercises that concentrate on
specific skills or sub-sets of the over all skill.
Role Play
The trainee might practice all the relevant
interpersonal skills by means of role playing.

Live Enactment
An essential part of any one-to-one
interpersonal skills programme must require the
trainee at some point to
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Reflection and mental rehearsal

These are useful methods to include as part
of an interpersonal skills one-to-one
programme. Mental rehearsal has proved to
be a valuable accompaniment to the more
traditional approaches. It is particularly
valuable to introduce reflection as mental
rehearsal just after trainees have observed a
model and prior to role playing of live

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Feedback and reinforcement

Feedback provides the trainees with

information about the effect or
consequence of a performance or the
manner in which a performance was
carried out. The learning and skilful
application of key or critical interpersonal
behaviors can be brought out by the
trainer reinforcing such behaviors through
praise and encouragement and by giving
informative, descriptive
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feedback that is, feedback that avoids

value judgments like good or
Feedback and reinforcement should be
given very soon after the trainee has
exercised critical behaviour

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The Following Guidelines help to

make feedback effective
Invite the trainee to comment on their
own performance first.
Focus on what actually happened
rather than what should have

Ask questions to draw out relevant

comments from the
about their
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Ensure the strengths and development

areas are discussed.
Ensure feedback is relevant to the
Do not get involved in arguments.

Consider the value of the feedback to

the trainee by being aware of their
personal limitations.
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Ensure that feedback is clear, tactful and

Do not overload the trainee to identify
those key areas which if improved could
result in improvement.
Draw up a action plan with the trainee.
Always try to finish on a high note by
acknowledging the things that were done
Transfer of training: An important issue for
any trainer is whether trainees are able to
put into practice what they have learned
in training.
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Positive transfer will have taken place if

they are able to make the transition from
being in a training environment to
performing the job in reality.
There are 2 forms of positive transfer.
Specific or pure transfer
Generalizable transfer

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Transfer can be effective if the

following guidelines are followed:
Making the training environment realistic,
give opportunity to practice and rehearse,
introduce variety of contexts to learn,
avoid sessions in which trainee is drilled
and show the value of interpersonal skills
that are learned.

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It is just as important to consolidate or

conclude training as it is to introduce it
Heading to consolidate training session
Level of achievement

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Reinforce the motivational message

Look forward to the next session, do not
introduce new material
Do not ask questions to test
Level of competence
Action plan

Trainer performance
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