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Introduction to Business and Technology

Teacher: Sarah Eidson

Phone: (770) 834-3386
Course Description:
Introduction to Business & Technology is the foundational course for Business
Management and Finance pathways. The course is designed for high school students as a
gateway to the career pathways above, and provides an overview of business and
technology skills required for today's business environment. Knowledge of business
principles, the impact of financial decisions, and technology proficiencies demanded by
business combine to establish the elements of this course. Various forms of technologies
will be highlighted to expose students to the emerging technologies impacting the
business world. Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical
and legal issues, and the impact of effective presentation skills are taught in this course
as a foundational knowledge to prepare students to be college and career ready. IBT is a
course that is appropriate for all high school students. After mastery of the standards in
this course, students should be prepared to earn an industry recognized credential:
Microsoft Office Specialist for Word Core Certification.
Future Business Leaders of America
FBLA is a co-curricular student organization that plays an integral part in the components
of the Business & Technology course standards. FBLA activities are incorporated
throughout this course and the rest of the Business and Computer Science courses.
Students are strongly urged to join FBLA for $15 to benefit from the wealth of
opportunities the organization has to offer.
20% Work Ethic/Participation*
40% Daily Assignments & Assessments
40% Projects/Group Work
*Work Ethic/Participation: This is anything we do on a daily basis in the classroom. It can
come in many forms, such as warm ups, assignments you turn in, the occasional
homework assignment, group work or your daily participation grade (see below).
You will receive a DAILY PARTICIPATION GRADE that is worth 3 points (15 points
per week). If you are absent for any reason you will receive a ZERO for the day. If you are
absent you must see me immediately before or after school the day after returning to
earn your participation points back for the missed day. You will be permitted to makeup
participation points from an absence through the Friday of the following week after your
If you are participating to your fullest ability throughout the entire duration of class, you
will receive the maximum points for the day. If you are not prepared with materials,
being disruptive, not involved, not following directions (or anything else that might cause
you to be off task in general or that does not follow our classroom expectations) then you
will either receive 0, 1, or 2 points that day. If this becomes a regular pattern, your
participation grade will certainly show it!

Classroom Guidelines and Expectations: To be successful in class, students should

follow these guidelines:
1. Students should give 100% to each assignment and project.
2. Student should respect themselves, the teacher, and the equipment at all time in
the lab.
3. Upon entering class, students should check the Promethean board for instructions.
4. Be in assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.
5. Listenfollow directions the first time.
6. NO adjustments or changes should be made on any computer part. (NO
7. NO food or drink in the computer lab.
8. Students are expected to participate in ALL class activities.
9. Students are expected to create their own work. No cheating is allowed in this
class. No copying of students files. No editing other student files to be your own.
No plagiarism of any work from other students or the Internet will be tolerated in
class. Appropriate discipline for violation of school rule will be followed in this
Students should not listen to music, watch videos, or play internet games on
the computer while in class unless part of class assignment.
Students should turn in assignments on time.
If student needs additional time to complete assignments and projects,
arrangements should be made to come in before or after school to complete class
If the red technology sign is posted, students have the opportunity to place
their cell phone in their designated slot. This serves a warning. If a student is
found using a cell phone when the red sign is up, this is an automatic office
referral. Students may use their cell phone only when the green sign is posted.
Make-up and Incomplete Assignments:
Students are encouraged and allowed to make up all missing work due to absence.
Students who are absent, regardless of reason, may schedule to make up any work
missed within five days of their return to school. This includes In School Suspension (ISS)
and Out of School Suspension (OSS). If a student is present and fails to turn in work, the
student may submit the work based on the teachers discretion and classroom policy. If a
student does not complete an assignment during class time, the student should initiate
before or after school arrangements with the teacher to finish BEFORE THE DUE DATE of
the assignment. This is an extremely project based course, so it is very important for
students to work diligently in class on the projects or it is very easy to fall behind.
Students will need a writing instrument (pen or pencil), notebook paper, and a notebook
for class.
It is highly recommended that the student maintain a notebook or folder with all
notes and graded assignments throughout the school year.
Semester 1
Semester 2
1. Introduction to Technology
1. Leadership and Management
2. Word Processing Applications
2. Introduction to the World of
3. Effective Communication Skills
4. Entrepreneurship and Business
3. Money Management Basics
4. Managing Risks
5. Introduction to Human Resources

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